The Report That Will Shake Hogwarts

The Head of the Department of Magical Education Allyn Gywr eyed the very thick report that had been placed on his desk by the head of the American inspection team with a sigh. "Could you give me the highlights so I know what I am going to be facing with Dumbledore. He is going to fight tooth and nail over this report."

"The school itself is sound though a number of the courses being taught could use some major updating. European magical schools are way behind the rest of the world in certain types of magic that are being taught and I'm not just comparing them to the schools in the US Confederation either. Even the Asian and South American schools are more up to date than their European counterparts." Jessup said from his seat on the other side of the desk. "We have recommended the replacement of the History of Magic teacher because the only history being taught by him is the Goblin Rebellions and the students at Hogwarts need to learn the true history of the magical world… the whole magical world . We also recommend the replacement of the Divination teacher since she is not correctly teaching the aspects that make up divination. She seems far more content with making doom and gloom prophecies and the only students who seem to receive good grades are the ones who follow her mantra of: my world is going to be a complete and unmitigated disaster. We also would like to suggest that the Care of Magical Creatures class be broken up into two levels."

"Why two levels?" Mr. Gwyr asked. He would have thought that they would've have recommended replacing Hagrid completely.

"Professor Hagrid is a very competent teacher when it comes to the large and dangerous creatures, but he is not teaching to the level of his students. The creatures he is teaching about are fine for say sixth and seventh year students, but third through fifth year students in order to acquire a love for the magical creatures that share our world, should be started off with safer creatures and a teacher who can teach them at their level of magical competence in case something does go wrong." Jessup told him. "We also recommend that the Muggle studies teacher be replaced with an actual muggle-born and not a pureblood who is working with information that is at least sixty years out of date."

"Anything else?" Mr. Gwyr had a feeling he hadn't heard the worst yet and there had to be more given the size of the report.

"Yes," Jessup looked very serious. "We strongly recommend that the Heads of the four houses no longer be teachers, but instead former students of at least thirty years of age, with skills at handling children from all walks of life be they muggle or magical. We are also recommending that they serve no more than five or ten years before being replaced. Also we recommend that the houses be mixed together more in the classes and that the classes themselves be broken up based on level of skill or knowledge at each year level."

"Why? The current system has worked just fine." Gwyr couldn't see why they wanted to overturn the house system.

"Actually it has not." Jessup disagreed. "We have ample evidence that because the teachers also have teaching duties and in some cases because they have other duties in addition to teaching, like Professor McGonagall, they are unable to give the students in their houses the attention they need. For example did you know that during her first five years in Ravenclaw house that Luna Lovegood's possessions were constantly broken into and damaged? Professor Flitwick either was never informed, or was unable to devote the time needed to stop the harassment by a group of Miss Lovegood's own housemates who according to the speech given at each sorting were supposed to be her family when she was away from home. May the deity help anyone with a family like that at home. Did you also know that because of her numerous duties, Professor McGonagall was unable to spend adequate time with the students in her House? During Miss Ginny Weasley's first year, she failed to notice any changes in the girl's behaviour? While it may not have changed the outcome any, it is our contention that if each House had had a full time head and not just a part time one, they might have been able to pick up on the signs of possession that Miss Weasley must have shown or at least a change in personality that would indicate that something was wrong. Also according to Mr. Potter, when he tried to tell Professor McGonagall about Miss Umbridge using a restricted artefact on him in detention, he was told to keep his head down and avoid drawing attention to himself and that if he wasn't able to do that he would just have to accept the detentions."

Gwyr stared at the inspector in disbelief. He wouldn't have thought he would ever hear such things reported about Minerva McGonagall. She had always seemed so caring and concerned about the members of her house to him "What are you proposing?"

"As I said before, that the teachers will no longer be Heads of House and that a former student be hired to fulfil that role for each House. Their sole duty will be to be there for the students in their House's needs whether it be as a sounding board because they are homesick, or to help with homework or a problem." Jessup told him. "As for the recommendation about the classes, we think it would be better if all four houses have classes together at each year level rather than just the current system of placing two houses together. Also to avoid the problem of having the classes be too large for the teacher to handle we suggest that the classes be broken up based on skill level or knowledge of the children being taught. This will insure that children who can learn the material more quickly aren't held back and those who maybe need extra help in certain subjects can get that help without being made to feel as though they are worthless or stupid."


On January 7th, as the students were finishing up breakfast in the Great Hall, some of them noticed a stranger dressed in muggle clothes quietly entering the Great Hall and nudged their friends to alert them to his presence. These days at Hogwarts, strangers wither meant something very bad or very good was about to happen. They just didn't know what this stranger was going to bring with him.

The wizard, at least they assumed he was a wizard in spite of his muggle attire given he had gotten into Hogwarts, had an aura of power around him and that combined with the way he moved made the students think of Mad-Eye Moody though a younger one with a much slenderer build and shoulder length brown hair. He also seemed to be looking for someone. After a few moments it was apparent that he found the one he was seeking as he headed toward the end of the Ravenclaw table where Harry Potter was again seated next to Luna Lovegood.

Those Ravenclaws closest to the pair were surprised to see Potter smile when this strange wizard greeted him. "Hello Harry."

"Liam, this is a surprise." Potter shook the other wizard's hand. "What are you doing here?"

"It's been a week since the end of Fudge's trial." Dantes reminded him.

"Oh yea, I forgot." Potter nodded. "The duel with Mrs. Weasley is supposed to be today."

"You're still going to be my second aren't you?" Dantes wanted to know.

"Of course." Potter assured him. "Wild Hippogriffs couldn't stop me."

The name Liam sounded familiar and it took the eavesdropping Ravenclaws a few minutes to place make the connection with the articles they'd been reading over the past few weeks. Liam Dantes! Despite his attire of muggle jeans and shirt, this was the Heir to the Ravenclaw line! This man standing near their table was the Heir of their Founder!

Word quickly spread down the table, but before one of the seventh year prefects could greet the Ravenclaw heir, Dumbledore walked up to him. "Lord Ravenclaw, it is a pleasure to see you again. If you will join me in my office we can have our discussion in private."

"Headmaster Dumbledore," Dantes countered dryly, "I did not come to meet with you. I have an honour duel today if you will recall with Molly Prewitt Weasley and it is to be fought here in the Great Hall at 10am."

"Lord Ravenclaw," Dumbledore spoke up trying to be conciliatory. "A duel with Mrs. Weasley will solve nothing and only create more ill feelings between you. One of you should be the better person and apologise and call off this duel."

"Then I suggest you speak to the one who made the challenge and not me." Dantes countered. "If she wishes to retract her challenge, I will have no problem with that, but I will not apologise for what I said regarding her daughter or her family since it is most likely true."

"Lord Ravenclaw by your own admission, you are duelling master, which puts Mrs. Weasley at a severe disadvantage." Dumbledore persisted.

"Which is why I insisted that this duel be a paintball duel." Dantes reminded him.

Aware of the eavesdropping students and not wanting to give them any more ammunition, Dumbledore used the only power he had as Headmaster over a Founder's heir and even then it wasn't absolute. "Lord Ravenclaw, as Headmaster, I must ask that you come to my office so that we can discuss this matter among others in privacy."

Dantes nodded. "Very well Headmaster, I will come to your office, but do not think you will change my mind. The mind that must be changed is Molly Weasley's."


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