The Shadowed Encounter

In one of the town's remaining motels, tucked away in a darkened room, the hooded figure everyone feared stood near a wooden table. The dim light barely illuminated his form, casting deep shadows that seemed to move with him. The room smelled faintly of damp wood and stale air, but it was thick with something far more sinister—an aura of impending violence. 

Kneeling before the cloaked figure was Brutto, a man who had once served under Otto Boomsgath. With his bucked yellow teeth, greasy blond hair, and dull black eyes, Brutto didn't look like much of a threat. His build was sturdy enough, but his features were forgettable, unremarkable in every way. But what he lacked in appearance, he made up for in survival. Unlike his comrades, he had managed to avoid being killed by Turai or captured by the town's guards. Yet, despite his minor triumph, he now knelt, trembling before the cloaked figure.

Brutto swallowed hard, trying to steady his voice. "The boy... the one you're looking for, he's returned to town." His words stuttered out, each one weighed down with fear. "He... he went to the marketplace, saw the message you left for him. But... he wasn't alone. He's with two powerful men. They seem to be protecting him."

The hooded figure said nothing at first. Silence filled the room like a noose tightening around Brutto's throat. Then the figure spoke, his voice low and unnerving, as though the words themselves carried an invisible weight that pressed down on Brutto's soul. 

"Why have you been hiding?" the figure asked, his tone sharp, cold. "Why now, after all this time?"

Brutto's heartbeat quickened, and he hurriedly replied, "I... I wanted to wait until I had something useful... something important... before revealing myself."

The figure tilted his head slightly, and for a moment, the room felt as though it had grown darker. "Useful information," he repeated slowly. Then, without hesitation or warning, the cloaked figure struck.

Blood sprayed violently across the walls, drenching the room in crimson. Brutto's body crumpled to the floor in a grotesque heap, his life snuffed out in an instant. His yellow teeth, once clenched in fear, were now slack, blood seeping from his open mouth. The room was thick with the coppery scent of death, and the hooded figure stood over the corpse, his movements calm, methodical, as if killing was no more significant than brushing a stray hair from his cloak. Indeed, to him, killing was as easy as breathing.

Moments later, there was a soft knock on the door. It creaked open, and another cloaked figure entered, this one smaller in stature, her slender frame hinting at a feminine presence beneath the dark fabric. Her hood hid her face, but her voice was unmistakably female.

"The boy belongs to an orphanage," she said, her tone soft but confident. "An orphanage that had a history with Otto."

The male figure remained still, but his interest was piqued. He turned slightly, allowing her to continue.

"Otto wanted the orphanage," she explained, stepping further into the blood-stained room. "He tried to purchase it, but the boy—Turai—refused to sell. Things escalated. Otto kidnapped the other children, hoping to force the orphanage into submission. But that only led to his downfall when Turai came after him."

The cloaked man nodded slowly, processing the information. The boy was not just a target; he had been instrumental in Otto's demise. This changed things. There was more to Turai than just a simple child with magic abilities. The fact that he had taken down Otto made him a threat worth studying.

The woman continued. "The orphanage has relocated. I know where it is. It's well-guarded, but vulnerable."

The male figure turned toward her. "Show me."

She hesitated. "And this?" she asked, gesturing toward Brutto's bloodied body and the mess that stained the room.

"Clean it up," the man said dismissively. "I'll handle the boy."

The woman bowed her head slightly and began preparing to dispose of the body as the male figure slipped out of the room, disappearing into the night.


Moving through the streets of the town, the cloaked figure kept to the shadows, his every movement silent and calculated. The town was still reeling from the earlier massacre, but the streets had returned to a cautious normalcy. His presence went unnoticed as he made his way toward the location the woman had described—the new orphanage. 

From a distance, he spotted it. A modest building, tucked into a quieter part of town, but clearly inhabited. He watched for a moment, scanning the surroundings. The security was minimal; most likely, they thought the trouble had passed with Otto's death.

He stepped deeper into the shadows, waiting, watching.

Moments later, the door of the orphanage swung open. Turai stepped out.

The boy was focused, adjusting the strap of the bag slung over his shoulder. His face, though young, held a seriousness beyond his years. As he moved to head down the street, the cloaked figure began to follow, carefully blending into the shadows, ready to track him.

But then something unexpected happened.

Turai stopped suddenly. His body tensed, and his gaze shifted, scanning the street as though he sensed something—or someone. His eyes narrowed, and he turned his head slowly in the figure's direction. The cloaked man froze, his breath catching as Turai's eyes locked onto his hiding spot.

For a long moment, neither of them moved. The boy stood still, his brow furrowed, his gaze sharp and piercing. He had spotted him—seen through the cloak of shadows the figure had relied on for so long. No one had ever been able to do that before.

'He saw me, didn't he? That's just perfect.' A slow grin spread across the cloaked figure's face. He hadn't expected this, but it excited him. The boy was more formidable than he had anticipated.

In the blink of an eye, the figure vanished into the night, disappearing as quickly as he had appeared. But his grin lingered in the darkness.

The hunt had only just begun.