
Turai pushed open the door, his senses heightened and ready for battle. The room that greeted him was surprisingly large, yet sparsely furnished. A single desk stood in the center, behind which sat a man in a black suit and hat, exuding an air of misplaced professionalism. This was no ordinary thug; this was Denard the Mad Brawler, leader of the BlackBlooded Thugs.

Denard's eyes met Turai's, a wicked smile spreading across his face as he let out a dry chuckle. "Welcome, little one," he said, his voice dripping with mock hospitality. "I've been expecting you."

Turai's eyes narrowed, his voice cold as ice as he demanded, "Where are the children?"

Denard shrugged nonchalantly, "Oh, they're locked up somewhere in this building. But don't worry your pretty little head about it. You'll be joining them soon enough."

Fury bubbled up inside Turai. "I'll make you beg for death," he snarled, his small frame trembling with rage.

The man's smile only widened. "Big words from such a small boy. I promise you this: when I'm done with you, you'll suffer more than any of those other brats."

Five minutes of fruitless conversation passed, each second feeding Turai's anger. Unable to contain himself any longer, he launched himself at Denard with lightning speed.

To Turai's surprise, Denard reacted just in time, dodging the blow aimed at his face. In a fluid motion, the larger man delivered a powerful punch to Turai's side, sending the boy tumbling across the room.

But Turai was no ordinary child. He quickly regained his balance, standing up as if the blow had been nothing more than a gentle push. Denard's eyebrow rose in surprise, forcing him to reassess the situation and stand from his seat.

Excitement coursed through Turai's veins. He had sensed Denard's magical energy, but the sheer power behind that punch was unexpected. Still, it had barely hurt him. In that moment, Turai made a silent vow. "I promise to make you plead and bleed."

As Turai contemplated his next move, Denard sprang into action. "Why the hold up?!" He roared from his standpoint.

The chair he had been sitting on suddenly flew through the air towards Turai. The boy evaded it easily, only to find the larger desk hurtling towards him. At the last second, Turai dropped to his knees, sliding under the desk as it passed overhead.

No sooner had he cleared the desk than Turai spotted Denard descending upon him from above. With cat-like reflexes, Turai rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding Denard's attack. The man's fists slammed into the floor where Turai had been just moments before, creating a small explosion of magical energy.

Seizing the opportunity, Turai leapt to his feet and appeared beside Denard in an instant. He gathered just enough magical energy in his fist as he murmured, "I'm simply returning the favor."

Denard, confident in his physical abilities, grinned in anticipation. "Don't mention." He didn't even attempt to defend himself, a decision he would soon regret.

Turai's fist connected with a sickening crack. The force of the blow lifted Denard off his feet, sending him crashing into the wall explosively.


A web of cracks spread out from the point of impact.

Before Denard could recover, Turai was upon him again. Both of the boy's fists were charged with magical energy as he unleashed a barrage of punches.

Bang! Boom!

Bang!! Boom!!

Each blow could have easily broken through the wall, and Denard bore the full brunt of the assault. Every punch sent waves of pain through his body, each point of contact feeling like it was being shattered.

Just as Denard thought he was beginning to acclimate to the pain, Turai paused. A chill ran down Denard's spine as the boy spoke, "Let's try a different approach, shall we?"

Turai's small hands gripped either side of Denard's head, his grip surprisingly strong for one so young. A wicked grin spread across the boy's face, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of anger and anticipation.

"Now," Turai said, his voice unnervingly calm, "let's see how much you can take before you start begging."

Denard's eyes widened in fear as he realized the true extent of the danger he was in. This was no ordinary child he was dealing with. The power radiating from Turai was unlike anything he had encountered before.

Turai began to channel his magical energy directly into Denard's head overriding Denard's brain. He was making it exceed its limits. The pain was immediate and intense, like thousands of needles piercing his skull simultaneously. Denard gritted his teeth, determined not to give the boy the satisfaction of hearing him scream.

But Turai was relentless. He increased the intensity of the energy, sending waves of agony coursing through Denard's entire body. The man's resolve began to crumble as the pain became unbearable.

"Ugh… Arghh…" Denard was starting to break.

"Where are the children?" Turai demanded, his voice cutting through the haze of pain.

Denard struggled to form words, his body convulsing from the magical assault. "I... I won't tell you anything," he managed to gasp out.

Turai's eyes narrowed. "Wrong answer," he said coldly, intensifying the magical energy once more.

Denard's world exploded into white-hot agony. He could feel his consciousness slipping away, his body unable to cope with the overwhelming pain. Just as he thought he would pass out, Turai eased off slightly, allowing him to remain awake and fully aware of his suffering.

"Let's try this again but differently," Turai said, his voice eerily calm amidst the chaos. "Where are the children?"

Denard's resistance was crumbling. The pain was too much, the boy's power too overwhelming. He had underestimated Turai, and now he was paying the price.

As Turai prepared to unleash another wave of magical torture, the sound of footsteps echoed from outside the room. The cavalry was arriving, but whether they were friend or foe remained to be seen.

Turai's grip on Denard's head tightened. "Looks like our time is running short," he said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "But don't worry, I'm not done with you yet."

With those words, Turai unleashed one final surge of magical energy, pushing Denard to the very brink of consciousness. As the man's world faded to black, the last thing he saw was Turai's cold, determined eyes, promising that this was far from over.

"Give me a few minutes to deal with the interruptions." Those were the last words Denard heard before losing consciousness.

The door burst open, revealing a group of figures silhouetted against the light from the hallway. Turai turned to face the newcomers, his small frame radiating with power and his eyes blazing with fierce determination. Whatever came next, he was ready. "Come at me." The boy barked at the newcomers.