Chapter 140: The Zoan Fruit That Caught Clint Barton's Eye

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"Shopkeeper, does this Bomb-Bomb Fruit really let a person turn parts of their body into bombs and make them explode?"

Clint Barton's voice cut through the stillness of the shop, his sharp gaze fixed on the unusual fruit in the Devil Fruit catalog. It had a bizarre, bulbous shape, its surface dotted with tiny swirls and patches of crimson. The concept intrigued him, though he wasn't entirely sold on it.

It could have real potential if this fruit could make his arrows explode on impact. But the phrasing—"parts of their body"—left too much to interpretation. He needed a clearer picture.

"Yes, Mr. Barton, that's exactly what the Bomb-Bomb Fruit does," Rosh replied confidently. His tone carried the unmistakable authority of someone well-versed in the intricacies of Devil Fruits. "This fruit allows the user to turn any part of their body into a bomb and detonate it at will. For example, exhaled air, strands of hair, or even fingernail clippings can be used as explosive material."

"Exhaled air? Hair strands?" Clint repeated, his brow furrowing in disbelief. The concept was so bizarre it bordered on the absurd. Yet, as Rosh explained, the sheer versatility of the power began to take shape.

However, Clint wasn't one to ignore potential drawbacks. His mind raced, analyzing the implications of such a unique ability. "Shopkeeper," he asked, his tone cautious, "does this mean the fruit's power is limited to the user's own body? Are you saying it can't make external objects—like, say, my arrows—explode?"

"That's correct," Rosh confirmed without hesitation. "The Bomb-Bomb Fruit is strictly tied to the user's body. It can only make parts of its own body detonate. It doesn't have any effect on external objects."

Clint let out a long, exasperated sigh, so much for that idea. He'd been hoping for something that could enhance his precision and versatility as an archer, not something that would turn him into a walking arsenal of self-detonation. 

'What's the point of blowing up parts of myself?' he thought bitterly. The very notion felt impractical—bordering on grotesque. Sure, hair or fingernails could theoretically work, but the logistics of using such tiny pieces effectively in combat seemed laughable. He wasn't about to start plucking his hair mid-battle, nor could he imagine huffing explosive breath at enemies without looking utterly ridiculous.

Clint shook his head, frustration written all over his face. He'd thought the Mark-Mark Fruit was disappointing, but this Bomb-Bomb Fruit took the concept of impractical powers to a whole new level.

"Shopkeeper, is there a fruit that can make my arrows explode?" Clint asked, his tone laced with curiosity and a hint of skepticism. He wasn't about to let another Devil Fruit disappoint him.

Rosh gave a knowing smile, one that hinted at an answer Clint might actually like this time. "There is, Mr. Barton. You might find the Blast-Blast Fruit more to your liking."

Clint raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "The Blast-Blast Fruit?" He quickly flipped through the catalog, skimming the detailed descriptions until he landed on it. The name alone sounded promising, but he needed to dig deeper.

"'Allows the user to detonate their own body or any inorganic matter they touch at will,'" Clint read aloud, his voice tinged with renewed interest. This sounded much more practical than the Bomb-Bomb Fruit. If it truly worked as advertised, it could be a serious game-changer for his arsenal.

"This sounds like what I'm looking for," Clint admitted, glancing up from the catalog. "But does it come with any unexpected quirks? I've learned the hard way that these fruits always seem to have a catch."

Rosh nodded, his professional demeanor unshaken. "That's a fair question. The main distinction between the Blast-Blast Fruit and something like the Bomb-Bomb Fruit lies in how the explosions are generated. The Bomb-Bomb Fruit focuses on creating detonations from the user's body—turning parts of themselves into bombs. The Blast-Blast Fruit, however, works differently. It triggers explosions by rapidly expanding the material it affects. For instance, if you touch an arrow, the fruit's power would expand the material explosively, creating a detonation."

Clint absorbed the explanation, nodding slowly. The technical details were interesting, but what mattered most to him was whether it would work effectively with his arrows. As far as he could tell, this fruit sounded like a much better fit for his needs.

"So, just to be clear," Clint clarified, his sharp gaze locking on Rosh, "I could touch my arrows, fire them, and they'd explode on impact without requiring any modifications?"

"Exactly," Rosh confirmed. "Once you've marked an arrow or any other inorganic object, you can detonate it at will. The range and intensity of the explosion depend on how much energy you put into the activation."

That was exactly the kind of power Clint had been looking for. A fruit like this would turn his already deadly arsenal into something even more formidable. But as promising as it sounded, he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to think this through.

"Still," Clint said thoughtfully, "I've already got explosive-tipped arrows in my gear. This fruit would be useful, sure, but is it really indispensable?"

The question hung in the air, and Clint found himself weighing the pros and cons. While the Blast-Blast Fruit could undoubtedly enhance his capabilities, it wasn't an entirely unique addition to his arsenal. For now, he decided to keep exploring his options, determined to find the perfect match.

"Thank you, Shopkeeper, but I'd like to take another look at the options," Clint said, giving Rosh a polite nod before turning his attention back to the catalog.

One by one, the pages revealed the astonishing abilities of the Devil Fruits, each more bizarre and fantastical than the last. Clint's sharp eyes scanned the descriptions with precision, analyzing each fruit's potential to enhance his skills.

However, disappointment began to creep in as he delved deeper into the Paramecia category. While the powers were undeniably extraordinary, none felt like the perfect fit. Some were too flashy, others overly restrictive, and many didn't align with his combat style.

Of all the Paramecia fruits he'd seen, the Blast-Blast Fruit remained the most appealing. Yet even that fell short of being ideal. Sure, it could enhance his arsenal, but it didn't excite him as he had hoped.

'Maybe I've been looking in the wrong place,' Clint mused, flipping to the next section of the catalog. His gaze shifted to the Zoan category, a type known for granting users the traits and abilities of animals. If the Paramecia fruits weren't a match, perhaps a Zoan fruit might hold the answer.

He skimmed the entries, noting their names as he went. "Bull-Bull Fruit, Horse-Horse Fruit, Mole-Mole Fruit, Dog-Dog Fruit…" Clint's pace slowed as his eyes caught something intriguing.

"Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Falcon," he murmured, leaning closer to study the description.

The fruit allowed the user to transform into a full falcon or a hybrid falcon form, granting them the bird's exceptional speed, agility, and razor-sharp precision. It was a straightforward ability but one packed with potential.

"A falcon," Clint muttered to himself. While it wasn't exactly an eagle, falcons were close enough—both were raptors, apex predators of the skies, and symbols of unparalleled accuracy and focus. It was almost poetic, aligning perfectly with his codename, "Hawkeye."

The more he thought about it, the more the Falcon fruit seemed like a natural fit. Enhanced vision, speed, and aerial maneuverability would elevate his already legendary skills to an entirely new level. For the first time since stepping into the shop, Clint felt a spark of genuine excitement.

"Shopkeeper," Clint called out, his tone firmer now, carrying the weight of newfound determination. "I'd like to hear more about this Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Falcon."


Next Chapter: From Now On, Call Me Falconman!

Next Next Chapter: The Power of Zoan Devil Fruits Unleashed!

Next Next Next Chapter: The Clash Between Devil Fruit Users

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