The Price of Destiny

After he had completed reading the new vaticination, Lucas's voice became quite quiet. The alien sand fell silent, save for the delicate imbrication of grandiloquent swells against the reinforcement. Avery's thoughts were racing as she attempted to reframe the significance of the words that they had just heard.

When Damien finally broke the stillness, he asked, "So, does anyone have any interest in explaining what that means?"In the instant that nobody had a chance to respond, a brilliant light suddenly emerged from the vaticination book. Lucas let out a yelp as he dropped it, and when the light gathered together to form a shimmering figure, they all lurched backwards.At the same time that its form was continually shifting like a bank in the wind, the being that was in front of them was neither macho nor womanly. When it talked, its voice sounded to come from far and wide and nowhere at formerly.