Take Me With You

Li Feng did not expect that this seemingly gentle and beautiful woman would erupt in such a terrifying manner, just like a mother tiger, the pressure she gave him was even greater than that cunning guy (referring to Huan Chu), which surprised him. He murmured, "I'm telling the truth, I really didn't know. Do you want me to make up something..."

Huan Chu's scolding ignited Li Feng's anger, and he had to rely on Ye Hongbo's help to suppress him.

The queen's scolding actually made him lose his temper, like a gentle kitten in front of a tiger, it is really a case of one creature subduing another.

Huan Chu could only helplessly stop the queen who was pushing her luck, putting on a friendly face, and coaxing Li Feng gently, "Are you sure you haven't missed anything?" When the Lich King persuaded you to join, did he not tell you what kind of organization this was? "

Li Feng, who was suppressed by the queen, was already mentally fragile. At this moment, he, who was inexperienced in the world, saw the friendly appearance of Huan Chu, as if he had seen a relative, and he wanted to pour out all the contents in his mind as if he were cutting open his heart and lungs.

Under the prompt of Huan Chu, he was just about to think carefully, but when he saw the mother tiger opposite him glaring at him with fiery eyes, he dared not delay and immediately blurted out, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube: 'I remembered, I remembered!' It seems like he mentioned something. He said the round table meeting is a completely equal and loose alliance, where everything is based on voluntary participation. Every Lich has the right to speak for themselves, and no one can force anyone to do anything. "

And then? For example, why establish this alliance? Huan Chu was leading poor Li Feng step by step.

Why? Oh, he said it was to drive away the humans in the territory, help each other, resist the threat of humans, and protect the safety of our Lich King himself. Li Feng suddenly recalled the situation at that time, "I was eager for more and more humans to come, how could I join such an organization that drives away humans..."

At this point, Li Feng murmured a few more words, "If I had known there were such fierce and evil guys like you in the world, I would have joined them long ago, how could I be threatened by you like this..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was glared back by Chen Wenwen.

It seems that Queen Chen Da, who was defined as a "tigress mother" by Li Feng, has much more deterrence power over this poor corpse king than Pang Le, who "kills corpses without blinking," and Huan Chu, who is "sly and cunning."

After observing Li Feng carefully for a moment, Huan Chu was able to confirm that he was not lying, and that he had already squeezed out all the goods in his stomach. The unlucky Lich King has now lost its value.

If the roundtable meeting is indeed a loosely allied group with little aggression as described by Li Feng, then the threat they pose to humanity is much smaller.

I'm afraid the previous attacks on the capital human gathering places were only due to the military's frequent strikes posing a significant threat to the high-level zombies, prompting them to act in accordance with the principle of safeguarding their territory and life safety.

Most human settlements are now on the defensive, avoiding zombies at all costs and not even considering launching any proactive attacks.

The round table meeting does not feel threatened, so they are unlikely to easily launch an attack on these strongholds. So, as long as parents can survive the initial wave of zombies, they should be able to survive.

Along the way, the thing he feared most in his heart was that when he led the group to the destination, the entire area around County W had already become a ruin due to the crazy attacks of the zombies. So, if his own persistence and beliefs completely collapse, I'm afraid Huan Chu will no longer have a reason or courage to survive in the end times.

At this point, Huan Chu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, finally letting go of the tension that had been gripping him all this time.

Lighting a cigarette, with smoke curling around, Huan Chu slowly said, "Very well, I have received the money you paid for my life." "

Upon hearing Huan Chu's words, Li Feng couldn't help but feel elated and quickly asked, "So, can I leave now?" "

"Go?" Huan Chu's face showed a surprised expression, "What if I let you go now, and you immediately gather your servants to surround and attack us?" "

When speaking, Li Feng was only thinking about quickly getting away from this group of terrifying guys. As long as they let him go, he would leave immediately, the farther the better.

Upon hearing this, Li Feng's face darkened as he saw that Huan Chu was unwilling to release the person. It didn't take long for me to react, and I silently exclaimed in my heart. Yes, when he releases me, I will immediately gather all the servants in the city and tear you evil guys apart one by one, so you will know the consequences of offending me.

Thinking of this, Li Feng's face lit up with a smile, and he quickly said, "Rest assured, rest assured, I, the mighty Corpse King, will never engage in such treacherous acts of burning bridges after crossing them." "

Huan Chu had already noticed the changes in his expression, how could he not know what this seemingly humble guy was thinking in his heart, and said directly, "Anyone can talk nonsense like this." How can I be sure that after I let you go, you won't turn around and pretend you don't know me? "

Li Feng was also at a loss. This cunning guy makes a good point. If someone said that to me, I wouldn't believe it either. After thinking it over, I still couldn't come up with a perfect solution, so I decided to pass the ball back to Huan Chu: "Then what do you think we should do?" "

Huan Chu tilted his head back, took a deep drag on his cigarette, exhaled slowly into the air, and said leisurely, "I'd rather not." The method I mentioned, you definitely won't agree with. "

Li Feng, however, didn't care at all. In his opinion, what situation could be worse than now? Anyway, he had to escape first and then figure it out.

With a firm determination, he put on a fearless attitude and confidently declared, "No matter what challenges come my way, I will face them head-on." As long as you release me, I will accept any conditions! "

Seeing Li Feng step by step into the trap he set, Huan Chu felt a sense of joy in his heart. He couldn't be bothered to comment on how this guy was talking nonsense with underworld jargon, and said with a strong sense of temptation, "Actually, this matter is not a big deal at all. As long as you lift your leg, it can be done." "

Li Feng quickly ran through all the possible scenarios in his mind and couldn't think of anything bad that could happen. He quickly said, "What's the matter?" Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me what you need, as long as it's something I can do. "

Unexpectedly, Li Feng came to complain about his dawdling again. Huan Chu couldn't help but smile wryly, without saying anything unnecessary, he directly expressed his thoughts: "Great!" Before we leave Liuan, I want you to stay by my side all the time! "

When Huan Chu praised himself as "refreshing," Li Feng was a bit proud, but after hearing this sentence, he couldn't help but be stunned, looking at Huan Chu in astonishment: "What did you say?" Do you want me to stay by your side until you leave? "

Huan Chu snapped his fingers and looked at Li Feng with admiration, as if praising his understanding ability.

Of course, whether this admiration is sincere praise or sarcastic mockery, no one is investigating at this point.

Before Huan Chu clearly said he would let me go, but now he wants me to stay by his side (he instinctively ignored the words 'before leaving Liuan'). Li Feng suddenly felt that this seemingly sinister guy had never intended to let him leave, and all he said was just to play with him, which made him very angry.

Now it's Ye Hongbo's turn to take the stage.

He grabbed Li Feng, who was about to stand up from the chair, and said with a face full of disappointment, "I'm telling you, sir!" Isn't this human nature? The bandits will only release the hostages after they reach the safe zone. If they release you without any conditions, they are most likely preparing to shoot you dead as soon as you step out the door. It's only when he speaks like that now that he truly shows sincerity! "

Li Feng was stunned again, thought for a moment and felt that what Ye Hongbo said made some sense, and asked in a low voice, "Really?" "

"More real than real money! Ye Hongbo's face was solemn.

Huan Chu just caught Ye Hongbo's eye just now. Now seeing Li Feng hesitating and not daring to believe, he decided to push him further, casually flicked the cigarette ash, and said, "Forget it, forget it." Since you are unwilling, let's each take a step back. I don't want you to follow us either. If you want to leave, you can go now. I believe in the character of the Corpse King, he definitely won't burn bridges after crossing the river. "

Li Feng, who was originally half-believing and half-doubting, suddenly thought that Ye Hongbo's words had come true when Huan Chu changed his mind.

This cunning guy is not so kind-hearted, he must be planning to shoot me as soon as he exposes a flaw and then shoot himself with that ruthless giant who kills without blinking. I must not be fooled.

Upon further thought, Li Feng found himself believing about 80% of what Ye Hongbo had said. Just sit still in the chair, stop fidgeting, put on a mature look, and say to Huan Chu, "Upon further consideration, I think what you said makes sense." After all, we were enemies just a moment ago, so it's normal for you not to trust me. I can't be bothered to argue with you. Let's just go together. "

Don't go, don't go. I trust you, please leave quickly. Huan Chu immediately made a surprised expression and hurriedly refused. Compared to Li Feng's rough acting skills like a roadside extra, Huan Chu's performance is no less impressive than Tony Leung's.

Li Feng saw the expression on Huan Chu's face and thought he had exposed his sinister tricks. He firmly believed in Ye Hongbo's words and immediately said, "No, no, for your safety, I must send you out of Six, Six what was it." "

Lu'an! Ye Hongbo immediately added on the side.

Yes, Liuan. I must ensure your safe passage out of Lu'an. "

And so, in the office under the cover of night, a touching drama unfolded that could rival the love story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's eighteen farewells.

After a full ten minutes of back-and-forth courtesy, with Li Feng almost kneeling down and saying, 'Please let me be with you,' Huan Chu finally hesitantly agreed to Li Feng's conditions.

Li Feng, who received the approval of Huan Chu, was overjoyed, thinking that he had thwarted the cunning enemy's sinister trap, and proudly led everyone out of the door.

He, who could immerse himself in joy, did not notice at all that behind him, his most trusted Ye Hongbo and his most hated Huan Chu, both showed strong expressions of joy, exchanging a 'everything is ok' gesture with each other.

He didn't even notice that the old man he referred to as the old man was looking at Huan Chu with a deep sense of appreciation and admiration in his eyes.