Harry's Shock

"They claim to be from Inland Revenue and want to discuss our returns for the last seventeen years." Vernon told her. While his face didn't show it, he was worried that they might have found out about the money he'd been paid for taking in the Potter's brat. He'd never told his accountant about it preferring to use it for their trips and things for Dudley.

"Why would Inland Revenue suddenly want to talk to us?" Petunia demanded of the two men standing in her living room. "You be better off going after those who avoid trying to pay their taxes. We pay ours every year and personally I think they are way too high as it is."

"Pet," Vernon tried to hush her.

"My husband is an honest man and he pays all the taxes he owes." Petunia ignored him. "I don't work so there is no other income coming into this house to account for."

"What about the money paid to you and your husband for the care of your nephew, one Harry Potter?" Mr Lyle wanted to know.

"Me?" The young man leaning up against the wall spoke up in surprise. "They received money for taking care of me !"

"And who are you, sir?" Mr Parks asked, pulling out his notebook.

"I'm Harry James Potter." The dark-haired young man identified himself. "I'm her nephew, the one your companion was just talking about."

"I take it from your reaction that you didn't know about them being paid for your care?" Lyle spoke up quickly.

"No, sir," Harry was smiling inwardly though he kept a shocked expression on his face. "My Aunt and Uncle always dressed me in my cousin's cast-offs and I never received birthday or Christmas gifts from them. Just out of curiosity how much did they get for taking care of me?"

Mr Lyle pulled a notebook out of his briefcase and checked it. "From the age of one year old to the age of six, they received a thousand pounds a month to provide for your care. From the age of six to the age of eleven they received three thousand pounds a month. From the age of eleven to now they received four thousand pounds a month during the summer months."

He looked at Harry questioningly as if wanting to know why they weren't paid for his care for the rest of the year after age eleven.

Harry obligingly told him, "I went to a private school in Scotland that was paid for out of a trust left me by my parents. My parent's bank handled everything having to do with the trust, until I inherited it recently. I didn't even know about the trust fund until I started school when I was eleven. So you're telling me that the Dursleys received almost…" he did some rapid calculations in his head, "a quarter million pounds for my upkeep and they never spent a penny of it on me ! They always made it sound like I was stealing their life's blood with the little they did provide me."

Harry turned on his Aunt and Uncle. "How much of my money went to that junk you bought Dudley every year and that he promptly destroyed? How much of it was spent on those trips you never took me on? You know the ones you left me with old Mrs. Figg for!"

Neither of them answered him. There was nothing they could say that wouldn't implicate them further in front of the Inland Revenue agents

"Well, Mr. Durlsey, I think this confirms the information we have and is enough to order a full audit of all your personal and business finances for the last twenty years. I would suggest you start getting all your records together Mr. Dursley. You will receive a notice about when you will need to appear in our offices in London. I would suggest bringing your accountant and possibly your soliticor." Mr. Parks announced as he and his partner moved toward the front door.

Harry bowed slightly to his Aunt. "Lovely dinner Petunia and I very much enjoyed the show as well. A pity we won't be able to do it again."

He made it as far as the doorway and had it open before Vernon finally lost his temper. "This is all your fault!" Vernon bellowed and grabbed Harry, swinging him around as he stepped out the door. Whether he intended it or not, Vernon's attempt to turn Harry around knocked him to the ground.

Catching sight of the neighbours still chattering away in a nearby yard, Harry decided to stir the pot even more, especially if the press were still there. "You claim it's my fault that you decided to steal from me! Oh give me a break! You are the one who decided to steal a quarter of a million pounds that my parents left in trust to provide for my care while I lived here. You make out like I'm a penniless orphan to the neighbourhood, so they'll look down on me. You let them think I'm ungrateful for all the good things you provided for me and that I destroyed them when it's actually Dudley who destroys everything he touches!" He noticed that some of those selfsame neighbours were looking at the ground ashamed of themselves. "Tell me Uncle! What did you and your family ever provide for me, except your leavings, beatings, and hard labour from the day I turned four years old? You tell the neighbours I'm a criminal when you, Aunt Petunia, and your precious Duddikins are actually the thieves. You stole from me and you expect me to be grateful that you did! You expect me to take the blame because your crimes are now coming out into the open. Well I won't! You created this situation and now you'll have to figure your way out of it. I can tell you this, it's not going to disappear by magic ."

Harry felt compelled to deliver one last parting shot. "By the way your sister is broke and up to her eyeballs in debt. I know this because I managed to acquire all her debts. Be sure to tell Marge she will be hearing from me soon and that we will be having a long talk and tell her I expect her to be sober."

Vernon stormed out the door after him and caught sight of the neighbours standing in the next yard and quickly went back inside slamming the door.

Harry looked over at the slowly growing crowd of neighbours and grinned before heading off whistling. His job here was done.


The twins were just sitting down to their Christmas dinner at the Leaky Cauldron when someone in a hooded cloak approached their table.

The person within the cloak said, "I understand you wanted to speak with me."


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