The Ultimate Sacrifice

As truth disintegrated around them, Avery raised the Nexus Key, its radiance clashing with the looming darkness. The fight for existence began, with Avery at its core.

Chaos broke out when many variations of themselves collided. Spells and electrical explosions crisscrossed the damaged quad. Avery dived and weaved, the key throbbing in her fingers, deflecting blows from Elenas' military.

Lucas fought with her, his face a mask of resolve. "We can't keep this up forever!" he exclaimed above the din.

Avery knew he was correct. For every Elena they put down, two more aimed to claim her territory. The very fabric of reality creaked beneath the pressure of their conflict.

All at once, a familiar voice broke through the chaos. "Avery! Lucas!"

They began to notice Damien rushing towards them, evading alternate versions of himself as he went. His eyes had been wide with terror and relief.

"Damien?" Avery called out, astonished. "How are you here?"