Mouse in the Spotlight

"How could you possibly have anything to do with it?" Fudge bristled, annoyed that the brat wasn't showing him the proper respect he was due. He was still Minister by Merlin and deserved to be treated with respect.

Harry's smile became even more menacing as he told the petty bureaucrat, "I'm one of the chief witnesses against you . And if you weren't told before the charge is High Treason against the magical world." Harry just loved the horrified expression on Fudge's face at that bombshell.

Harry glanced at Madame Bones and saw the smirk on her face. "I take it he didn't know the real charges?"

"I didn't want him trying to make a break for it." Amelia told him. "I told him the hearing was about his being removed as Minister, which was true, I just didn't mention the rest of the charges. If he'd known he was to be charged with High Treason, he would've disapparated so fast his clothes would've been left behind."

Fudge seemed to be hyperventilating and then there was a sudden pop and he was no longer beside Madame Bones. There was a second popping sound at the far end of the room near the door. Fudge tried pulling the door open, but it wouldn't budge. He vanished with a pop but reappeared a moment later in a different corner of the room. A third popping sound was heard and he appeared back in the original corner.

Grinning. Harry pointed his staff at Fudge and a bolt of blue light shot from the stone at the tip, hitting Fudge as he disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had a tail, furry ears that would've looked at home on a mouse or rat, a long twitchy nose, and a pair of huge buckteeth protruding from his mouth.

"It's like watching a mouse try and get away from a cat isn't it?" Harry commented to Amelia as she watched Fudge pop from one corner to another, unaware of how ridiculous he looked.

"Fudge!" Dantes finally shouted, after Fudge's tenth attempt to leave the room. "Stop right where you are! You can't get out of this room. It is useless to continue trying. You will face long overdo justice for your actions if you are found guilty. Now act like a man instead of a mouse."

Fudge reluctantly took the seat at the other table. Madame Bones joined him a few moments later.

"Lord Potter, would you please undo the spell you placed on Mr. Fudge?" Dantes requested.

"Do I have to?" Harry whined like a little boy. "He makes such a cute mouseman."

"Yes." Dantes was firm, though there was grin on his face.

Looking disappointed, Harry pointed his staff at Fudge's back and another bolt of light shot from it. This time it was yellow and once it hit the Minister the mouse features returned to normal human ones.

The door at the rear of the room opened again and this time a stream of people came through. Harry recognised some of them, but not all of them. The Weasleys were there including Ginny the dog having come in right behind Dumbledore. Surprisingly Snape and Umbridge were there as well, though they were both under guard by a pair of Aurors each. Harry guessed that they were all witnesses since this didn't seem like a trial where you would want a visitor's gallery to witness it.

Ignoring the Weasleys, which was easy to do since they hadn't seen him yet, Harry studied Snape and Umbridge. It was an interesting study in contrasts. Snape was still wearing the robes he had been arrested in and they were beginning to look a little worn, but he still looked as arrogant as ever. Harry was willing to bet his tongue was still as sharp as ever too. Umbitch on the other hand standing there, looking like someone had just killed her kitten. Harry doubted she was even aware of her surroundings, since she was staring at the ground and not really responding to anything. Harry couldn't help wondering if she were trying to pretend she was insane so she could get moved to St. Mungos Psychiatric ward. The two prisoners were led to chairs that had appeared on the far side of the room near the Defence table.

As Umbridge passed the Defence table, she reacted to Fudge and Amelia's presence with a squeal of glee, like a teenager who had just seen her favourite rock star. "Minister! I knew you would make them see they were wrong to send me to Azkaban! I'm finally going to be exonerated and freed! I knew that you believed in what we were doing!"

Fudge looked as if he were going to be ill as Umbridge gushed about how she was glad to be getting back to work as his assistant and that she would help him set things right the way they were supposed to be.

"Madam!" Dantes' voice cut through her mindless chatter like a knife. "Please cease your caterwauling. I'm afraid you are mistaken as to the reason you are here. You see the Minister is the one on trial here. If you received anything remotely like a fair trial then I am sure you deserve to be in Azkaban for whatever crime you committed."

Umbridge stared at the young man seated at the table as if she couldn't believe he'd had the audacity to say that. Drawing herself up, Umbridge said, "How dare you suggest that the Minister should be on trial? Who do you think you are? It is quite clear to me that you are a nothing.… A nobody. If you were someone of importance then you know about all the good the Minister has done for the magical world."

"Actually madam that is where you are wrong." Dantes smiled, but it wasn't a pleasant smile. "Based on my family's lineage, I am one of the most important people you will ever meet."

Trying to avoid a situation, Fudge begged his former assistant. "Delores, please sit down. We have to let them have their moment, but I am certain I will be vindicated."

Umbridge stared at the unknown young man and sniffed loudly, before doing as she was asked.

"Could everyone please take their seats we are ready to begin?" Lord Altren requested.

Longrim picked up the sheaf of parchment and prepared to read out the list of charges against Minister Fudge, when a woman's voice demanded shrilly. "Harry James Potter, you get over here right now and change my daughter back!"

"Ah Mrs. Weasley, once again you are making demands." Dantes identified the speaker. "And why do you feel compelled to interrupt these proceedings?"

"I demand that this august body force Potter to restore my daughter Ginny to her original form and to do it this instant." Molly ignored his question.

"And what pray tell does you're your daughter's transformation have to do with the business before this Council?" Altren asked the question in a tone that made it clear he expected an answer.

"It has nothing to do with this Council," Molly admitted, "but he shouldn't be allowed to get away with transforming her into a dog. He should be forced to change her back and right this minute."

"And why did you bring your daughter the dog to this hearing?" Lord Kieran wanted to know.

"My daughter's presence was ordered at this hearing as a witness to the events the night He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named returned." Molly told the panel.

"Moldyshorts has been dead six months and they still can't say his name." Harry commented loudly to the ceiling.

"Is there a Ginny Weasley on the witness list, Delacour?" Lord Perrivor asked.

"Yes, my lord," Delacour confirmed. "Though according to the documentation I have she is just one of the witnesses for the same event."

"Lord Potter, why did you change Miss Weasley into dog?" Lord Altren wanted to know.


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