Molly Weasley placed her daughter on the stone flagging that she had been standing on when she had been transformed into a dog by Potter. Albus had been nice enough to mark the correct stone so they would make sure she was on the right one at the right time. Stepping back she waited for her daughter to be restored to normal.
Ginny didn't move waiting for the spell Harry had placed on her to reverse itself. After a few moments she felt her bones growing and shifting. It was an uncomfortable and almost painful feeling. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as she once again looked upon a world that had colour in it.
Once she was fully human again, Ginny ignored the older witches and wizards coming toward her and looked around for Harry. She was going to make sure he understood that he was not allowed to do that to her ever again, or she would make their life together hell. She finally spotted him sitting with Luna Lovegood and started to growl as she headed toward the Ravenclaw table to pull her man away from that bitch. Harry was hers and it was time he understood that.
"Miss Weasley," One of the witches got between her and the Ravenclaw table. "You need to come with us please."
Not recognising her as a teacher, Ginny tried to push past the woman. "I've got to talk with Harry first."
"Actually, Miss Weasley, you need to speak with the Headmaster and your Head of House first." A man that Ginny vaguely remembered seeing before the Christmas break took hold of her arm and proceeded to drag her from the Great Hall.
Ginny dug in her heels as the stranger tried to take her from the Great Hall and the man who belonged to her. "Harry!… Harry!… Help me!.… You can't let this man keep us apart!"
Molly opened her mouth to berate Jessup, but Arthur quickly told her. "Not now, Molly, we don't want to make a scene in public."
Molly sniffed and stalked off after Mr. Jessup and her daughter. She was going to give that man a piece of her mind once they were in Dumbledore's office! How dare he haul her daughter off as if she were a common criminal? He should be hauling that Potter boy off, after all he was the one who made her daughter fall in love with him and then treated her like dirt because she made a mistake the previous year.
As the Great Hall doors closed behind the departing group, the level of conversation rose sharply among the students, but it didn't get out of hand since there were still a few teachers there to keep an eye on things.
Most of the older Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students couldn't help wondering just how much longer it would be before the Headmaster admitted defeat in the matter of Harry Potter. Those who had family, either in the Ministry or on the Wizengamot, knew that a law had been passed the previous summer whose sole purpose was to get Potter back to Hogwarts and force him to interact with his peers.
As far as they could see it had been one of the Headmaster's most spectacular failures. Potter not only refused to have anything to do with his housemates in Gryffindor, he had made it quite clear to anyone willing to look beyond the end of their nose that he was using this time to get his revenge on those he thought had wronged him.
About the only success the Headmaster's plan could claim, was it caused near school unity amongst the Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Slytherins and the first through third year Gryffindors. They all had one goal in mind: Not to do anything that would attract Potter's attention . One Slytherin fourth year had put it best and in a way it mirrored the school motto: It was better not to wake the sleeping dragon.
As they resumed eating the welcome feast, a couple of Hufflepuffs couldn't help wondering why Ginny Weasley would be expecting Harry Potter to come to her aid, given he had made it quite clear he loathed her.
"Enter," Dumbledore's voice called in response to the knock.
Jessup the American inspector sent by the Wizengamot came in followed by one of his fellow inspectors, Molly, Arthur and Ginny Weasley. Dumbledore could tell from the expression on Molly's face that she was barely containing her rage at the treatment of her daughter.
"Ginny, it's good to see you are back to normal." Dumbledore sounded pleased.
"And no sooner was she human again, than this… man," Molly spat unwilling to remain silent any longer, "dragged her up here, before we even had a chance to make sure she was alright after what that brute Potter did to her."
Ginny was not about to let her mother bad mouth Harry. She was the only one with the right to put him in his place. "Mum, Harry is not a brute! He just doesn't understand that we belong together and reacted badly to my trying to protect what we have."
Arthur just shook his head. He knew Ginny was stubborn, like her mother, but this was ridiculous. Harry had made it quite clear he wanted nothing to do with her or any other member of their family. It would take time, but he was certain she would come to realise and accept that fact. "Ginny, we will discuss your relationship with Harry at another time. Right now we have other matters to take care of."
"You can't mean that expulsion business again!" Molly demanded, looking at Jessup who had been the one to bring it up. "You seriously intend to force the Headmaster to expel my daughter, when she isn't the one at fault. If the blasted Potter boy hadn't led her on all these years…."
"Molly, he has no choice." McGonagall interrupted her rant before it could get started. "For whatever reason, Ginny deliberately attacked and nearly killed another student and it wasn't in a duel, which is the only exception allowed. And for that one exception to apply the reason for the duel must be declared in front of a staff member and fought in front of the staff to be legal. Ginny did none of those things and so she must be expelled. Dumbledore was advised, by the Board of Governors that if he doesn't follow the rules, he will be removed as Headmaster and a new one put in his place." McGonagall held up her hand to silence Molly as she opened her mouth to speak. "And I have already been told the new head of the school won't be me if that happens."
"Headmaster," Ginny spoke up before anyone could ask why McGonagall wouldn't be considered for the post of Headmistress. "May I make a request before you expel me?"
"And what is that my child?" Dumbledore looked at her sadly. This child had had so much promise.
"I would like to spend one final night in Gryffindor Tower, before my wand is snapped. Would that be possible?"
Dumbledore saw no reason not to grant her request and was certain she just wanted to say good-bye to some of her yearmates. A quick glance that the American inspectors showed they were not going to object either. "I see no reason why not, but you will have to leave your wand here with me."
"Albus! How can you think of leaving Ginny without the means to defend herself?" Molly protested. "What if that brute Potter decides to attack her again? She wouldn't be able to stop him."
"Molly, Harry has made it clear that he wants little if any contact with Ginny, I think she will be safe enough this one night in Gryffindor tower." Albus sounded tired.
"Like you've been right about anything concerning that boy since the school year began." Molly crossed her arms and glared at Dumbledore. "You listen to me Dumbledore and listen well. If anything… anything happens to Ginny up in Gryffindor tower tonight and Potter is found to be the cause, you have my word that you are going to pay for it. I don't care how important you seem to think he is to the wizarding world, he is destroying my family. First it was the twins refusing to have anything more to do with us, claiming we turned our backs on a family member, which he most definitely was not . Then Percy is found to be a Deatheater because of him . Ron has lost his prefect status because of that brat and now Ginny is to be expelled…. All because of bloody Potter!
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