A hardened monk

'Ok, almost there!' Kaluar announced, running through the city, his hands swinging as hard as they could in hopes to increase his momentum. Making it through the empty streets, darkness taking over his vision yet he sees fine, picking up the pace as much as he could.


'Kaluar, why is he chasing after us?' Celi murmured from the top of his head, holding on tightly to his strands of hair as they flew wildly from the opposing winds.


'I don't know but we can't afford to find out!' He shouted. 


The night was quiet other than his continuous footsteps and panting breath, his actions halted by something that glinted in his peripheral, a chain of ice planted into the ground near him. He looked up to the sky, his heart panging in fear as he saw the man approaching, the moon outlining his silhouette as he charged down onto our hero. Kaluar stepped back in a panic watching as the cold blade only just graze his nose as he landed, sweeping his leg the minute he missed.


A sudden sharp pain to the leg struck him, causing him to fall, his back colliding against the hard granite roads as the man towered over him. His blade drawn as he reached down towards the boy to cup his face within his palm. His actions stopped when he aimed the musket to his face. Kaluar's fingers shaking against the trigger.


'You wouldn't.' He murmured, his hand hanging over his face, not daring to move.


'You want to test that theory?!' Kaluar shouted. Pushing his musket ever so closer but the man merely chuckled to himself, grabbing the muzzle of the musket and freezing it over until it shattered, pulling the remains out of the boy's hands. 


Kaluar gritted his teeth and thrusted his palm to face the man, a mini explosion emitting from them causing him to step back. Smoke lingered in the area. Kaluar using this opportunity to regain some form of footing.


The man held his face in pain, his once white hair now stained with the color of smoke. His bloodshot eyes staring at Kaluar, charging at him in a fit of rage, swinging his blade at the child as he stepped back, leaving a shallow cut in his chest. Kaluar grinded his shoes to make a sharp turn around the man getting all too close to him.


'I need to get away, somehow I just need to-' He thought and thought, his heart racing as the situation got even more dire, his mind wandering to one of his teachings, something that Vasrien said in one of his classes.


'I can manipulate the mana to my feet!' His voice echoed within his mind in the heat of the situation, sparks flying under the sole of his shoes as he ran. An explosive burst taking him into the air, his fingers clung onto the sides of a building for support as he kept going, eventually reaching the top.


'Nice try!' He heard an echoed voice from below. The chain from before shooting through his shoulder. His mouth opened in a silent scream as his pupils dilated from the pain. Causing him to buck to his knees.


The more he fought against it, the more it hurts, trying to escape it's cold clutches as it dragged him back down to the ground. His feet would light up in sparks and dark clouds of smoke, his shoes burning from the magic.


'Let go of me!' With one final burst, the all of the mana in his body rushed to his feet. The explosion causing the building to crumble under the intense pressure, the explosion practically cutting through the stone and metal that aligned the building. The chain slipping out of his open wound as he was sent flying. The wind brushing through his fiery red hair wildly as he flew. His eyes half opened, staring at the moon before landing on his back, the pain snapping him back to reality as his body bounced ever so slightly on the metal surface.


Slowly, he got up from where he laid. His fingers digging against the metal surface. His hair flying wildly in the air as he stood amongst the clouds, overlooking the city of Prospera. 


'Woah,' He managed to squeeze out before coughing from the intense pain in his sides. Celi climbing down onto his shoulder and looking at him with concerned expression. 


'Kaluar you need to rest let me heal you.' She offered, holding on to his hair to not fall off.


'No, you cant be out here. He's going to come sooner or later.' He mumbled, his voice strained from the pain. His forehead banged against it's cold metal as he clutched his sides. Groveling from the pain.


Celi got off of him, her tiny legs colliding with the metal floor as her eyebrows furrow in concern. Looking at her friend who whined and groaned quietly, in a silent suffering. The moon shined on the two of them, them alone, high above everyone. Them in their little world, just them.


'Kaluar, you need help, I can't leave you like this!' She shouted with newly found confidence, walking up to our young hero.


'No..' He mumbled, his head turning to look at her with teary eyes. 


'You can't, you need to hide, what if he takes you? It only takes one moment, one second and it's over!' 


'You said we'll see the world! Mountains that fly, elephants the size of giants! An underground society of mer-people! We can see all of that and more! You remember that? How can we do that if you're captured, if we're separated?' He coughs lightly, burying his head into the steel once more.


'It's fine, I'm not bleeding so I'll live.' He sighed, green light appearing from his back anyways. He looked up to see Celi's arms stretched out treating the wounds he hand gained.


'You have a really bad obsession with trying to look cool.' She teased, trying to make light of the situation before looking at him and flashing a smile.


'We will see all those things Kaluar, together, nothing will stop us from doing that, not ever. It's team Rekka against the world right? Can't have a team with just one person.' Kaluar looked at her after hearing those words, his mouth slightly agape in awe before breaking into a small smile. The wind slowly blowing at his hair, tickling his ears with it's cold whisper, the warmth of Celi's magic closing his wounds and her words the only sense of comfort he had right now.


'You're something else, you know that?' He commented, a soft chuckle coming from his lips.


'And you're stuck with me.' She retorted a proud smile on her face.


'Thats funny cause when we first met it seemed like the other way around, hahaha.' He burst into a light laughter, forgetting about the situation he was currently in as they shared this playful banter.


'You grew on me a bit, that's all!' She snapped in a defensive tone, stumbling on her words as she tried to heal him.


Kaluar continued to laugh until he shed tears, his wounds finally closed and his body energized once more.


'Kaluar.' She thought to herself noticing how happy he looked even if just for this moment, in a time of danger, easily forgetting about his problems for the ones who he cared for. A bright smile forming on her face before she burst into laughter too.


'So he escaped to one of the flying balloons, blimps they called it right?' The man murmured, referencing the blimps that hauled cargo over head, pulling his chain back, the weapon staining the granite floor with crimson. Letting out a chuckle of amusement, his hands swinging the chain over and over.


'He has no where to run.' 


'No, he doesn't, but you aren't going anywhere near that child.' A deep voice called out to him, catching them man off guard. He quickly turned to see a man with tanned skin and a white Habit in a stance ready to attack, white light emitted from his palms, their fluid movement painting a picture for the eyes. 


'And Just who are you?' The man pondered, looking at the monk from afar keeping his distance as the chain continued to spin.


'My name is none of your concern, but if you must know my name is Kaisen, That is the name of you captor and the last face you'll ever see as of this moment.' 


'Ah, you're a monk.' He dropped his chain to the ground, standing off with the man before him. Ready to move at a moment's notice.


Silence befell on them, daring not to move. Their gazes never wavering from the other. The man's finger wrapped around the cold chain, dashing forward to get the first strike on him, his body hanging low as he did before trying to obscure his body from his opponent with his crimson robe. Kaisen took a deep breath, his elbow striking down to the floor and into the spine of the man that stood to oppose him, his body colliding with the granite road, only to be grabbed and picked up by the hood. 


'Did you really think that would work?' He pondered as the man seemed lifeless in his hands. 'Maybe I went a little too far.'