Molly's Denial

"Punishment." Harry told the council flatly. "Miss Weasely attacked fellow student Luna Lovegood and nearly killed her. There was no reason for the unprovoked attack other than the warped idea she had that I belonged to her. I had told the female Weasel repeatedly that I wouldn't have anything to do with her, even if she were the last female of any species on this earth."

Harry paused in his explanation for a moment and smiled, though it wasn't a pleasant smile. "And if you are planning on ordering me to reverse the spell, I'm afraid that would be impossible, even for me. I purposely cast it so that it could only be undone in a specific place and at a specific time. Any attempt to try and undo it before then will not be successful and might do more harm than good."

"What time and place?" Dantes asked.

"The Great Hall at Hogwarts two days from now." Harry informed the room at large. "If she stands on the same stone she was transformed on at the same time she was transformed, she will be returned to what passes as normal for her."

"And if she isn't standing on that exact spot at the right time?" Dumbledore was beginning to get worried.

"Then she will remain a dog forever." Harry said simply.

"Harry!" Dumbledore protested. "It is wrong to apply a permanent transfiguration to someone without their consent."

"It was wrong of the littlest Weasel to attack Luna for no reason other than her warped idea that she was some how a threat." Harry countered. "If she had waited until I was out of sight to attack, Luna would've died. Very few people go near Moaning Mrytle's bathroom and even if they had found her, they wouldn't have been able to get her to Madame Pomfrey in time. According to Madame Pomfrey, Luna is so allergic to bees that if she doesn't receive treatment within fifteen minutes, she will die. She should be happy all she's had to be is a dog for a few weeks. She could've been on trial for murder, only she really would've been guilty… unlike me."

"Gentlemen, I think we are getting off topic here." Lord Kieran interrupted the pair before they could get started. "We need to determine if Miss Weasley can give testimony or not."

Both men went silent, though Harry looked slightly annoyed that he'd been interrupted.

After a quick conference with the other five seated at the tribunal table, Lord Kieran wanted to know. "Protector Delacour is it possible for the questions asked to Miss Weasley to be phrased as yes or no questions? Or would all witnesses be required to give detailed answers."

Delacour looked thoughtful. "If she is the last one called for the incident she witnessed. We can ask her questions that will simply confirm or deny what the others reported."

There was another whispered conference at the main table before Dantes as the tribunal head looked at the small red poodle in Mrs. Weasley's arms, "Miss Weasely, you will be called last for the incident you are to give testimony on. Your answers will be one bark for yes and two for no. Do you understand?"

There was a growl followed by a short bark signifying 'yes'.

Handing Ginny off to her father, Molly stormed up the table where the tribunal judges were seated. "My Lords, I can't believe you aren't going to force Potter to change my daughter back! I can't believe that you would be that cruel to her!"

"Madam," Dantes spoke up before any of the others could. "Your daughter according to Lord Potter attacked and nearly killed another student simply because she thought she was taking away her man. I think a few weeks as a bitch is a relatively minor inconvenience when she could've been in Azkaban for the crime of murder."

"My daughter is not a bitch!" Molly sputtered, not understanding the reference.

"Oh has she taken a sex change potion then?" Harry couldn't resist saying.

"Lord Potter please," Dantes requested, not wanting the flames fanned any higher. "Mrs. Weasley, Lord Potter also made it clear that any attempt to undo the spell before the appointed time and in the appointed place could cause your daughter harm. Is that what you really want?"

"He was lying." Molly said with certainty. "He hates my family because we made a mistake over a year ago and he is unwilling to forgive us for it."

"He is not lying, madam." Lord Kieran told her. "He has already taken his oath since he was originally supposed to be one of the High Lords making a ruling in this case, but since he is a primary witness he had to relinquish that role. But his agreeing to be here, allowed the magic within these chambers to place a truth spell on him. The same spell that will be placed on everyone within this room once the hearing starts. He can not lie if asked a question by either Protector, Defender, or one of the High Lords of the Court."

"He might've found a way around it." Molly insisted. "He's a very devious person. He's a parselmouth by Merlin's beard. It is well-known that they can't be trusted."

"And you wonder why I can't forgive you." Harry commented dryly. "Next you'll have me as Moldyshort's replacement."

"Madam, our judgement has been rendered on this matter." Dante told Molly Weasley firmly. "Take your seat now or be bound and gagged in your chair until the time comes for your testimony."

Molly glared at the youngest Lord on the High Council, clearly wanting to say more and from the expression on Dantes' face he was waiting for her to do so almost gleefully so he could carry out his threat.

"Molly," Arthur finally called, "Take a seat. We know that Ginny will be returned to normal in two days and we can wait that long."

Molly glared at Dantes and then Potter one more time, before joining her husband.

Lord Kieran rose to his feet. "We are here today to sit in judgement on a case of High Treason against the people of magical Britain and by extension the rest of the magical and non-magical worlds. These charges are being brought against the person of Cornelius Oswald Fudge, the current Minister for Magic of Great Britain. Are all assembled from the Accused to the Witnesses for both sides?"

Delacour checked his list and after a few moments, announced, "They are my Lords."

Madame Bones rose to her feet after checking her list also and confirmed, "They are my Lords."

"Then let this room be sealed until these proceedings are concluded so that none may enter or leave." Kieran uttered the required phrase solemnly.

A deep blue glow covered the walls of the room and doors.

"You can't do that!" Ron spat getting to his feet. "We have the right to leave whenever we want to. We are not prisoners here."

"He is right you know." Hermione put in getting to her feet and standing beside Ron. "Even in the Wizarding World keeping someone captive is called kidnapping."

"Are you saying, young sir and miss that you do not wish to do your civic duty and give testimony in a case where you have been called as a witness?" Lord Altren asked. There was a warning note in his voice.

"No, we're not saying that at all" Hermione protested, "but there is no reason to hold us captive."

"It's so sad to see how poorly the young are being taught about the history of their world." Altren shook his head. "The traditions and history that made our people great once upon a time are being forgotten or ignored, but I supposed that's only to be expected when the only thing a magical history teacher will teach is about the Goblin Rebellions. Young lady there are many laws and traditions that can be traced back to the when the magical world was founded. A number of those laws concerned how cases of crimes against the magical world were conducted. This sealing is done for your protection. In the past, it was not unknown for a witness who left the chamber to be killed before their testimony could be given, thereby altering the outcome of the trial."

"However if you two do not wish to participate in this hearing, then you may leave, but understand it will be noted in the file kept on you at the Ministry that you refused to do your duty when called upon to do so" Lord Perrivor put in. "And such a refusal could affect your future prospects for employment… among other things."

Hermione looked horrified at the thought, while Ron looked mutinous, but they both sat back down and didn't say another word.

Lord Perrivor looked over the occupants of the room. "Does anyone else among the witnesses which to depart?"


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