The Council

'Ok, tell me, what are you even doing with these things?' A mysterious man in a crimson robe muttered in an ally way talking to an orb of glass emitting a blue light, it's cold hue running of the steel walls providing light in the dark night sky.


'What we do with this is none of your concern.' A voice replied from the orb it's voice just as loud as the man who spoke before it.


'All you need to worry about is getting as much mana as you can. You have the lockdown plus your other team mates are holding off all forms of transportation and back up.' The orb continued.


'I'm working for you aren't I? Don't I at least deserve to know the basics?' He pleaded, curiosity getting the better of him as he spoke. 


'We owe you nothing, you're not supposed to be able to have self awareness, much less the ability to talk back to your superiors, you're here because you're strong but even you have a limit, I suggest you don't push it.' The orb stopped responding, its blue hue dissipated, making way for darkness in the spot they resided.


The moon glared down at the hooded man as he leaned against the wall, concerns and doubts running his mind as he thought about what was going on. He bit his nail hesitantly his eyes grazing the cold metal floor. 


'What am I even doing.' He sighed as he got up, his eyes fixed to Prospera academy, a blue light bursting through the windows in a massive burst of mana.


'I've got a job to do.'

'What did you call us for now Director?' A voice snarled in her chair, her feet kicked up to the desk. Long black hair draping down her hardened figure, silver white eyes staring at the man across the table, wearing the clothing of a knight, her sword strapped to her waist as she awaited a response.


'Now, now Merlene, you should have some manners in front of the Director.' Vasrien intervened, a warm smile on his face but his words carried all the weight needed to get his message across. Standing near the Director, his hands behind his back as if standing in attention.


The warrior took her feet down, fixing her posture as she awaited the announcement from the Director. Others sat by the same table, the room dark, clumps of light crystals lining the stone walls their white hue crawling down the intricate designs of it's cold surface, illuminating as much as possible. Rain beats against the windows as the wind howls demanding to be let in. 


'Do speak up Director, the suspense is killing me ya'know!' A woman with a white feathered hat spoke up, her short black hair waved and curled around the borders of her round face, like a beautiful canvas portrait, her round blue eyes looking at the Director with that of dying curiosity. A white pristine dress hugging her figure as it hung ever so close to the floor, her hands adorned with silk white gloves resting on her lap.


'Settle down and let the Director think! The situation may be much worse than you realize!' A man spoke up amongst the group, his tanned skin contrast his pure white Habit clothing. His arms folded and his eyes a haze, void of all color. His hear shaven off, a sign of discipline among monks.


'What a dilemma this must be then, to have the Director this shaken, oh my, a tragedy must have occurred.' Says a hushed voice, her hands together as her fingers interlaced through the gloves, her eyes closed yet hues of hazy blues peaked through the cracks of her eyelids, her white hair cascaded down her back. lips turned into a slight frown of worry. She wore the clothes of a nun, a pendant running down her chest in the shape of an eye, the rest of her mumbles that of a silent prayer.


The Director lets out a sharp sigh before relaying the news. Looking at the group before him who were all too eager to learn what was happening.


'Word of this cannot get out to anyone.' He insisted with shaky breathes, his eyes searching theirs for conformation.


'We promise! Now out with it!' Merlene spoke up, anxiousness soon laced her voice as she pondered what he could be trying to say.


'Well...' His voice trailed off as he tried to find the right words to ease the blow of the news. A sigh of defeat soon escaping his lips as he decides to just say it out front.


'The core, it's been stolen.' He finally admits with a shaky voice. Merlene shot up from her seat, her nails digging into the wooden table. 


'What?!' She roared, gritting her teeth in rage to the news. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The core, something so valuable, the very thing that keeps this city running for so long was gone.


'Tell me this is some kind of twisted idea for a joke!' She demanded. Vasrien glaring at her from the Director's side.


'Merlene, calm down. I wont ask again.' He smiles at her. Slowly she slumped to her seat, her fingers skimming against the desk in annoyance.


'What could've caused such an issue, and how long has it been occurring? Please director, tell us.' The nun spoke, her voice still below that of a whisper.


'I'm on board with Sister Niao, I'd like to know as well.' The monk announced, his demeanor calm but it's best not to test his patience. 


'It's been a day since it happened, a member from the reaper sect had stolen the core.' The Director continued, his eyes panning across the group.


'How do ya'know the Reaper sect is a part of this?' The woman with short black hair asked, her head tilted to the side in confusion.


'We've received report that the Reaper sect had not only hold up the recent trains coming to Prospera, but all trade opportunities.' He sighed, his hand holding up his face as he leaned against the table.


'Isabella, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?' He pondered, his eyes glaring at her with a cold unwavering gaze.


'Surely as the teacher of trade and the the minister of trade affairs of this city, you would know at least that much.' The Director felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, he looks up to see Vasrien shaking his head in disapproval, causing him to back off from the situation though still having his suspicions.


Isabella bit her lip, as silence took the wheels of the meeting. Their gazes averting her as she groveled in shame of being put on the spot.


'So...' The monk spoke once more, looking over to the Director with an eyebrow raised, trying to continue the conversation but couldn't find the right words to utter.


'It's safe to assume due to your recent outburst, that you suspect there to be a mole among us?' Sister Niao murmured, picking up the pace of the meeting trying to stay on track.


The Director held his head and nodded, his free hand tapping against the wooden table.


'That's right, it could be one of us, which is even more unsettling.' He admitted with a sigh of defeat. 


'We have some sort of protocol in place though, with the disappearance of the core, the only assumption we could've made is that they're here for mana, which we hired a boy who seemed to have a little girl of some kind, the amount of mana she contains is outstanding.'


'So you think this girl, is gonna weed out the Reaper sect?' Merlene murmured in disbelief, a whole plan left up to fate.


'We'll be searching the city for any signs of them during that time of course.' The Director reassures.


'And what if he doesn't come for the girl. Heck, what if he waits until everything collapses to even try.' The monk inquired.


'Let's pray it doesn't come to that.' Sister Niao murmured.


'There's no clear identifier that they know much about the core and it's contents. So it's safe to assume-' His words were cut off by a raging slur of words.


'This plan is too shaky! We're relying too much on what the enemy's think! What are we going to do if somehow they know! What are we going to do if somehow! Just somehow! This mole passes us and leaks more information!' Merlene snapped, her boisterous outburst echoing through the room, as an awkward silence rains over them. 


Vasrien moves to walk up to her, but was stopped by the hand of the Director, his head down in defeat as he added upon his plea.


'I know, I know it's not the best plan.' He continued, .


'But we have no other options Merlene. We have no choice but to hope.' The Director murmurs, not too proud of the idea himself, yet there was nothing else to turn to, no lead to back up on. All he has was hope and hope is what he'll use.


'He has a point, the cards are stacked against us. We may never recover unless we pray they get a bad pull.' The nun sighs. Her eyes opening ever so slightly to look at the Director.


'Director, If I may ask. How many days until the power runs out completely.' She continued, curiosity to how more urgent the situation is getting the better of her.


'Six days.' He responded.


'So we have six day's to find this guy...' Merlene murmured, getting up from her chair, arms folded across her iron plated chest.


'Well, as the head of the city's guards, i'll look for this guy. I suggest you keep on your toes too director.' And with that Merlene made her leave, her long black hair flowing behind her confident yet aggressive strides leaving everyone in the room to their thoughts. 


The director buried his head against the wooden desk, his fingers grabbing clumps of his blonde hair, the strands peaking through the creases of his slender fingers.