"Why do you want to see my son?" Vernon demanded, blocking the doorway. "Has one of the neighbourhood brats accused him of bullying them again? My son would never hurt anyone younger than him. In fact he's been known to protect them from bullies."
"The matter we need to see your son on is police business, sir," Danforth told Dursley. "May we see your son please?"
"Not without a warrant," Vernon bristled annoyed that they wouldn't believe him when he said his son hadn't done anything wrong. "I know my rights and my son's…."
Vernon shut up as one of the constables handed him the warrant for Dudley's arrest.
"And now may we speak to your son?" Sallick stepped closer to the doorway, forcing Vernon to step back and allow them to enter.
Hearing sounds in the dining room, the two constables headed there. Silence fell on the room as they entered. Petunia had stopped in mid-word her one sided conversation with her son.
Spotting their quarry seated at the table, they moved until they were on either side of him. As soon as they were within reach of Dudley, the senior Constable, Danforth announced, "Dudley Malcolm Dursley, you are under arrest for extortion and assault upon a number of individuals…"
He continued listing the young man's rights under the law as Sallick gestured for Dudley to rise. Dudley initially refused, until Sallick applied a pressure hold to the hand holding his fork that while not ultimately harmful was very painful.
"Stop! You're hurting him!" Petunia cried trying to get between the policeman and her son. "My son never hurt anybody! You've got the wrong person!"
"Madam, I would suggest you back away or you could wind up being arrested as one of his accomplices." Sallick told her as he pulled Dudley's fat wrists behind him so they could be handcuffed together. Their regular handcuffs wouldn't fit. He had to resort to the zip ties they used for people who couldn't fit the cuffs. "We've already picked up four of his confederates. Mr. Dursley is the last and at least one of the other four has implicated your son."
"And I tell you, you are wrong!" Petunia snapped as Marge came in to see what the commotion was all about. "My son would never hurt anyone."
"These pictures tell a different story, madam." Danforth showed her a few of the less offensive pictures of Dudley and his gang threatening children and young teens. "I would suggest you find your son a good solicitor."
Marge picked up one of the pictures that Petunia had dropped on the table and looked at it. "It could be an altered photo. I know someone near home who does it for a living. Constable, you have the wrong person. I know my nephew and I will vouch for his character. He would never do this. He has no reason to. We provide him with everything he has ever wanted."
"And maybe that's part of his problem." Sallick muttered softly, before saying in a louder voice. "That will be for a judge to decide, madam."
"Mummy! I don't want to go!" Dudley burst out crying like a child as the officers led him toward the door.
He tried to drag his heels hoping the men would give in just like his parents always had. That had an undesired result as the man who'd gotten him out of his chair applied that painful hold again and it quickly put an end to his resistance.
"Darling," Petunia promised, "Mummy and Daddy will be there as soon as we contact Mr. Parkinson. You won't be there long. Be brave my darling boy."
Danforth wanted to throw up at the drivel coming out of this woman's mouth. Her son was a grown young man, not a baby or a child. The expression on his partner's face as they continued to drag Dudley out showed he was trying to contain his laughter at what Mrs. Dursley had said.
Harry stood off to one side taking everything in. He would be storing this event in a pensive as soon as possible. He made mental note to find out when Dudley's trial would be. He wanted to see it and as long as he never went near his relatives then his oath would be kept.
Vernon put down the phone. "George, said there won't be any hearings until after Boxing Day and we won't be able to arrange bail until then."
"You mean our baby has to spend two whole days in jail!" Petunia looked furious. "I won't have it Vernon! You must have some connections that can get him back home tonight!"
"They are all out of town until after the first." Vernon told her.
"You can get him out of jail!" Petunia whirled around and looked at Harry. For the first time in her life she was glad there was a magic user in the family.
Harry pointed to himself and asked, "Me?"
"Yes, you can get my baby out of jail!" Petunia insisted. "You know he's a gentle boy who would never hurt a soul."
"You are deluding yourself as you always have Petunia." Harry told her surprisingly calm. "You're willing to make a deal with the devil right now to save Dudley, but I will not use the thing you've made quite clear you despise me for to get your son out of the trouble he's made for himself, even if you got down on your knees and begged my forgiveness for all the wrongs you have done to me in my life. Your son is a bully and has been since he was little. You both taught him by your treatment of me that it was okay to beat up on those who were smaller or weaker than he was. He and his friends used to engage in a game called 'Harry Hunting' and if they found me they would beat me to a pulp. Once I was gone to Hogwarts, he would pick on the children in the neighbourhood. You and Vernon never disciplined him when his bullying and assaults were reported to you so he learned from that was that he would never be punished for anything that he did wrong. He also learned that you would always excuse it or buy his way out of whatever trouble he'd gotten himself into."
A few of the curious neighbours who had come over to see what was going on and had congregated near the open front door had missed the first part of Harry's speech but they applauded for the last part.
" Get out of my house! " Vernon roared.
The neighbours scattered like startled birds, but they didn't go very far, just to the next door neighbour's yard.
As Vernon started to slam the door shut a pair of men in dark suits walked up to the door and asked, "Are you Vernon Dursley of Number 4 Privet Drive?"
"Yes," Vernon sighed, wondering what else could go wrong today.
"Mr. Dursley, I am Mr. Parks and this is Mr. Lyle. We are from Inland Revenue and we have some questions regarding the returns you have filed for the last seventeen years."
Seeing the curious neighbours were still near enough to overhear, he waved them inside and after closing the front door brought them into the sitting room.
"Vernon, who are these men? What do they want?" Petunia was worried more trouble might be about to visit her beloved son.
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