Preparing For The Fight

The streets of the town were growing darker, the last remnants of daylight fading as Turai stood motionless, sensing the presence that had been watching him vanish into the shadows. The figure, whoever it was, had chosen not to confront him—at least, not yet. Turai could only assume that the person had come to check him out, assess him, and find out where he stayed. Given that the figure had come to the orphanage, it was clear they had succeeded in locating him.

Turai's thoughts moved swiftly. There was no point in lingering or worrying about what had just happened. The encounter had been brief, but it confirmed one thing: the threat was real, and it was close. For now, though, he had other matters to attend to.

Without much delay, Turai set off on his intended journey toward the nearby Wanderers Order branch. It was about fifteen minutes away from the orphanage, a distance he could cover quickly. His pace was steady, each step calculated as the town continued to settle into the quiet of early evening. The streets were emptying, and most people were already indoors, hiding from the unknown killer still lurking in the shadows.

It took Turai only ten minutes to arrive at his destination. The Wanderers Order branch stood tall, a large building with its symbol etched on a grand sign, illuminated by the last rays of the setting sun. However, rather than enter the branch directly, Turai crossed the street and walked into the modest-looking motel opposite.

Upon entering the lobby, he gave the receptionist a nod of respect. The receptionist, recognizing him immediately, smiled. "Good to see you, young Turai," the man said warmly. "You're here to see Hubert, right? He's upstairs, second floor, room seven. Have fun," he added with a knowing smile, clearly unaware of the grim reason behind Turai's visit.

"Thanks," Turai responded curtly before making his way to the stairs. He moved swiftly, his senses still sharp, but the atmosphere here was much calmer compared to the outside. As he reached the second floor, he found the door to room seven and knocked firmly.

A moment later, the door swung open to reveal Gareth, his broad frame filling the doorway. Upon seeing Turai, a wide grin spread across Gareth's face. "Turai!" he exclaimed, pulling the boy into a quick, strong embrace. "Good to see you, kid. Come in."

Turai stepped inside the room, which was larger than most rooms in motels like this. The space was clean but packed with signs of multiple occupants—clothes were scattered across a table, and weapons leaned against the walls. Hubert sat at the far end of the room, seated in a sturdy chair, his gaze already on Turai as he entered.

"Turai," Hubert greeted him, his voice calm but tinged with concern. "What brings you here?"

Without wasting time, Turai explained what had just transpired. "I was visited by the new killer in town," he began, his tone even and serious. "He was close to the orphanage, watching me. I managed to spot him before he disappeared, but there's no doubt he was there to check me out."

Hubert and Gareth exchanged a glance, their expressions growing grim. "You're sure it was him?" Hubert asked, already knowing the answer.

Turai nodded. "There's no mistaking it. He didn't approach me directly, but he knows where the orphanage is now. I'm sure of it."

The room fell silent for a moment. Hubert leaned back in his chair, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword as he considered the situation. "That means the orphanage is in danger," he said finally, his voice heavy with the weight of the realization. "If he's targeting you, then he could use the orphanage as leverage."

"I know," Turai replied, his voice slightly softer now. "That's why I need your help. When I'm not around, I need you and the others to watch over the orphanage. I can't be there all the time, and I won't put them at risk."

Hubert stood, the decision already made. "Of course. We'll keep an eye on them, Turai. You don't need to worry about that."

Gareth chimed in, his usual grin gone, replaced by a rare seriousness. "We've got your back, kid. No one's getting near that place without us knowing."

Turai nodded in appreciation, feeling the weight lift slightly from his shoulders. Knowing that Hubert and Gareth would be keeping watch over the orphanage gave him some peace of mind, but the threat was far from over. Whoever the figure was, they were planning something, and Turai knew the time to face them would come soon.

After a few more words, Turai left the room, leaving Hubert and Gareth behind. He stepped back into the fading daylight, his mind still racing with thoughts of the killer. But for now, he had done what he could. The orphanage would be protected.


Meanwhile, back in the motel where Brutto had met his end, the cloaked figure returned to his room. The air inside was still thick with the remnants of death, but the blood and mess had been cleaned, just as he had requested. The room was spotless, save for the lingering scent of iron in the air.

The figure sighed as he removed his robes, revealing his bare chest and the bold number etched into his skin—"6"—inscribed across his back. His movements were methodical as he stripped down, his thoughts replaying the earlier encounter with Turai.

Turai had spotted him. The boy's sharp gaze had locked onto him, cutting through the shadows where he had stood hidden. Few people could sense his presence, let alone pinpoint his location with such accuracy.

A grin spread across the figure's face as he thought back to the moment. The way Turai had stared at him, unflinching, even after knowing he was being watched—it was thrilling. The boy was more perceptive than he'd anticipated, and that made the upcoming game all the more exciting.

"This will be fun," the figure muttered to himself, chuckling darkly as he imagined the confrontation to come. He had seen many strong individuals before, but Turai intrigued him. The boy was clever and strong, but the figure wasn't concerned. Fun awaited, and there would be more blood before his work here was done. As long as Turai stayed in the town, the hunt would continue.

The figure's grin widened as he thought about the days ahead. Another kill was inevitable, and he would savor every moment of it.