At that moment, Hu Xue Ren was filled with both self-reproach and contentment. That day, he called Jiang Wei over once again to discuss her relationship with Wang Xiaoqiang, "Little Wei, how are you and Little Qiang doing now?" "We are... quite good..." Jiang Wei lowered her head unnaturally.
"You must handle your relationship well. You need to be more proactive. Such a good boy should not be let go..."
"I understand... Uncle," Jiang Wei's impression of Wang Xiaoqiang had improved significantly ever since he had showcased his talent at the art exhibition center by painting a portrait for her. Moreover, she cherished the portrait painted by Jiang Feng for her, hanging it prominently in her bedroom and admiring it for a long while every day... Whenever she saw the portrait, a burst of sweetness filled her heart, and she thought of the man who had painted it... Wang Xiaoqiang.