celebration? - chapter 5

There's this feeling called confusion , it shouldn't exist at all but annoyingly it does and everyone feels it at some point in their life and right then as I was escorted into the house it was my turn .

" I'm sure you have lots of questions princess , you will get your answers in due time, for now just let go and don't think about it " he said I should do the one thing my mama told me not to do !! Of course i became more confused.

Uncle Dante showed me to my room . I didn't even care about the room I just wanted my mama but she didn't want me at home ! Or she didn't just want me anymore. I sat in one spot on the bed for God knows how long until a knock brought me out of my thoughts . " D ! It's time for dinner " I didn't even have an appetite food " I'm not hungry "I knew he wouldn't like me skipping a meal but i just didn't care and he got the message " it's okay . Get some rest " like it was that easy. My thoughts were scattered, unorganized and chaotic, I didn't like it . I had the quiet but not the peace and then.... I had none as the loud bang! Of the door jolted me up " Awwn little princess is sad , what are we gonna do for her " I had the sudden urge to slap him and God knows I would have done it " didn't anyone ever teach to knock , must you always be like that!!!" Maybe I yelled at him because he seemed amused annoyingly" I told him to knock " I didn't even notice Rami leaning against the door frame guess, they have a thing for doors " yh he did but he's not the boss of me " so annoying " you know even if you had a boss it wouldn't make much difference" at least i wasn't sitting in the same spot anymore!. Maybe that was a good thing " i don't know for how long you were in that position but it's not healthy princess " like I needed him to tell me what was healthy or not " take it from your big brother you shouldn't be sad I need you happy so I can torment your soul , besides you have new faces to look at " in his own way i knew he was right " he's .... surprisingly right !" It was good to know I wasn't the only one who found that weird . " You shouldn't celebrate though ! Just try to be happy in any form you deem fit " at least Rami made more sense " Thank you big brothers for your word of advice " Don't really know if I sounded sarcastic or not .

After they finally left I decided to get my mind off it for a while , then I realized I was hungry , unfortunately it required me going downstairs , reluctantly I went down " I'm glad you decided to get some air princess " Uncle Dante has always been a sweet soul " there was air in my room uncle " a small smile was all I could give . The twins just observed me , I wasn't surprised about Rami but Ale surprised me with his silence " Well then let's celebrate your return " the words rang in my ear . My return " I've never been here , doesn't exactly count as a return " cause obviously I hadn't been there "I guess his tongue slipped princess , just drink the orange juice !" I couldn't read Rami's expression but it was sober nothing new there ! " Sure " . " Yes Alejandro is right ! I'm just excited that you finally get to come visit " his excitement showed unfortunately I wasn't excited " let's just celebrate your arrival okay ?! " I wasn't in the mood for celebrating in the first in place " Don't bother yourself uncle , I'm feeling sleepy already " I wasn't actually sleepy just tired " it's okay Good night " I didn't look back until I was inside my room!.