A Bitter Goodbye

"You have a visitor, Snape." The guard for his wing of the prison announced as he opened the door to Snape's cell.

The former potion's teacher was surprised when the last person he ever expected to see at Azkaban came strolling into his cell.

"Just call when you are ready to leave, Lord Potter." The guard requested as he locked the door again.

Harry nodded.

"Come to gloat?" Snape growled in an almost bore tone of voice.

"Nope," Harry told him. "I have a question and depending on your answer, I may be making you an offer."

"What question?" Snape couldn't help being curious as he eyed Potter as if he might be a source of some entertainment. He could only do so much meditation before even that became boring.

Harry handed over a folded piece of paper. "If I get you the ingredients and the equipment to do so, can you make this potion?"

Snape's eyes widened at the name of the potion written there. Why would Potter need this particular potion? He eyed Potter suspiciously, wondering just what the Golden boy of Gryffindor had been up to since his incarceration. "Do you understand what this potion will do?"

"Yes." Harry did not elaborate. "Can you make it?"

"Yes." Snape was equally abrupt.

"Then to my offer, since I want to keep this matter as quiet as possible." Harry told him. "If you make the potion, I will consider your debt to me paid in full. Once you are out of here, I will arrange for you to be paid for making the wolfsbane potion for the foundation every month, and if the werewolves will allow it, I will even pay you to find a cure as long as said cure is not fatal. The only thing I will require from you is a magically binding oath that you will not mention this matter or the fact that I made you this offer, either verbally, in written form, or even telepathically, if wizards are capable of such a thing with anyone or anything. "

"And if I refuse?" Snape wanted to know.

Harry shrugged, "then I will oblivate you and wipe this conversation from your mind and you will still be obligated to make the wolfsbane potion for the foundation every month and you will not be paid for doing so. This is your chance to clear the debt you owe my father and get paid for your potions skills and if you are lucky, you could go down in history as the person who found a cure for lycanthropy."

Snape stared at the boy… no young man in front of him. He had hardly expected this response from Potter, the model Gryffindor. But then again, he wouldn't have expected a Gryffindor to need or want this particular potion either.


Hermione stared up at the canopy of her bed in the seventh year dorm, unable to go to sleep on her final night at Hogwarts, because her mind kept going over the fact that her life seemed to have come full circle today. She had arrived at Hogwarts with no friends and she was leaving Hogwarts with no real friends. Oh she had acquaintances, which was a vast improvement on what she had before, but no real friends. Her relationship with Ron had ended that afternoon as they were discussing their plans for life after Hogwarts.

There were a lot of factors responsible for it's demise; the strain of trying to deal with what they had done to Harry, even though Ron wouldn't admit they were at fault for some of it, the fact that they had very differing views about what was important in life, and she finally admitted at least to herself, the fact that Harry was not there to act as a buffer between them. Last year they had held together because of what they saw as Harry's betrayal of the Light and everything it stood for, but once that righteous anger had been shown to have no real foundation, the rest of the pillars holding Ron's and Hermione's friendship together had begun to crumble as well.

 She finally acknowledged that she had no one to blame but herself for the destruction of the bonds that had made her friends with Harry and Ron the night they had saved her from the Troll. True Harry had been more responsible for her being saved than Ron, but they had still come to rescue her and that had been the beginning. She had thought it would last forever, especially given all they had gone through but that had been a childish dream.


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