In the treacherous waters of the Caribbean, Jacob "Black Jack," a cunning and ambitious pirate captain, rises to power through a combination of ruthless strategy and dark necromantic abilities. As captain of The Abyss, Jacob sets out to establish a powerful pirate haven on the secluded island of Dead Man's Bay. Facing challenges from both the supernatural and the living, he must navigate treacherous alliances, fend off native tribes, and outmaneuver rival pirates while building his empire. With a growing crew and a deepening mastery of the dark arts, Black Jack's journey is one of power, control, and the pursuit of ultimate dominion over the Caribbean.
I'm speechless. Only 10 chaps in and I can say this is shaping up to be one of the best works of literature my eyes have ever witnessed. The dialogue is intriguing, the characters are compelling all in all, nice work author.
Its really good, unlike the normal quality in webnovel, initially thought it would head to a direction I disliked after 30 chapters but it just got better. Definitely the pirate novel you would be looking for rather than some adventure, happy go lucky one piece type of novel