A Potion for a Future with Harry

Ginny sat in her bed in her dorm with the curtains drawn, waiting for her roommates to fall asleep. She felt a little sad that this would be the last time she would be in this dorm or see these girls. They had already started pulling away from her because they knew she was to be expelled and acted as if coming in contact with her would lead to them being expelled too.

Ginny smiled to herself. She would have the last laugh though. Thanks to the potion in her hand she would be Mrs. Harry Potter by the summer. She was certain of it. Harry wouldn't want his child to grow up without a mother or a father. He would do the right thing and marry her and then Ginny would be able to show him just how much she loved him. Once he was hers she would make sure he never looked at another female. There would be no more Luna Lovegoods to trouble their life, because once she and Harry were together, he would realise just how happy he was to be with her and how happy she could make him.


The girls in the Gryffindor sixth year dorm woke early. They wanted to be out of the dorm before Ginny Weasley woke. While they liked her, they didn't want to be around when she was expelled. Seeing a witch's wand snapped was not a pleasant experience and it was one they didn't want to see.

They were surprised when they got down to the common room to find Ginny asleep, her nightclothes messed up and a silly smile on her sleeping face.

"Who's gonna wake her?" Jessie McGuire a muggle-born witch asked. "She has to be in the Headmaster's office before breakfast.

The girls looked back and forth at each other, none of them willing to brave Ginny's well-known temper, until Marion Achtland huffed and grabbed hold of Ginny's shoulder and shook it hard.

"You need to wake up Ginny." Marion called. "You have to see the Headmaster, remember?"

Ginny yawned and stretched like a cat, her face never losing its smile.

"Why did you go to sleep down here when you could've slept in your bed?" Jessie asked. "I mean that couch can't have been very comfortable to sleep on."

"Oh," Ginny's smiled deepened and she blushed as she headed up the stairs. "Considering what happened to me last night on that couch, it felt like I was floating on air."

"Skank," Jessie McGuire sniffed once Ginny was out of hearing range.

The other girls just shrugged.

"I wonder who she screwed?" Marion Achtland commented as they headed for the portrait hole.

"Clearly someone with no taste." Andrea Mitchell told them. "She's been had by nearly every boy she could get at. I still can't believe her parents and brother think she's a virgin."

"Yea," Jessie agreed, "and that started when Potter was sent to Azkaban. Didn't think she was up to her old tricks anymore though, given she wanted to get him back."

"Well, given Potter made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with her, maybe she decided to get some, one last time, before she's kicked out of school." Andrea suggested.

"I wonder who the unfortunate wizard was?" Marion put in.

The girls fell silent as they joined others heading for the Great Hall for breakfast.


Jessup watched Ginny Weasley and her parents very carefully as her wand was snapped by Headmaster Dumbledore. His instincts were telling him that something was wrong. She was far too calm for someone who was being expelled from one of the biggest European schools.

"I wonder if they gave Miss Weasley a calming draught before bringing her up here." Jessup whispered to Angela Bellmont, one of his fellow inspectors.

"Why?" She whispered back.

"Her reaction to being expelled is all wrong." Jessup told her. "I've seen kids expelled at some of the magical schools in the US Confederation and the student being expelled is very emotional about having their wand snapped since it is their primary means of doing magic."

"Unless they are capable of doing magic without a wand such as Wiccan, Voodoo, Shamanistic magic such as practiced by the Native Americans and let us not forget techno-pagans who are proving quire successful at mixing technology with magic." Angela reminded him. "If an expelled student was capable of working that kind of magic before then they still should be able to, given it doesn't require a wand. I don't recall ever hearing of any of the magic users in the European magical world, using that style of magic though."

Jessup nodded, conceding that point. "That's true. Those who can work any type of wandless magic are few and far between, but even for them there is some kind of reaction to their wand being snapped. She didn't react at all to her wand being snapped as if it didn't matter to her. So, unless Miss Weasley was given a calming potion prior to being brought up here to keep her from getting hysterical, I think she is planning something."

Angela Bellmont studied the girl intently. Adam was right. The girl was too calm and Angela thought she detected an air of smug satisfaction about her that didn't bode well for someone. "I think we should advise Madame Bones who heads the Aurors Department about our suspcions. I'm fairly certain she won't have any problems arranging for someone to keep an eye on Miss Weasley, given she was the child who was possessed by Voldemort's diary in her first year here. There is no telling how much of what he knew she retained and I am certain that Madame Bones is no more eager than we are to have a Dark Lady make a bid for power given they just got rid of their most recent Dark Lord."

"Agreed. We'll let her know during our meeting at the end of the week." Jessup turned his attention back to the room and saw the Weasley's were leaving.

Dumbledore was looking very old and solemn as he returned to the seat behind the desk. "Of all the duties I have as Headmaster, that is the one I like the least. Snapping a student's wand and expelling them makes me feel as if we at Hogwarts somehow failed them."

"Understandable," Jessup commiserated with the man, "but ultimately each of us is responsible for our own actions."

"True," Dumbledore agreed, "but I feel that people should be given a second chance to correct their mistakes or they never learn whether they be young or old. I intended to try and correct the mistakes I made with Mr. Potter, but I seem to be causing almost as much harm as I do good with my attempt to make amends."

"Headmaster, our inspection is completed and we will be turning our report into the Department of Magical Education before the end of the day." Jessup told him.

"Might I ask what you intend to tell them?" Dumbledore was hoping for some clue as to what they had found. He was fairly certain they were going to recommend that Binns be replaced, but he was not sure about any of the others.

"I'm sorry Headmaster, but that report is confidential until it is presented to the Head of the Department of Magical Education." Jessup told him.

Dumbledore had to strongly resist the temptation to use Legilimency to try and get some advance information. He needed to know what they were going to be doing to his school. He knew from his conversations with Jessup and his fellow inspectors that they were very capable of resisting any attempts to get an idea of what they were up to and it irritated him no end.

"It has been a pleasure to meet you Headmaster." Jessup called as he and his companion headed for the door.


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