"Where is he?" Molly bellowed. "Where is Potter? He had no right to attack my baby!"
Before Dumbledore could say a word a brown owl flew in his window, deposited a letter on his desk and flew back out again.
Opening it, Dumbledore began reading it silently and then realising that the Weasleys would want to know at least part of what it contained, read those sections aloud.
"By now I'm certain that the Weasleys, among others are in your office and out for my blood. Well they won't find me. I have already left for the Christmas break. I saw no reason to ride the school train back to London and be forced to spend time with those hypocrites, so I left early to spend time with my loving family. Note the sarcasm there. Actually I'm going to oversee the only gift they will ever be giving me. As for the angry mob of Weasleys in your office, they should actually be on their knees thanking me for what I did, because I persuaded Luna's father to let me handle Ginny instead of having her arrested for attempted murder. You see Ginny knew that Luna was allergic to bees, but she didn't know how allergic. The sting from the single bee Ginny sent to attack her would have been enough to kill her if I hadn't acted. Be warned though Weasels if Ginny doesn't learn her lesson and leave Luna alone there will be even more severe consequences. Also Mr. Weasley, Mr. Lovegood will be speaking to you in the near future about reparations for the harm done to his daughter by your psychotic daughter. I would strongly recommend that you get your daughter some psychiatric help before she really does kill someone."
"How dare he call my baby girl psychotic?" Molly yelled. "She was okay until she met him. If she has become a little mad it's because of him! I demand you bring him to undo what he did to my Ginny!"
"As for what I did to Ginny…" There was a moment of silence before Dumbledore continued, "it is only temporary. It will last until she returns to Hogwarts after the Christmas break. Once she sets foot or I should say paw on the same flagstone she was on when she was transformed, she will be returned to normal."
" Two weeks! " Molly shrieked. "He's leaving Ginny as a dog for two weeks. I want him out of here, Dumbledore! He is a threat to the other students. I want him expelled!"
"Actually," Adam Jessup spoke up. "Mr. Potter can't be expelled, because he is not listed on the rolls of Hogwarts as a student this year. It is only by virtue of a law enacted by the Wizengamot that he was forced to come back, but because of his expulsion during his sixth year he was not magically put back on the rolls."
"And just who are you?" Molly glared at the man who told her she couldn't have Harry Potter expelled.
"I am Adam Jessup, one of those sent to inspect this school by the Wizengamot and the Department of Magical Education for the British Ministry." He told her then added. "Actually Madam, you should be more worried about your daughter's actions, because they are going to cause her to be expelled."
" Expelled! " Molly's voice got louder and more piercing. "My baby was attacked by Potter and you tell me you are going to expel her!"
"No," Jessup told her softly. "Your daughter is going to be expelled for her admitted attack on the person of Luna Lovegood. Since her wand was transformed with her, her expulsion will have to wait until she is returned to Hogwarts after the end of the Christmas Break."
Arthur spoke up for the first time. "Dumbledore, you can't allow this to happen! Ginny is a good girl. I'm sure it was an accident."
"I'm afraid that he has no choice. He has been lenient far too many times in the past to Gryffindors and if he were to give your daughter preferential treatment after what she admitted to in the Great Hall in front of too many witnesses, he would be removed as Headmaster… permanently ." A woman sitting beside Mr. Jessup spoke up. "The rules governing Hogwarts and its students are quite clear. Unless the student has been attacked by another, any fatal attack, nearly fatal attack, or attack that leaves another student disabled, requires that the attacking student be expelled and compensation be provided to the student or their family if the student doesn't survive the attack. It was put in place over four hundred years ago to keep the hexes and curses being used by the students from being fatal. The only reason there may not be Aurors at her expulsion will be if Mr Lovegood as Head of his family confirms that he agreed to let Mr. Potter resolve this matter for him except for the matter of the compensation for your daughter's attack on his only child."
"Whether he can be expelled or not, I want Potter removed from this school." Molly insisted. "He is a danger to all the students. He has shown he doesn't care about us or anyone else in the Wizarding world. He is slowly destroying my family in the process of your trying to get him to forgive us. Because of his actions, Ron is no longer a prefect and Ginny is facing expulsion. Why are you insisting on keeping him here?"
Ginny the dog barked angrily and growled the thought of not having access to the man she loved. Even though he was angry at her now, she knew there was one thing she could give him that he had wanted all his life, a family, and she would put that plan into operation once she was back in human form. All it would take is the potion she had hidden in her trunk. She had gotten Dung to buy it just in case and with the hope that she would never have to use it, but it now looked like she would have no choice, if she was to get her man.
"I'm sorry Molly, but that can't be done." Dumbledore had a look of regret on his face. "While I know it doesn't appear that way, it is for the good of the Wizarding world in the long term. Mr. Potter has to realise that he belongs here among us."
Molly crossed her arms over her chest and snorted. "I don't see that happening. It has been over four months since you began this grand plan of yours, but there are no signs of him beginning to thaw toward the wizarding world or us over what happened last year. You mark my words Dumbledore, you may be good at getting people to do what you want, but this time you are going to fail and we in the wizarding world are going to pay the price for it."
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