Harry Confronts His Past


"If you and Vernon had died and my parents were the only ones available to take Dudley in, do you think my parents would've treated Dudley the way you treated me? Or would they have treated him like their own child?" Harry inquired curious to see what her answer was.

"I don't see the point in wasting my time with what ifs." Petunia countered. "Your parents are dead, so trying to figure out what they might or might not have done is a pointless exercise."

"You're afraid to answer my question." Harry countered. "You know they would've treated him better than you ever treated me. I wonder how you will explain YOURSELF to my Mum when you pass on, not to mention how you will explain your actions to the god you claim to believe in. I doubt he would approve of how you treated me either."

"It's well known he doesn't like your kind ." Petunia sniffed haughtily. "It says so in the bible."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that if I were you." Harry countered. "The word witch might be mistranslated from the original language it was written in. The word in its original language might not mean witch or wizard, but instead may be describing one who practices harmful magic. You know like how the Commandment: 'Thou shalt not kill' might actually be: 'Thou shalt not murder'. Otherwise the bible is full of contradictions, because in the Old Testament, he approves of stoning adulterers and that is killing isn't it?"

Before Petunia could come up with a response there was the sound of people filing back into the courtroom. The jury had made their judgement.


As Harry took hold of the portkey that would take him to visit Azkaban, he couldn't help but smile at the appropriateness of Dudley's sentence.

While the whale had lost weight during his stay in jail, given Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hadn't been able to raise the necessary money to get him out until the trial he still appeared to weigh enough to match any sumo wrestler.

The verdict was that Dudley was guilty on all counts. He remembered the judge lamenting the fact that the option of offering a first offender like Dudley the choice of signing up to serve in the military rather than go to jail was no longer available. He had told them that he had found that the majority of those who took that option went on to become a productive member of society, instead of being a useless layabout in prison with their food and other necessities being provided at the taxpayer's expense. He had also commented that the option might not be able to be offered to Dudley, even if it were still available because he was so obese and might not survive the very demanding basic training.

Dudley was sentenced to ten years for the extortion charge and two years each for the five assaults he was found guilty of with the sentences to be run consecutively, which meant that Dudley would be in prison for at least twenty years. True it was possible that he might get time off for good behaviour, but it was also possible that Snape would wash his hair and develop a love for dancing the ballet with Harry Potter too.

Harry had grinned broadly at that as he saw both Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon go red in the face when he claimed their son would be a useless waste of space in prison. Harry reflected that Dudley had been a useless waste of space outside prison why should that change once he was in prison.

The next part of the sentence though had made Harry's day if not his whole year and made Harry want to kiss the judge. The judge told Dudley that while he was in prison he would be placed on a mandatory diet until he reached the proper weight for someone of his age and height. The judge told Dudley that he wasn't going to get out of prison by dying or by having a heart attack that would cause him to be moved to a prison medical facility for the remainder of his sentence and make him an even bigger drain on the British taxpayer.

The expression on Dudley's face was even better than Vernon and Petunia's had been. He looked as though he'd just been told he was going to be shot by a firing squad at dawn. Then the stupid git had to have a temper tantrum that made him look like he was all of five years old, stamping his feet, wailing for his mum. The only thing that had been missing was Dudley falling on the ground and pounding his feet and fists on the floor because he'd been told something he didn't want to hear.

The portkey that Madame Bones had provided for him deposited Harry in the Warden's office at Azkaban prison and he managed to avoid stumbling this time.

The warden was standing there waiting for him. "Good day Lord Potter."

"Warden," Harry responded flatly. He hated this place and all the memories it brought up for him, but it wasn't this wizard's fault.

"I understand from Madame Bones that you wish to visit with Prisoner Severus Snape, is that correct?" This warden was brisk and business like. While he understood that there were sometimes changes in the daily routine, the warden preferred to get them over with as quickly as possible.

"Yes, in private if that is possible." Harry told him. "I have some business concerning my family that I would like to discuss with him. Is that possible to arrange?"

"Yes, it can be if you don't mind speaking to Mr. Snape in his cell." The warden told him after a few moments.

Harry shrugged. "If it is the only way, then I will speak to him in his cell."


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