Three Consecutive Defeats on the Journey

A group of people filed out of the teaching building, with Li Feng's command, naturally there would be no more zombies to disturb them.

With a total of ten people, the Hummer certainly couldn't accommodate everyone. Huan Chu had already called Lu Hao to drive the Buick business car to pick them up before going downstairs.

Li Feng naturally had to be personally taken care of by Huan Chu. The old man also needed to be looked after, so he had to let the long-lost Ye Hongbo and the few survivors get into the Buick together, while Huan Chu and the other five squeezed into the Hummer.

Although Li Feng had seen many cars, it was the first time he actually sat in one, just like a bride riding in a bridal sedan chair. Looking at the night scene flashing by outside the car window, she kept exclaiming in admiration, while throwing one question after another at Pang Le, who was sitting beside her, like a curious baby.

Why ask Pang Le?

In order to keep an eye on Li Feng, Huan Chu had Pang Le and Chen Wenwen sit on both sides of Li Feng. Li Feng didn't have the courage to consult the mother tiger. Faced with two dangers, he chose the seemingly less harmful Pang Le.

He had no idea that Pang Le was a fool. Seeing this seemingly dull guy not answering his questions, he not only did not feel frustrated, but became more interested in Pang Le, who did not even bother to acknowledge him, after encountering humans who were all submissive and obedient to him before.

Pang Le has never experienced being annoyed like this before. Although he is foolish, he knows that the guy next to him, who looks like a fool, cannot be easily provoked, so he can only occasionally say a few words about things he understands. Although Pang Le managed to speak, his language ability was poor, and he could only utter a few disjointed words each time, often stuttering.

Li Feng had witnessed Pang Le's marksmanship in the office before, but with his preconceived notions, he had no idea he was being taken for a fool by a fool.

Pang Le admired his words as if they were golden, and ended up treating him as a true master, respectfully seeking his advice, almost to the point of offering tea and becoming his disciple.

Chen Wenwen laughed heartily on the side, while Li Feng, though puzzled, did not dare to ask. He simply ignored the fierce mother tiger and continued to discuss with Pang Le about the issues of life and ideals. What do you mean by 'corpse birth'?

Human life is called human life, and the life of a corpse king is of course called corpse life.

Huan Chu ignored the three people in the back seat and occasionally turned his head to talk to the old man sitting beside him, "Old man, may I ask for your name?" "

The old man obviously did not expect that Huan Chu, who had been swearing in the office just now, would also have such an elegant scene. He couldn't help but add a few more points to his evaluation of him in his heart, and smiled and said, "May I ask for your surname, Mr. Sun?" If the kids respect the old man, they can call him Grandpa Sun; if they feel uncomfortable, calling him Old Sun is also fine. "

The casual joke from the old man surnamed Sun greatly increased Huan Chu's favor.

His grandparents are very serious people, so he especially admires the elderly who are willing to joke with their grandchildren. The elderly Sun in front of him looks older than his grandfather, perhaps a few years older. In Sun's friendly and humorous words, Huan Chu unconsciously felt a sense of identification: "Mr. Sun is joking." Sun Lao seems to have an extraordinary status judging from his demeanor. Why didn't he follow the government to retreat to Tibet and came to such a place instead? "

Alas, as I grow older, I always long to see the magnificent mountains and rivers of my motherland. Just arrived in Lu'an and got caught by this little kid behind me. Haha, you can't deny that you are getting old, now it's your world. Sun Lao is not Li Feng, how could he easily fall into Huan Chu's trap, casually avoiding the key points in Huan Chu's words.

Huan Chu's mouth curled up in a slight smile. Although Sun Lao's words seemed flawless, they still conveyed a certain amount of information to him.

When Huan Chu mentioned the government's retreat to Tibet, Sun Lao showed no surprise, apparently having known about it long ago. Although the government announced the evacuation just three or four days ago, Sun Lao was actually arrested by Li Feng a week ago. During this week, he naturally received no information at all, that is to say, this shrewd old man had already received the news even before the government began preparations for evacuation.

But this thing obviously did not satisfy Huan Chu's appetite. He steadily held the steering wheel and continued to ask, "That guy said that Sun Lao's bodyguards are all very capable, right?" Alas, it's a pity to sacrifice. If they were still here, our team would be much easier. "

Huan Chu was lamenting in his heart, in fact, he had already set a trap for Sun Lao long ago. He referred to them as security guards instead of bodyguards because during peacetime, only officials at the ministerial or military division level and above have dedicated security guards.

Considering Sun's age, he is obviously not a current military officer or official. To be assigned a bodyguard, he would have to be at least two levels higher.

Secondly, the elderly are generally nostalgic. Security guards are usually trusted aides of the leaders. Mentioning them, especially those who sacrificed, can likely get Sun Lao to speak.

But Sun Lao remained unfazed, simply saying, "Where would an old man like me have security guards? It's all thanks to my filial children, who are worried about me and have hired bodyguards for me." I said it wasn't necessary, but they insisted on hiring a security company. Now, sigh, such a young child, what a pity, what a pity. "

Huan Chu was defeated decisively in two rounds in his first encounter with a true master in verbal sparring. But he was not discouraged at all. He went straight to the point and asked, "Mr. Sun, I can tell you must have a distinguished identity. Can you reveal a little bit to satisfy this young man's curiosity?" "

Sun Lao saw Huan Chu changing his approach and nodded in satisfaction, saying with a smile, "Young man, that's more like it." Now that you have complete control, why bother playing this probing game? "

Huan Chu was taken aback and cursed himself for being foolish.

When you meet a master, seek guidance and listen humbly.

Chen Wenwen, who was sitting in the back seat at this time, cooperatively handed a bottle of water to Mr. Sun. After taking a sip, Mr. Sun continued, "The verbal sparring you just had is a game played by people in the political arena." The world is different now, just like it was in old China. In troubled times, the one with the gun is the king of the grassland. "

Sun Lao gave a thumbs-up gesture, then turned to look at Li Feng, who was still discussing with Pang Le. He continued, "The way you dealt with that guy before was good. Testing will only happen between parties of equal strength." When the power is unequal, it's time to change the approach. Threats and inducements, using every means possible, these two phrases may not sound pleasant, but they have been passed down for thousands of years for a reason. "

But your probing just now was quite good. It's because I've lived for so long and seen so much that I'm not easily fooled. If you had a younger salesperson, they would probably sell you everything without you even realizing it. "

In the end, Sun Lao also encouraged Huan Chu: "Well done, young man!" If it were peacetime, you would definitely thrive in the political arena. When peace is restored, the old man might still rely on you for care. "

Sun Lao thinks peace can still be restored? "Huan Chu asked sincerely this time."

"That's natural." "Maybe I'm getting old. Sun Lao needs to drink some water to moisten his throat after speaking a few words: "How many disasters and catastrophes have humans experienced? Dinosaurs became extinct, but humans survived." Kids, never underestimate the potential of human beings. "

After saying this, Mr. Sun remained silent, leaving only Huan Chu deep in thought.

But Li Feng in the back seat became more and more enthusiastic, as if he had found a great listener in Pang Le for the first time, and continued to launch his nonsense attack: "Sometimes, you know, I really don't know what the meaning of my own existence is." Do you think so? Ah, I don't know what those guys find meaningful in their lives, running around with a bunch of dirty servants all day long. Is that fun? A group of lunatics. "

Pang Le neither agreed nor disagreed, or rather, he didn't quite understand what this guy was talking about. But Li Feng did not feel defeated at all, and continued, "I actually think you humans are pretty good. Look, you have friends and family, while I can only stay with a group of wooden dummies, living a dull and aimless life." So I only want to capture humans, and I won't resort to deadly force as long as you don't resist too fiercely. The eight servants of that old man are really powerful. I've killed hundreds of my own servants. If I don't get rid of them, I can't guarantee my own safety. "

At this point, Li Feng actually patted the shoulder of Huanchu in front of him. Seeing Huanchu turning his head with a look of surprise, he said, "Brother, give me two of the things you smoked in the office earlier. I want to try them too." "

Damn, what kind of world is this, where even zombies can smoke?

Huan Chu muttered to himself, but could only smile and handed the box of cigarettes and lighter in his pocket to Li Feng.

Li Feng took it, imitating Huan Chu's way of lighting it up, and started to puff out smoke rings. Look at that familiar look, he must have been like Huan Chu before he turned into a zombie, a seasoned smoker: 'Well, I'm just curious about humans, I want to know what's going on in your heads, why you would come to save these people who have nothing to do with you.' "

Pang Le spoke again at this time: "The boss is here, I'm here." "

Li Feng was stunned: "Boss?" Oh, you mean him. He pointed to Huan Chu, saw Pang Le nodding, and continued, "Boss, this title is not bad." Brother, why are you here to save these guys? "

Huan Chu saw Li Feng turn his head and ask him, naturally he wouldn't say anything like the team lacking people as a reason. He was about to come up with a random excuse to appease him, but suddenly remembered the several humans they saw being surrounded and killed by zombies in the capital city, thought of those soldiers who died heroically for their country, and also thought of his parents whose fate was unknown.

For a moment, he was confused. Was he there to rescue them because the team was short-handed, or was it simply because he didn't want to see humans die when he had the power to prevent it, with the shortage of manpower just an excuse to convince himself to take the risk.

Huan Chu glanced back at Chen Wenwen, who also looked puzzled. Obviously, they were thinking the same thing. He sighed and a bitter smile appeared on his lips, 'Why?' I don't know why, I just came. "

"Did you come here on a whim?" The boss is here, should I come in? Li Feng pondered for a moment, with a look of sudden realization on his face: "No wonder he calls you boss, turns out you two even talk alike." "

Huan Chu chuckled in disbelief, almost driving the car straight into the hotel lobby. Xian Xian parked the car and watched as everyone on the car, including Li Feng, jumped off one by one. Just now, his thoughts were interrupted by Li Feng, and now that it was quiet, he began to carefully ponder Sun Lao's previous words.

After a moment of thought, there was a faint curse from Huan Chu in the car: "Damn it!" I was played by that old man! He talked for half a day, but it's like he didn't tell me anything! "

Huan Chu vs. Sun Lao!

Round three!

Huan Chu was completely defeated!

PS: Dear all, I'm so sorry, so sorry, so sorry. Xiao Du has been typing and forgot to check the time. I didn't realize it's already 1 o'clock. I'm really sorry.

Thousands of words cannot express the guilt in Xiao Du's heart, so there will be an extra chapter at four o'clock in the afternoon as a compensation. Please forgive Xiao Du, dear readers.