Doesn’t Want to Become His Weakness

Princess Loraine stood on top of the platform, while her guardian knight stood below to keep watch. Aldrey also stood nearby, slightly behind her, to give her space for her speech. The princess glanced at Aldrian once more for a split second before begun. She used her energy to amplify her voice so it could be heard by everyone in the plaza.

"People of Flamecrest City, over the past few days, we have faced unfortunate events that make us question the integrity of the higher-ups in our empire. Moments like these are truly disheartening for us, the orthodox cultivators who uphold upright morals in everything we do."

"For the past few days, many rumors and pieces of news have been circulating throughout the empire, spiraling into something that threatens our unity. As a representative of the imperial family, I do not want to see this empire fall into chaos because of news that might be exaggerated or untrue."