"The value of this work will absolutely rocket; ah, Old Mo, I really love this painting. Don't compete with me for it! I'm bidding four hundred thousand!"
The long-haired, scruffy-bearded man increased the bid,
"I represent the River City Cultural Promotion Department; we're offering four hundred thousand to acquire this work and treasure it in the River City Museum!"
Then, a rather alternative-looking girl stretched out five fingers: "I bid five hundred thousand."
The crowd began to fiercely contest for Wang Xiaoqiang's casual painting. No longer did anyone care about his earlier rudeness, his disrespect for art, or the insulted girl from South Korea.
Sometimes, the world is just this pragmatic—just a second ago, you might have been highly respected, but as soon as you are utterly defeated by someone, you get quickly forgotten, just like an unclaimed parcel!