"Harry!" Dumbledore gasped, surprised that young Potter even knew of the Outcasting ritual. While it wasn't that complicated, the ritual was very old magic that hadn't been used in Britain in centuries because it was a complete and utter severance that could not be reversed by any means. Even the inheritance rituals that the goblins used to trace bloodlines wouldn't recognise you or your heirs as belonging to a family line once an outcasting was done. About the only place the ritual was still used as far as he knew was in portions of magical as well as muggle Japan. It was usually only used by the Head of the Family and then only when the Head felt that whatever the family member had done was totally unforgivable. Stating that someone was dead to you, meant that even if you were in the same room with them, you would not see or hear them and magic would keep them from coming anywhere near you. "Do you realise what you have done?"
"Yes, I have made sure this psycho stalker bitch understands that she has no more hope of getting me, since normal magical methods of trying to get through that thick skull of hers weren't working." Harry didn't even bother looking at Dumbledore. "Now she will no longer harbour even the faint hope that I might change my mind, cause it can't be changed. Once that baby is born I will complete the ritual."
Harry looked at Arthur too. "Mr Weasley, I am calling your Life Debt due as well. When the child is born it will be given to me, without a fight. That child is mine . Ginevra stole what she needed to create it. Once the child has been turned over to me, no member of the Weasley or Prewitt family's currently living or in the future, with the exception of the twins, since they were the only ones to believe me innocent when I was sent to Azkaban, will make any attempt to locate the child or I. I swear that the child will not come to harm at my hands, but your family will have no part in raising it. It will be as if my child does not exist for you. Also Mr. Weasley, you will explain things to your wife and warn her that if she tries to interfere or harass me, that I will invoke my rights under the law with regards to your daughter. Also sir, while this is not part of the debt, I would strongly recommend you get your daughter some help. Surely even you can see she has some major problems."
"I understand and will comply, Lord Potter." Arthur didn't even wait to be asked, knowing that Harry was letting Ginny off easily, when he could've sent her to Azkaban for life. Line theft was a very serious crime in the wizarding world.
A few weeks after learning that he was to be a father, Harry got a letter by owl from Myra Armstaad his solicitor in London. She had had someone monitoring Dudley's trial and she had written to tell him that barring any last minute surprises today was to be the last day of testimony and that a verdict was expected before the end of the day.
Harry decided to skip classes for the day and go see what the judgement was for Duddikins.
By the time he slid into a seat near the back of the courtroom, the closing arguments were being made. While not real experienced in legal matters, Harry thought the Crown Prosecutor did a better job at restating the facts of his case than did Dudley's Solicitor, but then again, he knew Dudley was guilty.
When the jury retired to deliberate his cousin's fate, Harry took out his notebook and began making some notes about what he needed to do regarding the child that Ginny was carrying. He wanted to make sure it grew up safe and happy, without any possible hint that it was his child. He'd found a few things in the library at Hogwarts that might help but he would need the help of at least one other to carry it off. He was trying to work out the best approach to use, when a voice interrupted his plotting.
"What are you doing here? Did you come here to gloat?" Petunia hissed. "You swore to stay away from us. Aren't you afraid of losing that freakishness of yours?"
Harry looked up at her and wasn't really surprised by the changes. She was no longer so immaculately dressed or made up the way she used to be. According to Myra, Inland Revenue had taken a lot of their money for back taxes and Vernon had lost his job as General Manager at Grunnings because of the scandal of him stealing from his wife's nephew. He couldn't help wondering just how long it would be before they had to move away from Privet Drive, if they hadn't already to get away from the gossips. "If you will remember Aunt Petunia, I swore not to come to your home unless asked by you and that I would never voluntarily approach or speak with you. I also told you it was possible you would see me since I was going to be living in Britain and this is a small island country. As for gloating… yes, you might say I came to gloat… just a little. I'm entitled to gloat after all the pain and suffering I was put through by you and your family when I was growing up."
After taking a quick look around to make sure there was no one nearby, Petunia hissed like an angry goose. "We didn't want you, but we took you in anyway. We put a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food in your mouth…"
"And you were well paid for doing that," Harry interrupted her attempt at self-justification, "though you never spent any of that money on me, the one it was intended for. Instead you treated me like a slave. Don't talk to me about taking me in out of the goodness of your hearts. It was greed for you pure and simple. The money you were being paid and safety for your family as long as I lived there and called that place home. You want to know something Aunt Petunia, I'm willing to bet the protections that were supposed to be in place collapsed a long time ago, because as soon as I was able to understand what a home really was, I never thought of Privet Drive as home. Which means if my kind could've been bothered to really look, they probably could've found your home without any trouble whatsoever."
"Just more proof that you and your kind can't be trusted." Petunia retorted.
Harry spoke up before she had a chance to get away. "The wards might have worked correctly if you were capable of loving someone other than yourself, Petunia. I don't think you even loved Dudley or Vernon. You indulged your son yes and you acted the part of a loving wife and mother, but I think it was more pride and your fierce determination to be seen as normal, than it was real love. I think you knew deep down that what you were doing to me was wrong. And as for Dudley, I think you knew that letting him grow up without any discipline was going to backfire one day when you could no longer blame me for his crimes. All that aside, I have a question for you Petunia, and I would like you to give me an honest answer… if you are even capable of it."
"What?" Petunia had her nose in the air as if she were certain that what he wanted to know couldn't possibly be of interest to her.
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