Chapter 31 : What The F*ck!!!!???

"Why would they use the power of Circles on ordinary people, and how and why would they target Uncle Victor along with them?" John couldn't understand anything.

"Why would the Circles attack? I need to find out quickly. If these Circle users find out about this place, they'll take it from us and keep us enslaved for life," John sensed the looming danger and seriously asked INFO.

"INFO, what needs to be done to heal Uncle Victor?" John needed to learn about Circle users quickly because he felt that a terrible time might be approaching them.

[Yes, we can heal him, Host.]

Hearing this from INFO, he felt relieved and quickly asked, "How? Tell me quickly!"

[Host, make a paste from the leaves of the Shadowheart Willow and rub it on his body. Then, keep him in a room inside a hut under that tree for one day, and he will recover.]

"What... How will he recover? It's just a tree. How can a paste made from its leaves heal bones and restore soul energy?" Many doubts began to arise in his mind.

[Because it is a Supreme Treasure, and it has special properties. It can heal any physical injury and restore soul energy just by sitting under it. If anyone learns about this Treasure, they could burn down the entire country to obtain it. So, be cautious; no one from the outside world should know about it because people have spent their entire lives searching for this Treasure.]

"Ahh... Damn... Along with the solution comes a huge problem too," John thought as he heard INFO's explanation. He realized that this situation could turn into a major problem, one that would inevitably come to haunt him.

[Host, if you manage to create Circles quickly, you will be able to protect your people.]

"Yes, INFO, you're right. I must create Circles as soon as possible, no matter what," John said with determination.

[Then, Host, you should focus on increasing your soul power and IQ level.]

"That's the thing—how do I do that? I only know how to increase my IQ level, but I don't know how to strengthen my soul," John replied seriously.

[To strengthen your soul, you need to meditate under the Shadowheart Willow every morning. You'll notice the effects yourself.]

"What... It's that simple? Make it a habit to give me this kind of information earlier. If I had known, I would have started meditating this morning itself. Sigh... I need to think about all this now," John said, thinking aloud, and then asked INFO.

"INFO, can we take them now?" Victor's condition was the worst among them, and John didn't want to delay any further, so he asked.

[No, Host, the paste can't be made yet.]

"Why can't it be made?" John asked, confused.

[Host, at night, the Shadowheart Willow transfers nature energy to its leaves. During this process, the leaves become strong, and no matter how much force you use, you can't break them. Only a Circles user can break them using Circles' power.]

"Oh, I see. Then I'll take Uncle Victor and the others tomorrow morning."

Coming out of his thoughts,John looked at Victor's body . His hands and feet were broken,and there were visible injury marks on various parts of his body . Blood from his mouth indicated that he had coughed up blood recently.

"The condition of the body looks very serious to me. Can that paste really heal all these wounds?" John had some doubts, and to reassure himself, he slapped both his cheeks with his hands at the same time.

"John, if you don't believe, how will others? You need to trust yourself and the information you've gained fully," he reminded himself, then turned to Uncle Tom and Derek.

"Uncle Tom, Derek, come outside. I need to tell you both something." Meanwhile, Brody, Blake, and Dylan stood at the door, looking at Victor with shock and concern. John noticed them and said, "Come with me."

With that, they all gathered outside and sat down. Uncle Tom, Derek, Dylan, Brody, and Blake watched John, waiting for him to speak.

"What do you want to tell us?" Uncle Tom asked first, hoping John had some information about healing Victor.

"I have a way to heal him," John said, looking at everyone.

"What... really... Leader?" Derek exclaimed, jumping up from his seat in excitement. The four brothers had been deeply worried about their big sister and Leo, knowing that if something happened to Victor, it would devastate them both.

"Do you really have a way to heal him, John?" Uncle Tom asked seriously. He couldn't believe that John had a method to heal Victor. Uncle Tom knew that such knowledge was usually possessed by doctors, and becoming a doctor required education, which was forbidden to the Dregs. John's claim seemed too good to be true, and Uncle Tom wondered if John was just saying this to ease everyone's worries. But when he looked at John's face, he saw confidence and certainty.

"Can you really heal Victor... Are you sure you're telling the truth?" Uncle Tom asked, stammering, still finding it hard to believe despite John's confidence.

"Sigh... Uncle Tom, I told everyone this morning not to doubt, yet here you are again with that doubtful look," John said, feeling a bit disappointed. He had hoped they would believe him quickly, but instead, they started doubting.

"It's not that, John. I'm just shocked. How can you heal Victor without any formal education? How do you have the knowledge of a doctor? That's why I had some doubts," Uncle Tom explained.

"I already told you that I can't explain how I know. Instead of thinking about that, focus on whether my knowledge is helping us and benefiting us. Don't worry about where the knowledge comes from," John clarified once again, urging them not to question the new knowledge he had gained.

"Leader, please... save our brother-in-law... If you heal him, I will always be your loyal servant and follow your orders without question... Please... Save our brother-in-law... Please..." Blake, who usually spoke to John with anger and doubted his words, found a glimmer of hope when John said he could heal Victor. It was the same hope that Victor had seen in John when he first talked about finding potatoes. Now, Blake saw that same hope in John, a hope that he could save his brother-in-law.

When the other three brothers saw Blake speaking like this and bowing his head, they felt the same way. Derek, Dylan, and Brody also bowed their heads and said, "Please, Leader... Save our brother-in-law." They didn't know if John could really Save Victor, but they felt that maybe, just maybe, John could do it.

"Hey, hey... Blake and the rest of you, what are you saying? Even if you hadn't said anything, I would have definitely thought about Saving Uncle Victor," John said, shocked when Blake bowed his head to him.

"No, Leader, I'm serious," Blake replied, still bowed.

"Alright, lift your heads, all of you, and sit down. I don't like seeing you all bowing like this," John said, looking at Blake and the others. It made him uncomfortable to see them bowing before him.

Hearing John's words, the four brothers lifted their heads and sat down, looking at John.

"Then tomorrow morning, we'll take Uncle Victor and the others to the Storage Hut and treat them there," John informed them, looking around at everyone.


After hearing John's words, everyone looked at each other, confused, not understanding what John meant.

"No one will ask any questions. Just do as I say. Tomorrow morning, we'll take Uncle Victor and the others there, and I'll explain everything then. Alright, now go to sleep," John said, getting up to leave for bed.

Everyone watched John get up and leave in the middle of the conversation. They didn't say anything and remained seated. They knew that even if they tried to sleep, they wouldn't be able to because of the worry over Victor. So, they just waited for morning to come.

A few hours later, morning arrived, and John came outside after waking up. As soon as he stepped out, he looked at everyone.

"You all didn't sleep, did you?" John could tell from their faces that they had stayed up all night.

"How could we sleep when our minds are filled with tension and worry?" Derek replied.

"Yeah, I understand. Alright, let's take Uncle Victor and the others now," John said as he started walking towards Victor's hut. Just then, Dylan spoke up.

"Leader, we already took everyone there early in the morning and were just waiting for you."

"What... Well, that's good, it saved us some time... Let's go then..." John was shocked, but realizing that they had done well by saving time, they all headed towards the Storage Hut.

After a while, everyone reached the Shadowheart Willow and turned to look at John.

"Okay, listen carefully. Without asking any questions, everyone needs to pluck the leaves from this tree and make a paste out of them. And remember, don't ask me why or for what purpose. Just follow my instructions," John said firmly, making it clear that he wouldn't be answering any questions.

Hearing John's strange instructions, doubts and questions arose in their hearts, but since John had forbidden them from asking, they kept their thoughts to themselves and started plucking the leaves from the tree. The leaves were large and four-leafed, and as they began plucking them, the leaves started changing color, turning into a silver hue. Witnessing this strange phenomenon left them shocked, and their faces were filled with questions. However, remembering John's instruction to not ask anything, they quietly continued plucking the leaves.

After a while, when they had finished plucking the leaves, they started making a paste out of them. As soon as the paste began to form, the color of the leaves changed again, this time from silver to golden. Seeing this peculiar transformation left them even more astonished, and more questions arose in their minds. But recalling John's strict "No Questions" rule, they continued making the paste. Soon, the leaves were all turned into a ready paste.

John then took some of the golden paste in his hand and said,



| Name: Celestial Elixir

| Class: SSS+++

| (Supreme)

| Benefits:

| - Heals any physical injury

| - Enhances strength beyond previous levels

| - Restores soul energy (within 1 days)


" What ... The....F*ck.... "


Next Chapter [ Celestial Elixir ]