Harry’s Unyielding Integrity

"Arthur, this boy has humiliated and defiled our daughter and he has to pay." Molly retorted.

"We need answers, Molly, before we take any action." Arthur countered firmly. "Attacking Potter will not get us those answers."

"So tell me boy , after everything my family did for you, all the pain and suffering we went through for and because of you, why did you steal my baby's virginity, her innocence?" Molly sneered in a manner that would do Snape proud as she sat down next to Arthur. Harry couldn't help noticing that her fists were tightly wrapped around the arm rests of her chair as if she were strangling them, since she couldn't touch her intended target… him… yet. "Is it your intention to destroy the entire Weasley Family? You claimed over and over again that you didn't want anything to do with her and then she winds up pregnant and carrying your spawn ! What spell did you use on her to get her into your bed, so you could rape her without her fighting you? I know my daughter, if she'd been in her right mind, she would've fought like a wildcat rather than give herself to someone who held her in such contempt."

"Molly, you don't know that that's what happened." Arthur was shocked at the venom in his wife's voice. "Ginny told us, that she went to him willingly."

"How do we know that Arthur?" Molly countered angrily. "He is a powerful wizard, more powerful even that Dumbledore. How do we know he didn't do something to her?"

Glaring at the woman he had once considered his second mother, Harry growled, "Mrs. Weasley, because of our past history and the respect I once held for your family, I will give you this one warning. Never ever call me boy again. Also I would be very careful about throwing around unproven accusations, or you might find yourself being challenged to a duel. As for your daughter's virginity, if the rumours, I've heard in the sixth year Gryffindor boy's dorm are even partly accurate, she lost that a long time ago and I can assure you it wasn't to me."

" How dare…. " Molly began to growl.

"Mr. Potter, that was uncalled for." Dumbledore chided Harry. He needed to get the tempers defused, so this situation could be discussed calmly and rationally.

Harry rolled his eyes and pointed out. "Then she shouldn't ask questions she doesn't want the answers too. The sixth year boys were quite talkative about their conquests and the conquests of their friends in other houses. Ginny has quite a reputation amongst them."

Molly got to her feet intending to rip the Potter boy to shreds, when he brought his staff around and set the butt of it on the floor between them. She stopped moving certain he was about to hex her when he wrapped both hands around it, right hand above his left. She also noticed that the capstone had started to give off a pulsing green glow, almost like a heartbeat.

"I, Harry James Potter, do hereby swear upon my magic… and my life that I have never knowingly thought of or touched Ginevra Molly Weasley in a sexual manner at any time or in any place. Nor have I ever thought of Ginevra Molly Weasley as a sexual partner or lover. Nor as far as I can recall have I ever dreamed of having sex with her. I also hereby swear that even if Ginevra Molly Weasley were the last human female on earth and I the last male, I still would not consider having sex with her, even though I know such actions will lead to the end of the human race." There was a peculiar choral quality to Potter's voice as if there were more than one voice speaking as he made his oath and Molly thought she saw his green eyes giving off the same pulsing glow as the capstone of his staff and in time to it.

Ginny gasped as Harry swore that oath. How could Harry do this to them? How could he be so cruel and heartless? Why couldn't he just accept the truth? They were meant to be and now he was trying once more to destroy the life she had planned for them to live together.

As soon as Potter finished speaking, a blinding white glow covered him from head to toe. When it vanished, everyone saw that Harry was still standing.

"Well I'm still alive, so I must have been telling the truth." Harry waved his hand in the direction of Dumbledore's desk and a number of items gently rose off of it, circled their owner and returned to the desk. "I still have my magic too. Guess that proves I never slept with Gin-Gin. So we are now left with a question of how am I the father of that child. Would you care to tell us Gin-Gin?"

"Harry, you shouldn't scare me like that! After all I am carrying your child. Why would you pretend to swear an oath that you never slept with me? How could you forget that night we had together in the Gryffindor Common room. Even though it was my last night at Hogwarts, you were everything I dreamed you would be as a lover ever since I was a little girl. How can you be so cruel as to say that we never had that night together? You told me when we finished that you had found heaven in my arms." Ginny looked down blushing slightly as she said it.

Seeing he was still refusing to go along with her plans, Ginny walked over and thumped Harry on the chest with her fingertips a determined look on her face. "You are the father of our child, Harry, and nothing is going to change that. Now we need to start planning our wedding as well as where we are going to live, the nursery for the baby." Then her face softened at thought of the baby and she smiled down at the slight swell of her belly and took Harry's hand and rubbed it over her belly. "Your child is growing within me and he or she will be born in August or September. I hope it's a boy, and that he has his father's eyes."

Dumbledore had been watching the events unfold and felt compelled to say something as Harry snatched his hand back from Ginny. "Miss Weasley, Mr. Potter didn't pretend to swear an oath. What he said was very real and his own magic judged his truthfulness. The fact that he is still alive and in possession of his rather formidable magic, means he was not nor has he ever been your lover."

"Ginevra, we know the child you carry is Harry's. How was it conceived?" Arthur demanded to know. He was having a hard time believing that another of his children would betray their family's honour.

"Arthur! You can't believe this fairy tale that Potter has spun." Molly couldn't believe that her husband would turn on their child. "Potter is powerful enough to fake an oath, and make it good enough to fool people."

"He might be able to fool us, but he can't fool magic." Arthur countered. "There is a book kept at the Ministry that records oaths that are sworn. Not the wording, but the fact that they were sworn and who they were sworn by and to as well as the where and when. I'm willing to bet if I have someone check the book it will show that Potter did indeed swear a magically binding oath here in Dumbledore's office."


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