Chapter 17: Don't Fall in Love with Me

"You're just a rascal!"

Shu Jie slapped Su Sheng's sturdy arm. Once the conversation started, she actually felt relieved.

As for arresting people, that was currently off the table because the victims from yesterday either knew nothing or claimed they had fallen while walking.

Although there were surveillance videos, Su Sheng's face wasn't captured from the beginning to the end. So, even if they wanted to arrest him, the evidence was insufficient.

Her task now was only to understand as much about Su Sheng as possible. After all, with such an unstable element in her jurisdiction, how could the police not pay close attention?

"I'm a rascal? Don't falsely accuse a good person; I haven't even asked you to test a gun yet."

At these words, Shu Jie instantly cowered. Could we please not bring up the gun thing?

Once they were upstairs and the food was served, Shu Jie hardly had an appetite. She couldn't handle spicy food, and this meal was a loss for her.

"Su Sheng, how did you end up working at Tang Corporation?"

"Oh, ran out of money, had to live somehow."

He spoke the truth. But his job was unexpected, so he countered, "What about you, what were you doing at my company?"

Well, you're just a supervisor, how did it become your company?

Shu Jie couldn't be bothered to correct him, she replied, "That night, didn't we catch three robbers? The case has proceeded, and we've recovered more than half of the stolen goods. I was there today to report on the case progress."

She was actually there to see her old classmate Zijun. But she couldn't bring that up, especially not to Su Sheng—otherwise, he might insist on her introducing him to Zijun, and she certainly knew her old classmate's charm.

"I see, you guys are really unprofessional. You caught the people, how could half of the stolen goods still be missing?"

Su Sheng voiced his criticism. The goods lost by his wife's company were his loss too, deeply troubling indeed.

"We haven't lost half, the robbers have already... wait, that's confidential." Shu Jie realized some information she couldn't disclose.

As for what was just said, it didn't matter since Su Sheng knew about the situation of that night.

"Confidential my foot, it's just your incompetence." Su Sheng didn't give her any slack. Even if it wasn't half of the goods, it was still enough for his two years' housekeeping, what a loss.

Shu Jie was angry, at this moment she forgot her mission and retorted angrily, "Fine, then why don't you go find the goods."

"If I find it. But that's your job. What if I actually find them, how will you thank me?" Su Sheng put down his chopsticks, not backing down.

Shu Jie really wanted to spit in this man's face. Aren't you also an executive at Tang Corporation? Helping your company find its goods, what do you need as a reward?

"Fine, you want a reward, right? If you really can find those goods, other than firing a gun, you can choose any reward you like."

"You said it yourself."

Su Sheng turned serious, pondering the feasibility behind this affair. Finally, he said, "My reward is simple, please don't fall in love with me."


Shu Jie was dumbfounded.

This shameless man, where did he get such confidence? She could fall in love with a suspect? Ridiculous.

However, Su Sheng added, "Or as a reward, why don't you have a monkey with me, choose one."

Shu Jie clutched her chest, unable to suppress the surges, "I choose the first, I swear I'll never fall in love with you."

"I knew it, so I want you to have my monkey." Su Sheng's face was filled with mockery, finding it very amusing to tease this policewoman.

"Su Sheng, you're really a rascal, and utterly shameless."

Shu Jie made her decision about this man again. That night he kept trying to take advantage of her, even slapping her butt.

Today was even worse, as a virgin, how could she casually have a monkey with someone, especially such a shameless man.

"It was you who said any reward would do, and it was you who chose, okay?"

Su Sheng glanced at the time, "Hurry up and eat, finish quickly, I have to drop by the 4S shop, I need to pick up my car."

Shu Jie was speechless for quite a while, and at least one thing was right; she could never fall for this kind of man. But in the end, she still had to be this man's driver, which was utterly shameless. She should have spat on him.

Half an hour later, Su Sheng got out of the car on his own, not forgetting to flaunt his cellphone and said, "You go back and take care of yourself, and wait to have my babies!"

"You scoundrel, sooner or later, I'll get you thrown in jail. You won't be able to find that batch of goods, absolutely impossible."

Shu Jie wasn't too worried; the remaining goods were such that even the police had no way of dealing with them, let alone Su Sheng on his own. It was like finding a needle in a haystack, so the deal was off.

What she couldn't get over was Su Sheng's attitude. Was having babies really such a simple matter?

But by this time, Su Sheng had already walked far away. Shu Jie, infuriated, slammed her hand on the steering wheel, causing a piercing horn sound. Suddenly, she was tempted to contact her old classmate Zijun and ask her to fire Su Sheng.

The thought no sooner occurred to her than she hastily abandoned it.

As a law enforcement officer, she couldn't abuse her power; even using personal relationships to get someone back wasn't allowed.

Once she calmed down, Shu Jie thought about the surveillance footage of the fight and that night when Su Sheng had inexplicably helped control three armed criminals. What if he really did find that batch of goods, what then?


Shu Jie stepped on the gas and drove off as if fleeing, hoping never to see that shameless jerk again in her life.

Su Sheng had finally retrieved his car, but the quote had somehow increased by two thousand, from eight thousand to ten thousand, claiming something about having redone the four-wheel alignment and balance.

Highway robbery.

"Try charging me an extra two thousand, see if you still want to keep your shop here."

Su Sheng was furious, as this kind of arbitrary charging couldn't be tolerated. Considering how hard it had been for him to encounter a rear-end and earn some compensation, did someone actually dare to snatch away his meal?

"Brother, I haven't finished yet. The quote is ten thousand. But you have a VIP card, which gets you a twenty percent discount."

"When did I ever get a VIP card?" He seemed not to remember.

"Ahem, it's a virtual card. I'll give you a physical card now; you can use this card to pay, enjoying the discount."

"That's more like it."

In the end, Su Sheng paid eight thousand and got his car back, only to receive a baffling call for help.

"Is this Supervisor Su? It's Little Zhao from the sales department. We're really short on people here; you're free this afternoon, right?"

"Why would your sales department need me? Also, how do you even have my number?"

Su Sheng sensed that something was amiss. Had someone made a mistake?

"We have your contact information on the company's internal network. Nobody answered your office landline just now, so when can you come over? We really need some help here—it's pretty urgent." The other end indeed sounded busy and desperately needed support.

But Su Sheng hadn't planned on going back to the company today, so he flatly refused, "I'm not free, look for someone else!"

Beep beep, he hung up the phone right after saying that. What kind of regulations are these? Can departments within the corporation just randomly seek help from each other?

No sooner had he put the phone down than another call came in before he even got in his car.

"Hello, Supervisor Su? Could you please come down to the fifth floor? My computer suddenly broke."

Su Sheng was baffled again.

It was one thing for the sales department to need him; at least they were short on manpower. But what's the deal with fixing computers, doesn't the company employ mechanics?

"Supervisor Su, are you listening? I need to use the files on my computer this afternoon..."

The voice on the phone was a young woman, soft and gentle, making it hard to refuse.

Yet, Su Sheng interrupted, "No need to say more, first add me on WeChat, send me a recent photo. If you're a beauty, I can fix your computer."

"Are you sick! If I were beautiful, would I even need to call someone for help, beep beep…" The call abruptly cut off, and the girl seemed really struck!

Su Sheng felt even more depressed and hurriedly turned off his phone, quickly got into his car, and headed straight for the company.

Damn it, someone was definitely scheming behind his back; he had to find out who and spank them.