Chapter 12: You're Out!

The towering brute had just entered the training room when all inside felt an immediate pressure!

This man stood at an impressive one meter ninety, with broad shoulders and a thick waist. His security uniform clung tightly to his body, outlining his perfect muscles as if a coiled dragon lay beneath them, making him look incredibly powerful and virile!

Not only that, but his face was covered with tough flesh, and his large, bell-like eyes sparkled with a piercing sharpness. One glance at him gave the frightening illusion of being preyed upon by a wild beast!

At this moment, all of the drivers participating in the second round of the selection process inhaled sharply in unison, their gaze towards this strongman filled with fear!

"His name's Tie Shan, a military man by training. After retiring, he's been the head of the security team at the Shu Ya Group!"

Xiao Qiang pointed to the strongman and spoke to the retest drivers within the training room:

"Our group doesn't require you to have the same skills as Tie Shan, but you must be agile enough to handle some minor troubles for Miss Shu Ya! For instance, dealing with gangster harassment or inappropriate actions from business partners! For these, you all need agile skills!"

Xiao Qiang's eyes swept through every person in the room, particularly pausing on Hao Jian, with a playful look in his gaze:

"Therefore, this final retest will be a live combat with Tie Shan! If any of you can knock down Tie Shan, then he'd surely become Miss Shu Ya's driver! Of course, even if you all lose, Tie Shan will still pick the one with the best skills to become Miss Shu Ya's driver! Remember, there's only one spot, oh!"

Xiao Qiang's words made the complexions of all the drivers present in the training room turn ugly!

However, thinking of the generous benefits offered by the Shu Ya Group and Miss Shu Ya's enchanting figure, the retest drivers' eyes slowly turned bloodshot as they all stood up from their seats, eager to try!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiang was extremely pleased; she walked over to Tie Shan, whispered a few words, then gave Hao Jian a deep look before leaving the training room!

And when Hao Jian saw this, he smiled wryly, for even when using his bottom it was easy to guess that this woman had certainly told Tie Shan to take special care of him!

"This woman's really cunning..."

Sure enough, after Xiao Qiang left the training room, Tie Shan's large, bell-like eyes stared straight at Hao Jian, his mouth stretching into a terrifying grin!

"Everyone together! We can definitely beat him!"

"That's right! Miss Shu Ya is the number one beauty in Hua City, heh heh… For Miss Shu Ya, let's go all out!"

"Damn it! I'm going all in!"


As howls rang out one after another, the retest drivers madly charged at Tie Shan!

Fists and kicks rained continuously upon him!

This scene didn't cause the slightest panic in Tie Shan; instead, his mouth curled into a smirk as his large fist swung out fiercely!


As it connected with a driver's forehead, the man grunted and went completely unconscious!

"One, eliminated!"


"Two, eliminated!"



All the retest drivers watched in terror as their punches and kicks seemed to have no effect on Tie Shan, as if his entire being was indeed made of iron!

With each of Tie Shan's punches, another driver went unconscious. In the blink of an eye, a swath of them had fallen!

Just as the fight was heating up, Hao Jian was sitting by himself in seat 23.53, legs crossed, watching the mayhem with a smile, not showing the slightest intention of intervening!

Outside the training room, Xiao Qiang lay on the window, watching Hao Jian's leisurely demeanor, her teeth itching with hatred!

"Why hasn't this damn hooligan started yet? Is he scared? What a coward!"

They say women are petty and hold grudges, and Xiao Qiang was no exception!

She had just instructed Tie Shan to give Hao Jian a warm welcome, naturally not wanting to miss this perfect opportunity for revenge!

Soon, the fight inside the training room had come to an end, and all the participants of the retest were beaten down, each grimacing in pain, their eyes filled with fear when looking at Tie Shan!

Only one person was left standing, and that was Hao Jian!

"Kid, it's your turn!" Tie Shan's mouth twitched, and he gave Hao Jian a ferocious smile.

At this moment, outside the training room, Xiao Qiang's face was full of smug smiles. She seemed to have already seen Hao Jian being beaten miserably, begging pathetically:

"Hmph! You dare to mock me, you stinking rogue, this time I'll make you pay!"

Xiao Qiang was delightfully watching from outside while Tie Shan had already approached Hao Jian!

The sight of his nearly two-meter-tall figure, like that of Black Bear, standing in front of Hao Jian, was visually stunning!

The rest of the beaten drivers looked pityingly at Hao Jian; they also knew that this guy's fate was going to be even more miserable!

"Hehe... Tie Shan big brother, you are truly incredible; I'm utterly in awe of you!"

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Hao Jian had no intention of starting a fight. Instead, he scurried over to Tie Shan, his face full of ingratiating smiles, buttering him up:

"That Arhat Fist you threw a while ago, taking down one with each punch, was even more awesome than Bruce Lee! It truly opened my eyes!"

Hao Jian was only one meter eighty, a head shorter than Tie Shan, and with his slender frame, he seemed like someone who could be easily knocked over, so Tie Shan didn't take him seriously at all.

At that moment, hearing the flattery, the corners of Tie Shan's mouth curved up slightly:

"You recognize the Arhat Fist? Not bad, promising!"

"Haha... Big brother Tie Shan, I've seen a Boxing King perform the Arhat Fist before, but compared to you, he's nothing but trash! You could knock him out with just one punch!" Hao Jian was full of sycophancy and flattery.

And hearing these words, Tie Shan was even more delighted.

His greatest dream when he was young was to become a Boxing King, and Hao Jian's flattering hit just the right spot!

However, Xiao Qiang and the other drivers who had been beaten down were twitching at the corners of their mouths, cursing this guy silently for having no shame, actually trying to get by with brown-nosing!

"Hehe... Big brother Tie Shan, I'm sorry!" Hao Jian said with a cheerful grin.


Tie Shan was taken aback, and then asked:

"Sorry for what?"

"You've been eliminated!"

As his words fell, before Tie Shan could comprehend what had happened, Hao Jian's foot shot out like lightning, striking hard at his groin!


A muffled sound rang out, and Tie Shan's massive body shuddered violently!

He hastily covered his groin with his hands, bending over like a cooked shrimp, his face full of bulging muscles turning red, resentfully glaring at Hao Jian:

"I've been screwed over..."