In London, Harry approached the office of Myra Armstaad and Associates. Alex had recommended her as a good solicitor for purely non-magical legal matters and he had found her services invaluable.
Not only had she helped him locate and purchase his new home, she had found two of the best and most discreet investigators to check into some personal matters for him. Now if everything went as planned then either tonight or tomorrow, two very explosive long overdue bombs were going to be dropped on some very deserving individuals.
"Good morning sir,' the receptionist chirped brightly as she checked the appointment schedule for today. Since it was Christmas Eve the schedule was very light and there wasn't a scheduled appointment for another two hours. "Do you have an appointment with one of our solicitors, sir?"
"No, I don't today." Jessica Moore the receptionist almost visibly melted at the velvety smooth voice that went so nicely with the handsome face and nice looking body. "My name is Liam Dantes and I'm a client of Ms. Armstaad's. I was hoping I might be able to speak to her about a matter she is handling for me before I leave for the Christmas holiday."
Briefly Jessica wondered if he would like some company, because it sounded like he was going alone. With a mental wrench, she pulled her thoughts away from fantasies of what the man might look like naked and told him, "give me a moment sir and I'll find out for you."
After a quick call to Ms. Armstaad's office, she led him down the hall to her office. "Here you are, Mr. Dantes."
Once the door was closed, Harry dropped the glamour he was wearing and heard Myra say, "You've made another conquest."
Harry shrugged, not really worried about it.
"It's a good thing the office is closing early today." Myra continued teasing him. "I doubt I'll get any more work out of her today since she will be mooning over you."
"I was kind of surprised to even find you open today." Harry told her. "I just wanted to double-check and make sure that everything was going to go off without a hitch."
Myra understood at least a little of her client's nervousness, having heard some of the stories about the parties involved. This justice was long overdue. "Ben heard from his contacts that it will probably happen on Christmas day since they want him off-guard. As for the other matter, since they only received the converted bank records a few days ago they might show up tonight or tomorrow. They won't care if it's Christmas when it involves fraud on this scale. I still can believe they never reported any of it."
"I've never thought they were that bright, besides it fit into the image they wanted to project to the neighbourhood." Harry smiled a nasty sort of smile as he imagined the reactions of those involved. "And has the press been notified?"
"Yes, but I'm sure they will check their sources first before going out, but the local press at least should be out there." Myra assured him.
"I just hope nothing alerts them at the last minute." Harry didn't want this particular project spoiled.
"Given they've been getting away with it this long, they probably aren't too worried about it." Myra commented. "They'll probably expect it to be fixed just like all the previous problems, not realising that they won't involve themselves in something like this."
Harry sighed relieved. Even though Myra had very little contact with the Wizarding world due to the fact she was a Squib, she still knew more about how things worked than he did, including how the magical government might operate in a situation like this.
"Thanks Myra," Harry gave her a genuinely warm smile. "I hope you have a Happy Christmas."
To say that Dudley was upset about having his cousin in the house once more, even if only for a couple of days, Petunia knew was an understatement. Fortunately for her son, he had chosen to work his frustration out at the gym, the day before, otherwise her nephew might've done something, he wouldn't have regretted to Dudley. He'd made it very clear over the summer that he wouldn't tolerate any more of Dudley's tantrums.
To make up to her lovely son for his tolerance toward Harry's presence in their midst once more, Petunia had gone all out for this Christmas dinner. She was pleased to see that Dudley was enjoying her efforts. Clearly her nephew's presence on this special family day hadn't spoiled his appetite.
Marge had chosen to eat in the kitchen instead of sharing the table with them and Petunia personally thought it was the wisest decision she could've made. She had never said anything to Vernon about Marge's drinking, putting up with it and her because of the remaining Dursley money that they were supposed to be getting when she died. She knew from experience that once Marge had a few drinks in her she was unable to control her mouth. Petunia also knew without a doubt that if she were foolish enough to insult the boy or his parents, he might do something worse to her than he did a few years ago and this time they might not be able to get those freaks to undo it, especially if they were as scared of her nephew as he seemed to indicate.
Vernon on the other hand, Petunia could tell was barely restraining himself. Petunia knew that he wanted to knock Potter into the nearest wall. The only thing stopping him was the pledge her nephew had given her. She had explained to him that it was binding on the boy's magic and he would never be able to come near them again or come into their home without an invitation. Well, she reflected grimly, and the fact that Potter could turn him into a bug and step on him, crushing him to death.
"Very nice meal, Aunt Petunia," Harry complimented his aunt halfway through dinner, seemingly unconcerned by fact he was about as welcome in their home as a dog with fleas. "A pity I missed your cooking all these years."
Vernon's knife and fork hit the plate with a loud clatter and he turned to glare at the unwelcome intruder in his life. "If I'd had my way you would be missing it now."
"Now, now, Vernon, think of what your Vicar would say if he could hear you now." Harry chastised the beefy man. "It's Christmas, remember. The season of Giving."
Before Vernon could think up a suitable response, the doorbell rang. Vernon glanced at Petunia silently inquiring about the identity of the caller. Petunia shrugged. A quick glance at Dudley showed he wasn't even paying attention to the door, so the visitor wasn't for them.
The doorbell rang again and was followed quickly by a knock. Vernon turned on Harry and growled. "Friends of yours perhaps, boy?"
Harry looked at him calmly, not responding to the 'boy' taunt. "I have no friends around here. You and your misbegotten family saw to that. And those few I would call friends in the magical world," he enjoyed watching Vernon purple at the 'm' word, knowing that he couldn't do anything about it, "wouldn't come here."
The doorbell rang again followed by more strident knocking.
Stomping to the door, Vernon growled, "Probably somebody collecting for something and thinking they won't get turned away because it's Christmas."
He fully intended to show that person the error of disturbing his meal, but was brought up short by the sight of police uniforms on two constables standing in his doorway and the large police van out in front of his home.
Police Constable Danforth and his partner Police Constable Sallick recognised Vernon Dursley from the photos they had of the man. They knew from the Chief that this was a man that no charges seemed to stick too and most of them had revolved around the nephew who lived with them, usually accusations of abuse of one type or another though the accusations were quickly retracted by those who had made them, up to and including a teacher who had been summarily transferred but the school's Headmaster after her accusation had been withdrawn. The Chief had suspected he had to be high up in organised crime and it had appeared his son was going the same way until today. Earlier this week something had made the Chief's day. A pair of investigators at the request of their employer had dropped off rock solid evidence of Dudley Dursley's criminal activities. There would be no getting out of this for either him or his gang of thugs. They finally had an airtight case against one of the Dursleys.
"How may I help you, officers?" Vernon finally growled, though his tone was respectful.
Determined to do everything by the book, so there would be no procedural errors that would get the boy off later, Danforth identified himself. "I'm PC Micha Danforth and this is my partner PC Dennis Sallick. Are you Vernon Gilbert Dursley?"
"I am." Vernon confirmed then asked again. "What can I do for you officers?"
"And is this also the residence of your son Dudley Malcolm Dursley?" Sallick asked.
"Yes he lives her with his mother and I," Vernon was beginning to get a little worried. Why would they be asking about Dudley?
"Is your son currently at home?" Sallick wanted to know.
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