Gringotts’ Unwelcome Guests

The irritation Molly Weasley was feeling rose up another notch as she and her husband stepped into the meeting room at Gringotts and found there were a number of people already there. She recognized a number of them as being from Dark and borderline Dark families, including Narcissa Malfoy. She wasn't really surprised to find that they had kept things that rightfully belonged to innocent children, but she didn't belong here. She had nothing that belonged to the Weyland family. The tiara that Dantes was trying to take from her rightfully belonged to the Prewitt family. Her family would never have kept anything that didn't rightfully belong to them and she wasn't about to let anyone take away the last thing she had to remember her Great Aunt Muriel by.

She was also very annoyed that the place they were supposed to meet Mr. Dantes had been changed from the Ministry to Gringotts at the last minute. According to what Arthur had been told by Josiah Weems, the court clerk, when he asked about the change, Mr. Dantes had requested the change saying he would prefer it to be held somewhere where he would have immediate access to reliable information regarding the condition the Weyland properties were supposed to be in as well as an accurate assessment of their value. She was going to have a few choice words to say to that young man about the deliberate insult he'd given to her husband and the other honest people who worked at the Ministry, by implying that none of them could be trusted to tell the truth or do the right thing. Arthur was the most honourable man she knew.

As she tightened her grip on her squirming daughter, Molly growled, "I can't believe I have to come here and defend my right to keep my property. I intend to end this farce right now."

"Now, Molly, dear, we'll get it all sorted out." Arthur tried to calm her down as she started pushing her way through the small clusters of people gathered in the room.

The last thing they needed was for Molly to lose her temper, because if she tried to run over this Mr. Dantes like an angry troll, it would just confirm in most people's minds that her family had indeed kept items that rightfully belonged to the Weyland children, when their father had been shown to be innocent. Having known the Prewitt family for years himself, he was certain that there had been a mix-up and that was all, even though they could find nothing in any of the records that had been saved when the Prewitt family home had been destroyed that proved Molly's claim to her Great Aunt Muriel's tiara. The Prewitts were well-known defenders of the Light and that was why they had been one of the main targets of You-Know-Who during his first assault on the wizarding world. They would no more keep something that didn't belong to them than Albus Dumbledore would break his word.

Ginny let out a yip of pain when her mother squeezed a little too hard. She had gotten a brief sniff of Harry's scent before he vanished from the Great Hall the night he turned her into a dog and her new senses were telling her that her Harry was in the room. She needed to go and find him, so she could be with him. She would show him that no matter what form she was in, she would be loyal to him from now on and that they belonged together and she would allow nothing to separate them.

"Sorry dear," her mother apologised as she absently handed Ginny to her father. "Arthur, you stay here, while I go and settle this matter once and for all."

Molly Weasley's voice was very penetrating and got the attention of those seated at the table near the front of the room, as she pushed past the court clerk who was trying to keep these proceedings orderly.

A young wizard with dark brown hair and hazel eyes who was seated at the table, met her gaze for several moments, before saying to the room at large, "And here we see a fine example of an adult Gryffindor. Impatient and certain that everything they do is just and right."

"Young man," Molly snapped, "your parents should have taught you to respect your elders."

" Madam, I do respect my elders, when they don't act like impatient five year olds who refuse to wait their turn."

Molly bristled, but before she could say anything in return, he turned his attention back to Mrs. Malfoy. "It would seem madam, that this woman is in a great hurry to return my family's property to me, so would you mind if we postponed our discussion of which Malfoy property will be taken in compensation for the Weyland estate near Avebury that your husband sold?"

While Narcissa Malfoy just wanted this whole humiliating episode over and done with, so that she could get back to trying to find a way to get the spell on her son undone, she wasn't about to miss the chance of seeing Molly Weasley, well-known advocate for doing what was right, taken down a few pegs. When she'd first heard Molly Weasley's voice she'd been very surprised. After all who would have thought that a member of a well-known Light family like the Prewitts would keep something that didn't belong to them. Wait until my friends hear about this!

Rising gracefully to her feet, Narcissa turned to give Molly a look of stunned amazement. "I don't mind waiting, though I must say that I am surprised to see you here, Molly. I mean who would've thought that a Prewitt would keep something that didn't belong to them."

Narcissa paused for a moment as if in thought and then continued, "but then again, maybe I shouldn't be all that surprised, considering the actions of some of your children."

"You are misinformed. I have nothing in my possession that belongs to anyone else. I am here today to get this mix up sorted out." Molly countered stiffly. She knew that Narcissa was referring indirectly to Percy, who had been condemned to death, though the Wizengamot had yet to decide on the method of execution, given that Harry Potter had destroyed all the Dementors.

"Mrs. Weasley, you as the Muggles would say, are wading in de Nile." The young wizard spoke up before Narcissa could make any further comments. "But since you are in such a hurry, madam, please be seated."


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