Chapter 13 One-on-one, you know what I mean!


When Tie Shan's colossal frame toppled to the ground, the entire training room was instantly plunged into dead silence!

The reassessment drivers on the ground, who had been wailing non-stop, fell abruptly silent, their eyes bulging, their mouths wide enough to fit a duck egg!

They stared at Tie Shan, who was clutching his groin area tightly, their eyelids twitching wildly!

Then they looked at Hao Jian, who wore a smile, the corners of their mouths twitching uncontrollably!

"Groin Kick..."

For crying out loud, this bastard actually took down Tie Shan with a Groin Kick!

After a brief silence, the entire training room erupted into chaos!

Some cursed Hao Jian for having no shame, resorting to a sneak attack, while others couldn't praise Hao Jian's cunning enough, lavishing him with compliments!

The training room went from blink-of-an-eye silence to a cacophony of noise!

Meanwhile, outside the training room, Xiao Qiang kept rubbing her eyes, even suspecting she was hallucinating!

"I must have seen it wrong, it's impossible... How could this... This guy possibly take down Tie Shan!"

However, once Xiao Qiang confirmed she hadn't been mistaken and that Tie Shan had indeed been taken down, her pretty face betrayed a deep fury:


After cursing under her breath, Xiao Qiang stormed into the training room, the doors flying open!

As Xiao Qiang entered, the room instantly fell silent!


The moment Xiao Qiang stepped in, her fiery eyes shot daggers at Hao Jian!

Hao Jian, however, seemed oblivious to Xiao Qiang's fury, scratching his head and saying with a grin:

"Beauty, are you overwhelmed by my bravery? Do you really want to give a thumbs-up for my wit? Actually, there's no need. My cunning and bravery, just like my handsome charm, are lifelong flaws I cannot correct!"

Xiao Qiang: "..."

Tie Shan: "..."

Others: "..."

"Shut up!!!"

At this moment, Xiao Qiang could only feel the rage in her chest flaring up. She had never encountered such a despicable, shameless, and unprincipled person. She was completely defeated by Hao Jian's scoundrel nature!

"Hao Jian, you are eliminated! You resorted to dirty tricks to take down Tie Shan. You do not deserve to be an employee of Shu Ya Group! Now, please leave!!!"

Xiao Qiang's voice was resolute, and her declaration caused the faces of everyone in the training room to shift subtly!

By the rules, Hao Jian had already won!

After all, this was a fight, not a competition; there was no regard for the method used to take down the opponent!

And now...

Hao Jian's smile gradually faded, his dark eyes fixed intently on Xiao Qiang:

"Although I know you're targeting me, I still have to tell you something! On a real battlefield, it's kill or be killed. No method is honorable, and none are despicable. To take down or kill an enemy is always the ultimate goal! You... just don't get it."

At that moment, Hao Jian was no longer smiling. His words seemed to create an invisible pressure in the training room, enveloping everyone!

Everyone had the illusion that Hao Jian was not the easygoing joker he appeared to be but a Murder God who had walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

This overwhelming aura caused everyone, including Xiao Qiang, to have their hearts pounding fiercely!

At that moment, Xiao Qiang felt as if her heart had stopped beating; the intense pressure made it hard for her to breathe. Although she was shocked, Hao Jian's disdainful attitude deeply stung her:

"Hao Jian, you..."

Xiao Qiang wanted to continue to argue with Hao Jian, but as soon as she began to speak, she was immediately interrupted by him:

"I know what you want to say, and I know what you want to do! Don't worry, I won't stick around in your company! Or should I say, your group isn't worthy of my sentimentality!"

After saying that, Hao Jian slowly headed toward the door!

Seeing Hao Jian act so nonchalantly, Xiao Qiang and the other drivers up for the second interview were all taken aback!

In their eyes, although Hao Jian was a bit of a joker and a little sneaky, he still had guts, even giving up the position of Miss Shu Ya's personal driver!

Everyone's view of Hao Jian changed somewhat, including Xiao Qiang's!

Just as Hao Jian was about to pass by Xiao Qiang, he paused, looked her up and down, and a sleazy smile appeared on his lips:

"Oh yeah, beauty, your hormonal imbalance seems quite severe lately, which could lead to other gynecological inflammations. If you need help, you can come to me anytime! One-on-one, professional treatment, you know what I mean!"

With that said, Hao Jian winked at Xiao Qiang, emitting a 38V low voltage charm, then sashayed out of the training room!

Xiao Qiang's mind was completely boggled!

One-on-one? I know what you mean?

I know screw you!

That asshole was still the same shameless, despicable rogue as ever!

Any slight improvement in Xiao Qiang's impression of Hao Jian had completely vanished, especially seeing the peculiar looks from the other interviewees around her, making her wish she could just crawl into a hole!

"Mr. Hao Jian, please wait!"

However, just as Hao Jian had stepped out of the training room, a crisp voice rang out, stunning everyone!

They saw a professionally dressed female assistant approaching!

Seeing this assistant, Xiao Qiang blinked in surprise:

"Weiwei, why are you here? Did Miss Shu Ya give any instructions?"

Xiao Qiang knew that this female assistant was the president's assistant to Miss Shu Ya and was usually responsible for conveying some of Miss Shu Ya's commands!

However, what surprised Xiao Qiang was why the female assistant knew Hao Jian's name and what she wanted with him!

The other driver candidates in the training room, who did not know the identity of the female assistant, perked up when they heard the name Miss Shu Ya!

Under everyone's gaze, the female assistant walked over, smiled slightly at Xiao Qiang, then turned her intriguing eyes to Hao Jian:

"Mr. Hao Jian, congratulations, you have successfully passed the second interview and are now appointed Miss Shu Ya's personal driver! Miss Shu Ya would like to meet with you, please follow me."


The words of the female assistant stunned Xiao Qiang and everyone else present!

Hao Jian had passed?


Xiao Qiang's face showed a hint of urgency as she quickly said:

"Weiwei, what's going on?"

"Sister Qiang, I don't know! It's a direct order from Miss Shu Ya!"

The female assistant named Weiwei, who was obviously very familiar with Xiao Qiang, gave her a wry smile and then said to Hao Jian:

"Mr. Hao Jian, please follow me."

Upon saying that, Weiwei turned and headed straight towards the elevators!

It was only then that Hao Jian reacted, equally astonished. He glanced at the leading Weiwei, then at the somewhat dumbfounded Xiao Qiang, and with a wide grin, Hao Jian coughed:

"Ahem... turns out not every beauty is on their period! Aunt Flo, goodbye!"

Having said that, Hao Jian flamboyantly swayed his hips and eagerly followed her, leaving behind Xiao Qiang, whose face was green with fury and who was grinding her teeth in hatred!