Whatever It Takes

Matthew woke up feeling disoriented, his mind swirling with confusion.

Where am I? he wondered as he walked through the dark room. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and as his eyes adjusted, he saw the gruesome sight of several dead bodies, ripped to shreds.

He struggled to piece together his memories, but everything was hazy. Then, a fragment of memory surfaced. That's right… I came here to rescue Ronan and Sophia. Panic set in as he scanned the room again, but there was no sign of them. Instead, he was surrounded by the torn remains of werewolves.

Wait, did I do this? The thought made his stomach churn. He had never killed with such brutality before. Usually, he used magic to transport his enemies elsewhere or to incapacitate them. He didn't kill for sport. But now, all the werewolves in the room were dead.