Harry's Demanding Justice

"There's an easy way for your daughter to prove me wrong." Harry put in. "have her swear an oath on her magic, that I really did sleep with her on her last night here at Hogwarts and that it wasn't the product of her demented imagination."

Ginny stared back and forth between Harry and her parents, biting her lip nervously. If she didn't swear the oath, they would be fairly certain she was lying and if she did swear it and lost her magic, it would confirm that she had done something wrong. Ginny quickly weighed her options and decided.

"Ginny!" Molly shrieked as her daughter collapsed.

She rushed over to make sure she was ok.

"Drama queen," Harry muttered and conjuring a torrent of icy cold water, dumped it on Ginny.

"How dare you!" Molly sprang to her feet screeching like a banshee as Ginny sputtered and coughed, shivering from the icy cold water.

Before Arthur could intervene, Molly vanished from the room and they heard a screeching sound outside Dumbledore's window. Hurrying over, Arthur confirmed his wife was hanging from the battlements outside Dumbledore's tower.

"She will rejoin you when you leave." Harry told Mr. Weasley. "Right now she is safer out there."

"Ginevra Molly Weasley, as head of the Weasley family, I demand to know how you came to be pregnant with Potter's child." Arthur looked his only daughter in the eyes.

Ginny could feel the family magic take hold, compelling an answer from her. "It was a potion. I had some of his hair and that was all it needed."


"Harry is mine. I knew he would come to me if I gave him the one thing he wanted above all else… a family." Ginny met her father's gaze without flinching. She knew Harry would do the right thing and marry her so she had nothing to lose.

Harry was silent through all of this as was Dumbledore. Both of them were thinking and planning. Harry finally realized there was only one way to get Ginny out of his life permanently and to make sure that the child she was carrying grew up in a happy home. It wouldn't be with him though. He knew he was not yet ready to be a father because he still had too much anger toward the world to be a parent just now. The problem was going to be the how.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley," Ginny winced at the frigid tone of Harry's voice. This wasn't how he was supposed to sound. He was supposed to be happy that they were going to be a family, no matter how their first child had been conceived. "I charge you with Line theft. You do realise that you could go to Azkaban for this crime."

"No! You don't mean that Harry!" Tears started rolling down Ginny's face.

"I don't know why I am not surprised that you would do such a thing given your mother was telling you and Hermione how to make love potions when you were thirteen." Harry went on. "Did she give you the recipe for this pregnancy potion as well? I wonder if maybe she might have used the love potion on someone herself and that's why she was telling you about it, so you would know how to use it when the time came."

"No Harry! I got the information from Tom in my first year. Dung got me the potion from Knockturn Alley last year." Ginny protested, really crying now as she saw the shocked look on her father's face.

"Getting help from Voldemort? Not real smart Gin-Gin. The only reason I am not calling the Aurors right now is because of the respect I hold for your father." Harry continued. "However I am invoking the Life Debt you owe me for saving your life from Riddle during your first year. The child you are carrying is mine, but by theft, in violation of the Debt you owe me so I am calling it due. Surprising isn't it, given I told you that I would never call that Debt in, well you have forced my hand by your actions. The price I am demanding from you is my child that you are now carrying. You will carry the child until full term or until a Healer determines the baby must be born. You will take care of yourself so that the child will have the best chance at life and in no way, shape or form will you try to harm the child in any fashion. Once it is born it will be turned over to me without a whimper or any attempts to use it to bind me to you as you were attempting to do here today. Also Ginevra Molly Weasley, you will have no further contact of any kind with me and you will give to your father anything that you may have that makes you think of me, including anything that used to belong to me so that he can destroy them. You will keep nothing that even remotely reminds you of me. And in case you haven't understood anything about the oath I swore here today, Ginevra Molly Weasley, once that child is born and delivered to me, you will be dead to me. Do you understand what I have told you?"

Ginny gasped unwilling to believe that Harry would go that far. It had been centuries since that spell had been cast. It was usually only done for the greatest of family crimes, where there was no possible hope of the family member ever being brought back into the family because the crime they had committed was so unspeakable.

When Ginny continued to remain silent, Harry barked out. " Do you understand what I have said, bitch! "

Ginny flinched at the icy tone of his voice and nodded.

"Out loud, Ginevra!" Harry reminded her. "Say it out loud."

"I understand." Ginny stammered as her dreams went up in flames.

"I understand… who?" Harry persisted.

"I understand, Lord Potter and I will comply." Ginny completed the ritual response. It was rare that Life Debt ritual was used, but a life debt was like a magically binding contract and the terms had to be acknowledged by both payer and payee.


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