A Family's Conflict

They were just finishing up the final steps on their potions when there was a knock on the lab door. When it opened, Terry Boot stuck his head inside and said quietly, "Professor Wilmot, the Headmaster would like to see Harry Potter as soon as possible."

Wilmot nodded, then she told Harry, "Mr. Potter, since class is almost over, I will grade your potion on what has been done up to this point. If you would like to try and get the grade for the completed potion, you can come back to redo the potion after classes today."

"Yes Professor," Harry turned off the fire under his cauldron and them gathered up his equipment and went to join Boot who was waiting by the door.

"What did you do to upset Dumbledore now, Harry?" Boot inquired. It was well known that these days the only time the Headmaster asked to see Harry was when he had done something to annoy him.

Harry shrugged. "I have no idea. I haven't done anything that could even remotely be considered a problem since the duel between Mrs. Weasley and Lord Ravenclaw and that was several months ago. And that would only be a problem if you were a Weasley."

Boot nodded in agreement with that last statement. Ron Weasley had been avoiding Harry like he had the plague since the duel where his mother dishonoured herself and Gryffindor House by breaking the agreed upon rules of a duel. What no one had been able to figure out was why she had done it. That was a tactic the Slytherins would've used not someone from Gryffindor. Surely beating Dantes wasn't worth the loss of someone's personal honour.

When they arrived at the gargoyle guarding the Headmaster's office, Boot said, "Pepper imps."

The gargoyle slid aside and Terry told Harry, "Go on up, he's waiting for you."

Harry shrugged and headed up the stairs, wondering what the meddling old coot had in mind now.

As soon as Harry had entered the office, he was knocked into the nearest wall by a strong slap to the side of his face.

" How dare you take advantage of my daughter like that, " Harry heard a voice he recognized as Molly Weasley's yelling at him. "Haven't you done enough damage to my family? Percy is in Azkaban because of you . The twins won't speak to or even see us, because of you . And now you have to take my baby girl's innocence and get her pregnant. We should have left you in Azkaban."

Harry managed to get out of the way of the woman's flailing arm, long enough to cast, " petrificous totalis ."

As he looked around the Headmaster's office, he saw Arthur standing off to one side of Molly his wand out is if he were in the process of trying to cast a spell. Ginny was standing near Fawkes' perch a confident smile on her face as she looked at him.

"Now that the shrew has been silenced at least for now, would someone care to tell me just what the hell she was screaming at me about?" Harry asked taking a seat as far away from the petrified Mrs. Weasley as it was possible to get in the little office.

Unable to contain the news she had for one moment longer, Ginny said. "I'm going to have your baby!"

Harry shook his head certain that there was a problem with his hearing. "You want to run that by me one more time, cause I thought I heard Miss Weasel say she was going to have my baby."

AN: orbis pigmento - ball paint

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Surprise! Surprise! Surprise

(AN: The borderline dark potion Ginny used acts like a pseudo-polyjuice potion. With hair from the intended father it allows a woman to get pregnant without intercourse. Ginny got the knowledge about this potion during her first year from Tom and had Dung purchase the potion. She slept with no one, but knowing how quickly the wizarding world was to leap to the incorrect conclusion gave the impression that she did. She was certain that once Harry was named as the Father everyone would believe her and she would have her man because he would do the right thing and marry her. Can we say serious mental problems here!!!!!! 10 points to anyone old enough to remember where the title of this chapter comes from and correctly identify it.)

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

"That is indeed what Miss Weasley did say, Mr. Potter." The look Dumbledore gave Harry made it clear that he was disappointed in Harry's actions.

"Save that look for someone who cares, Dumbledore." Harry told him dryly. "Once again I am judged and found guilty of something I didn't do, solely on the word of a Weasley. Given her previous actions, I'm surprised you are willing to believe her. I wouldn't believe her if she said it was raining and it really was."

"Madame Pompfrey had confirmed it this morning." Arthur Weasley told him stiffly as if Harry had just insulted his honour. "Ginny is about four months pregnant and while she named you as the father, I wanted to be certain, given what you said previously regarding your feelings for her. At my request Madame Pompfrey performed a magical paternity test and it confirmed you are the father."

Ginny smiled smugly at Harry. "I told you on our last night together at Hogwarts that nothing would keep us apart. I'm carrying your child. What further proof do you need of my love for you? It's time you accept that we were meant to be a family. You are my soulmate Harry."

Harry gave Ginny a long considering look before turning his attention back to Arthur. "While I have a good idea of the mechanics involved in getting a woman pregnant thanks to a few talks with Sirius over the Christmas break during my fifth year, I am forced to admit I have never had a chance to practise the techniques he recommended. Given that rather embarrassing fact, I can't help but wonder how your daughter is pregnant by me. I can only think of one case in the whole of human history where a woman got pregnant without a man being directly involved, but I wouldn't have thought Gin-Gin would fit the required criteria for immaculate conception. I know I certainly don't."

"Harry, you should be overjoyed by the fact that you are going to be a father." Ginny said as if she was talking to a slow child. "You will see once we are married, you will finally have the family you have always wanted. I know you will be a good father to our child." Ginny looked down at her slightly swollen belly and gently rubbed it. "Yes your daddy will be very good daddy."

"I'd go back to Azkaban first… with the Dementors." Harry muttered.

"Mr. Potter, there is no call to insult Miss Weasley." Dumbledore having spent more time interacting with the muggle world than most wizards understood the reference to immaculate conception from one of their major religions and figured out that Harry apparently was not going to do the right thing by the girl he got pregnant. He never would've thought that a Potter would shirk his responsibilities. He could also see that Arthur hadn't understood the implied reference and was grateful for that. The last thing he needed or wanted was another formal duel at Hogwarts.

"I don't consider the truth to be an insult." Harry countered.

Ginny was not pleased to hear this. Why was her Harry still trying to fight against Fate? He was hers and nothing would take him away from her. She had known that even before he saved her from the basilisk. Harry was hers and no one took what was hers, not even Harry.

After his third attempt to unfreeze his wife, Arthur spoke up before Ginny could say anything in response. "Mr. Potter, would you please release my wife?"

"Only if you keep her under control, Mr. Weasley." Harry told him. "If she tries to attack me again, I will tie her up and hang her from the battlements of the school."

Arthur nodded in agreement with those terms.

As soon as Molly was free she looked around for Harry and finding him, started to charge toward him, until Arthur barked out an order. "MOLLY! Sit down!"


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