
'Isabella?' A hushed voice pierces through a deafening silence that hardened to a shroud. Isabella standing in a pool of darkness, the sky bled black mimicking the pond's eerie hue. Her blue eyes darted through the dark, trying to pick up on who would call her in such a place.


'Isabella.' It continued, it's voice a familiar melody playing at her ears, lying in wait for her response. The woman who's dress gave off such poshness and elegance took her strides, a desperate attempt to flee from the familiar unknown. Her heart raced in her chest as it tried to break free. Pupils dilating in the shrouded darkness.


'Don't run Isabella.' It cried, her strides turning into a run, her body wobbled as her heels collided with the floor beneath her making it ripple like a pond with each step, tracing her movements for a brief moment before disappearing in time.


She ran as fast as she could, her breaths coming in unsightly pants for oxygen, her arms and torso swaying in a desperate attempt to get further, fighting against the poor balance she had gained for beauty. Isabella stumbled on herself, the heels stabbing her in the back when she needed them most. Her hands sink into the floor, turning into a gooey mess that slowly devoured up to her elbows it's cold embracing devouring her slowly.


'N-no!' She cried, trying to break free, her head pulling back in an attempt to use her body weight. But it was all for not. Her sinking came to a halt, the white dress she wore so proudly tainted in black, running up it's angelic hue.


'Let go of me!' Isabella's eyes shut as she attempted her escape once more, her eyes on the verge of tears.


'Please, who are you. What have I done to deserve this?!' Her cries became a muffled mess as she bit her tongue and lip, awaiting her fate, only to be met with gentle caring hands, their warmth a stark contrast to what kept her grounded. She opened her eyes, her gaze drifting down long slender arms, the pinnacle of beauty, her pale skin, her slender face and plump lips, her sharp blue eyes, slender noes and long black hair that almost hides her pointy ears. It was all she wanted to be, staring right back at her.


The long slender fingers of the woman caresses her face once more, drying her tears in their caring embrace as they danced against her skin. A warm smile playing at the lips of the woman, her body half submerged in the gooey mess. 


'I'm sorry, you just wouldn't stay still.' Her eyes softened at the sight of Isabella, her hands running down her face until the reached her chin, gently lifting it up, holding her head high.


'You look so much better when you're confident. Hold your head high.' She added, her hands slowly drifting off her face, only causing her to yearn for her touch once more.


'Who are you.' Isabella inquired, her shaky breath not quiet getting over the tension of fear that clawed at her senses. The feeling of unease yet comfort made her lips quiver, unsure whether to let it be or scream. 


'Honestly, to think you'd forget me already.' The woman chuckled, not a drop of ill will laced within her angelic voice. He body slowly squeezed out of the cold dark depths of the void that consumed her. Her slim body exposed for all to see, her slender feet dancing across the dark depths as the sky cleared before her.


Isabella watched in awe as the area around her turned from one so gloomy and dead to clear blue skies, her body now submerged in beautiful, calm still water. Her head now looking up to the woman she once looked down on. Her teeth gritted as he face contorted to an emotion she would never let the public see. Tears squeezing their way through her eyes as she tried desperately not to let them out. 


'Why...' She murmured to herself.


'Why am I crying.' Her hands raised up to her face as water poured off her slender arms, soon reuniting to the pool below, the clouds reflecting off of it so clearly, a small ripple contorting the image as her tears too join the calm waters. Her dressed soaked in it's warm embrace.


The mysterious woman stood by her side, walking on the water she couldn't. Kneeling in front of her once more to wipe the tears.


'My little princess,' She murmured, her voice a warm hush, hands meeting her face once more. 


'Don't let anyone get you down.' Her eyes widened at the familiarity of those words, the tears stopping gradually to give the eyes a close look at the one who comforted her, the woman she'd still yet to know, but wanted to so badly. Slowly her arms reached out to the woman who caressed her cheek. Her hands fully passing through, unable to feel, unable to touch, and unable to comfort.....


'Who... are you?' Isabella asked hesitantly, the feeling of unease quickly leaving her, the feeling of warmth only getting more and more noticeable. A calming feeling she'd missed for a while, a feeling that she wanted to last forever so badly, yet she knows that it wouldn't.


The figure hugged her, her slender arms wrapped around her seamlessly, her face buried buried in the crook of her neck.


'It's better if you don't remember.' She murmured, but she couldn't feel her breath, nor her touch anymore. Her body loomed over her in a hug that felt awfully comforting yet no feeling at all. 


'Just, promise me, that you'll survive, my little princess.' Her voice started to break down into tears, muffled sniffles, trying to hide her emotions from the girl she wanted to comfort. Her grip tightening on her, she could tell, yet she felt nothing. Her actions, everything she does. She knows she's doing it, yet she can't feel anything, from her, from her actions, it all just, stops, somewhere or the other. 


'And... I'm sorry.' She pulls back, her hands on her face once more. Isabella looked up to the woman to see her face had changed, no longer the woman she once met before, though beautiful, she's far from the level of the other. 


Flowing blonde hair cascading down her white blouse, eyes scratched off from the world. A slender face and fingers, her cold touch sending shivers down Isabella's spine. Her face a scowl as her hands run up to cup her ears in her palms.


'Tainted! Tainted blood!' She'd cry in rage. Her foreign accent thick with her words. 


'I should've never had you! You can't hide my secrets! You can't hide my past!' Those were words she was all too familiar with, her lips quivering at the harsh words of the woman before her.


'M-mom?' She called out, her plea falling on deaf ears as her hands slid off her face, their cold yet familiar touch drifting off in time.


'I'm not your mother.' She responded coldly, her unforeseen gaze drifting away from her own blood. Her feet filled with bruises and scrapes, her own eyes too filled with tears as she walked off, her bruised feet moved over the clear blue waters, tainting it once more, giving it i


Isabella woke up in a cold sweat, her face drenched from her perspirations, heavy gasps escaping her lips in as she tried to process what happened. The silk white sheet that covered her night ground creases under her fingers. Her eyes narrowing in anger that seemed to have no provoker, tears flooding her irises once more. Tears that she couldn't stop.


The sound of chirping filled the ambience in the background, the quiet muffles of her dears dropped onto the pristine sheets. Her blouse hugs her body under it, the only form of embrace she had in this time.


The moonlight shining against the glass window, it's rays blessing her room with it's presence. The stars accompanying it in a dance of beauty, making it even more of a spectacle. 


'Maybe, this job isn't for me.' She murmured between hushed breathes. Her hands reaching up to cup her soft round ears in her delicate palms, biting down on her lower lip as she thought.


'Why can't thing's go back to the way they were.' She said through gritted teeth.


'These stupid rules! I hate them! Why must we be stuck here!' Her voice came in raging pants as she kicked and screamed, throwing a tantrum in the comfort of her bed. Her feet digging against the bed sheets, toes curled up against it's silk, poking holes in her fit of rage.


Her hands continued to cup her ears hiding them from the world, eyes shut as the tears force their way out.


'I want to go home, I can't take this anymore.' Her voice finally trailed off in a desperate plea for help, but no one came.


'I just want my life back.' 


-Knock knock-

The sound of someone at the door echoed through her dead cold solitude, her gaze looking up to see who could it be.