An itch - Chapter 4

There are different levels of being protective , my mum was protective but not the over the top kind . Her fear for bad things happening to me clouded her judgement sometimes and being home schooled is very boring . I never went to school like the other kids but thinking about it now she wasn't really protective because she didn't lock me up .

I thought it was because something was wrong with me but I never actually made a big deal out of it , but I did wander why my cousins were allowed to go to school and i wasn't but it didn't matter .

" You will be staying with your cousins for a while Mi Amor " I tried to read her emotions but it was blank almost like there wasn't one, like it was normal for me to stay with them. My mama would never allow me stay with someone else so the question why ? Still remained " I don't want to go , I won't leave you alone in the house " a very futile effort to stand my ground " Listen D!! I need you to go with them they will be hear soon and I need you to be a good girl ! And stop acting like this is good bye. Whatever you feel, whatever emotion you feel I want you to suppress it , suppress it all Mi amor , Don't ever let it out ! " At this point the only thing I felt was confusion " I don't understand you " my voice barely a whisper " promise me you won't let go !! Promise me you will never let go " honestly I thought she was running mad " let what go Ma? what shouldn't I let go off ? you need to tell me because I don't understand you " I wasn't even sure she was listening to me " there is something lurking in the shadows for you , it's waiting !" She held me tight as she said those words "a monster? " I asked her " Yes D it's a monster Don't let it win " I couldn't even ask her more before my uncle walked in " Common princess your mum needs some time alone " he said as he collected a bag from my mum , my guess was my clothes were in it " See you soon mum " it hurt me that she didn't reply .

We were on the road heading to his house but my mind was at home at my house with my mum " I'm sure your cousins will be so happy to see you " I almost forgot about them! He just had to burst my bubble . I was already quite uncomfortable with the feeling in my gut it made me squirm in my sit . I couldn't explain the feeling at first it was pain but then an itch not the type you feel when you have measles but a mild one like

..... i don't even know what it was like .