Retrieving Half Of The Kids

Turai turned to face the newcomers who had just burst into the room, interrupting his interrogation of the thug leader. His eyes blazed with fierce determination as he barked, "Come at me!"

But Turai didn't wait for their response. The moment he spotted a thick rod in one of their hands, he knew they weren't allies. As the first man took a step forward, Turai sprang into action, his small frame belying the immense power within.

With lightning speed, Turai launched himself at the lead attacker. His foot connected with the man's abdomen, the impact reverberating through the room.


The force of the kick sent the man flying backwards, his body crashing into several others by the entrance. They toppled like dominoes, a tangle of limbs and groans.

The remaining intruders, momentarily stunned by the display of strength from such a young boy, quickly recovered and swarmed Turai from all sides. But the boy remained eerily calm, his posture relaxed as if this were nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

One man, larger than the rest, swung a bat at Turai's head. The attacker was clearly wary of the child's inhuman strength, putting all his might into the swing. But Turai's reflexes were faster. He caught the bat with one hand, the wood splintering slightly under his grip. With a quick yank, he tore the weapon from the man's grasp, leaving him wide-eyed and defenseless.

Now armed, Turai turned the bat on his attackers. He swung low, sweeping the legs out from under two men who had tried to flank him. They crashed to the ground, the air knocked from their lungs. Before they could recover, Turai was already moving on to his next target.

A quick jab to the solar plexus left another attacker gasping for air, his face contorted in pain as he stumbled backward. Turai didn't even spare him a second glance as he pivoted to face the next threat.


The bat came down hard on a fourth man's shoulder, the crack of dislocating bone audible even amidst the chaos.


The man's scream was cut short as Turai's follow-up strike rendered him unconscious.

A swift uppercut with the bat sent another attacker's head snapping back, blood spraying from his broken nose. He crumpled to the floor, joining his fallen comrades.

The last man standing received a crushing blow to the ribs before he could even raise his guard. He doubled over, wheezing, before a final strike to the back of his head put him out of the fight.

In less than a minute, Turai had decimated the entire group. He stood among the fallen bodies, barely breathing hard, the bat still clutched in his small hand. The room, which had been a flurry of violence moments ago, was now eerily quiet save for the groans of the defeated men.

Turai's eyes scanned the room, assessing for any remaining threats. Peering out into the hallway, he checked for any sign of reinforcements. The corridor stretched out empty and silent, no indication of further attackers approaching.

Assured that no more immediate threats were coming, Turai returned his attention to the unconscious leader and using the same torturous method he'd employed to knock the man out, Turai now jolted him back to consciousness.

The leader's eyes snapped open, wide with fear and pain. He found himself staring into the face of the young boy, a face that should have been innocent but instead held a wicked grin that sent chills down his spine.

"Where are the kids?" Turai demanded, his voice carrying a threat that belied his years.

The man opened his mouth, hesitation clear in his eyes.

"I see." This moment of indecision was all it took for Turai to begin a new form of torture. His left hand filled with icy energy, a pale blue glow emanating from his palm. Simultaneously, his right hand blazed with fire, the heat shimmer visible in the air around it.

Without warning, Turai pressed his burning hand against the man's skin.

"Nooo!" The leader screamed in agony as his flesh sizzled and blistered. But before the pain could fully register, Turai switched hands, pressing the icy palm to the fresh burn. The rapid change from extreme heat to cold sent waves of renewed agony through the man's body.

Turai continued this cruel alternation, burning and freezing in quick succession.

"Ahhh! It hurts! It hurts!!" The man's screams echoed through the room and sweat beaded on his forehead, mixing with tears of agony that streamed down his face.

"I'll ask you one more time," Turai said, his voice unnervingly calm amidst the man's cries. "Where are the kids?"

Finally breaking under the unbearable torture, the leader pointed a shaking hand towards a seemingly unremarkable section of the wall. "There," he gasped between sobs. "Behind... behind that wall. Imbue it... with magical energy."

Turai paused his assault, eyeing the indicated spot skeptically. He approached the wall, placing his palm against its cool surface.


Channeling his magical energy, he felt a subtle vibration beneath his hand. Suddenly, the wall shimmered and disappeared, revealing a hidden passageway.

Without a backwards glance at the sobbing leader, Turai entered the secret corridor. The passage was dark and narrow, forcing him to proceed cautiously. As he neared the end, he heard muffled sounds - whimpers and hushed whispers that made his heart race with anticipation.

Emerging from the passage, Turai found himself facing a large cell. Inside, huddled together in fear and confusion, were about half of the missing children. Their eyes, wide with terror, fixed on him as he appeared.

A smile, genuine this time, found its way to Turai's face. With this raid, he had managed to secure the safety of many of the kidnapped kids. It wasn't all of them, but it was a significant victory nonetheless.

"Turai! They stole us!" One of them cried.

"It's okay," he said softly, his voice a stark contrast to the cold fury it had held moments ago. "I'm here to help. You're safe now."

Carefully, he worked to open the cell, using his magical energy to melt the lock. As the door swung open, the children hesitantly emerged, some crying, others simply staring in disbelief at their young rescuer. Some rushed at him, hugging him tightly.

Turai led them out of the hidden area and through the building, guiding them past the unconscious bodies of their captors. The children clung to each other, fear and relief mingling on their faces as they realized they were truly being freed.

Once the rescued children were safely out of the building, Turai returned to the leader. The man lay where Turai had left him, his body still trembling from the aftermath of the torture.

"Where are the others?" Turai demanded, his voice once again hard and unforgiving.

The man's eyes widened in fear. "Please," he begged, his voice hoarse from screaming. "I'll tell you everything. Just... just promise you'll forgive me. Let me live."

Turai considered for a moment, then nodded. "I promise to forgive you if you tell me where the rest of the children are."

Relief washed over the man's face as he began to speak. Turai listened intently, committing every word to memory.

As the man finished speaking, a flicker of hope appeared in his eyes. But it was quickly extinguished as Turai's hand shot out, gripping the man's throat.

"I said I forgave you," Turai said, his voice cold and emotionless. "I never said I'd let you live."

With a swift, brutal motion, Turai ended the man's life.


Turai twisted the man's neck.