

Kaluar climbed the ladder of the school's library to get to the top, his fingers grazing against the hard covers of the book he needs. His eyebrows would furrow in determination as he stretched. Teeth gritted in concentration. 


The golden rays of the sun peaking through the windows, adorning the books stacks with it's angelic glow, the wood shining under its pristine ray of light. The school's banner lined the walls as golden diagrams hung overhead, spheres with tiny rings around them, the universal sign for mana and the globe of Elvendoria.


'How many books do you need?' Celi asked in disbelief at the amount of books he's taking as she stood on top of one of the book stacks, her mind wanted to doubt that he's reading them all but she knew him all too well at this point.


'I just need a book on magic infusion.' Kaluar mumbled between strained breaths, his hands finally latching onto the book he wanted like a vice, his weight leaning too far against the ladder. He grabs onto one of the counter ledges for support but ended up toppling down with a pile of books on top of him.


Muffled laughter filled the quiet hall of the library the sound barely reaching the young elf's ears. Slowly he got up from his tomb of literature, looking over to those who were laughing. His face flushed in embarrassment. His eyes caught the sight of three boys making their leave out of the Library, two of them were making jokes about his sudden fall while the other remained quiet ignoring the presence of the other too.


His hair curly and black, An X under his cold blue gaze staring straight ahead as he left with books hugged under his arm, both hands snugged into the pockets of his uniform.

'You ok Kaluar?' Celi called out as loud as she was allowed in the library from the top the book cast. Causing Kaluar to look up with a smile and a nod.


'Yeah i'm fine!' He said in a hushed voice, picking himself up to continue his main objective.


Kaluar took the books back to the dorm, his hands working it's magic against a weird trinket he's been experimenting with.


'What's that?' Celi asked from the bed above them, her eyes filled with curiosity as she made her way to Kaluar's hair for a closer look.


'Oh nothing, just a bomb.' He said, clearly proud of what he's done.


'Are you crazy! In here?!' Celi explained. Hiding her head in his hair in a desperate attempt to take cover.


'Don't fret, this is just the shell, it wont blow up or anything.' Kaluar sighed at her sudden cowardice. Soon holding it closer for her to see. The design in bronze and silver, the intricate depiction of fire wrapping around the contraption along with multiple different shapes.


'When we actually get out of this place, we can find gunpowder and actually test this thing!' Kaluar grinned from ear to ear, practically squealing in excitement.


'You say it as though being in here wasn't your choice.' Celi retorted.


'Well, yeah I need to do this to catch that guy.' Kaluar's hands slowly reached to his chest, pulling at the fabric.


'Besides, he has something I want back and I don't care if it kills me I'm getting that rune again!'


Celi smiles at his overwhelming enthusiasm, a feeling she was all too used to at this point. Her head resting against his vibrant colored hair, her eyelids feeling heavy as she slowly drifted off to sleep. His fingers continuing to work vigilantly on his contraption, fingers dancing through the pages of theory and instruction. A single light crystal to illuminate the pages.


'Soon, I'll be a Ruin hunter soon, and i'll make you proud dad!' Kaluar murmured under his breath as he worked on the device.


'I won't let you down. Not now, not again.'


'That's it for today class, memorize the scriptures for tomorrow, okay?' Sister Niao spoke to her class as they exit the room, the cheers of children soon drifting from ear shot. Her eyes opening ever so slightly in an attempt to see the room around her even though she knows all too well she couldn't. The classroom that surrounds her, bathed in the golden glow of the sun's rays, an image of serenity, a stark contrast to the chaos she foresaw. 


The white tiles beneath her feet seemed to stretch infinitely, blending seamlessly with the wooden walls that rose to support the sturdy stone structure. Her hands rested on her desk, cupping each other in a silent prayer. 


'This unforeseen mess.' She murmured under her breath, remembering the predicament they were in, the chaos that was about to unfold.


'Is going to take the lives of such beautiful kids, and their hopes, their future.' her eyelids shut once more as her grip on her own hands tighten.


'How can we avoid such a tragedy...when the sky is crying tears of our own advancements to survive?' She would ask again and again, yet not an answer came to her mind when she pondered. Only more questions as the climax would soon arrive.


'Please goddess, tell me you're divine answer, leave me not in the dark to wallow and feel for a solution, for our time is limited and our doom is nigh. Bless me with your word, your strength, give me your divine flame to illuminate the encroaching darkness that taunts me so.'


Silence fell upon her in her solitude, not even a gush of wind blessed her ears, awaiting the response of the goddess, her loyalty evident in her actions, trusting that the goddess will soon hear her cry.


'Praying to this goddess of yours won't get you anywhere.' She heard a familiar voice enter her class. She raised her head from her silent prayer, her head not bothering to turn.


'Merlene... I see your patrol has came to an abrupt end.' She commented in their small exchange of words. Merlene shrugs and walked to the window, staring down at the kids as they talked, and played during their free time.


'How's that kid you've been talking about? Any luck?' She pondered, looking at the nun who sat near her. 


'Is my personal problems really of concern at this present moment?' Niao retorted.


'Everyone's issues are equally as important, it doesn't matter what, if you need help then you need help.' Merlene sighed. Her gaze shifting to the door, her hand resting lazily on the hilt of her sword.


'I see,' Sister Niao commented.


'No you don't.' The brave warrior snickered to her self at her witty remark. 


'May the goddess smite you for this.' The nun murmured, causing Merlene to laugh even louder, her joyful roar caused her to snicker herself, soon erupting into a soft laughter herself. 


'Don't worry, we'll find him, I promise you.' Merlene reassures, looking the Nun straight into her shut eyes.


'But..' Niao hesitated, the grip on her hands tightening even more. 'Would you even have the time? You're a teacher of sword combat and the general of the city police, I doubt that I, a mere teacher is worth your precious free time.'


Her ignorance was met with a playful blow to the head causing her to flinch and turn her head up to her assaulter. Though she couldn't see it she could feel warm eyes staring back at her. A reassuring feeling.


'Don't think like that. You do deserve my time, and I'm willing to give it to you.'


Merlene pulled her hand back, a warm smile that rivaled the sun played at her lips, shining brighter than the tiles of the classroom. 


'I'm forever grateful.' Niao murmured, a small smile of her own emerging, glad for the help she's receiving, the help she didn't thought she deserved. 


'What about you?'

Niao inquired, A look of curiosity etched on her face as she awaited a response. Merlene looks at her a bit confused, scratching the back of her head.


'What about me?' She pondered.


'What's your struggles, your issues.' The nun got up from her chair, taking Merlene's rough rugged hands into her's, their soft warmth a stark contrast to what Merlene's felt like. She was at a loss for words, looking down as their fingers intertwined in a calming embrace, her eyes soon traveling up to the face of the beautiful angel before her.


'I- I have no problems!' Merlene shouted before pulling her hands away from the nun, turning her back to her. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern at the bold unrealistic statement of her friend.


'Nonsense, everyone have troubles.' The nun informed, getting ever so close to Merlene to grab at her hand once more. 


'Please Merlene, let me do this for you, like you would for me.' She gave her a look which left no room for argument on the matter, Merlene sighing to herself, turns to Niao. Her eyes furrowing above her head before she nodded reluctantly.