Chapter 17: Taken

Etsuyo's anguished cry pierced the air, hearing her mentor's throat crushed. Struggling to move her head to the side, she witnessed the Elder's lifeless body, dangling in Zei's grasp, her final moments drifting off in terror. The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by Zei's disappointed sigh. "I thought the old broad had a little more in her... guess that was all the fun she had to offer."

With callous disregard, Zei tossed the Elder's lifeless and disfigured corpse in Yasushi's direction, who remained unseen in the fleeting thickness of the fog. A scene beyond his worst nightmares, unfolding before him. A cruelty that knew no bounds. The sounds of suffering, the smell of violence – it all assaulted Yasushi's senses, threatening to overwhelm him.

Etsuyo's grief and rage exploded in a heart-wrenching wail. "BASTARD!! I'LL KILL YOU!! YOU HEAR ME!! I'LL KILL YOU!" Her words were choked with sobs, her body trembling with fury and despair.

Zei responded with swift brutality. He increased the pressure on her back, forcing the air from her lungs. "Don't think I forgot about you, Cutie. We've gotta long trip ahead of us." With a vicious motion, he grabbed Etsuyo's hair and slammed her head into the ground, cratering it below them. The impact left her unconscious, her body limp and vulnerable. He smirked in satisfaction. "And you'll serve as the main entertainment."

As the fog fully lifted, revealing the full horror of the scene, Yasushi's survival instincts finally kicked in. Moving with a stealth born of desperation, he managed to climb onto a nearby tree branch, concealing himself behind the trunk. His body shook with fear and shock, forced to face the harshest of realities. 

"Ahh... What's taking Lee so long?" Zei mused, his impatience steadily increasing. "What a fool. Let's go find him, shall we?"

In cruel disregard, Zei dragged the unconscious Etsuyo by her hair, her face scraping against the dirt as they moved toward the lagoon.

Reaching the water's edge, he came upon Lee struggling with Kaname. The young girl, seeing Zei's approach, seized her opportunity. She bit down hard on Lee's hand, causing him to release his grip with a yelp of pain. Kaname landed nimbly on her feet, running deeper into the forest.

"THAT BITCH!" Lee snarled, moving to pursue.

Zei's voice, casual yet commanding, interrupted Lee's malicious trail of thought. "Stop! I'll get her. Hold onto this broad right here, she'll be coming with us." Releasing Etsuyo's hair and leaving her torpid form with Lee, he took off after Kaname at full speed.

Kaname, sensing the rapidly approaching threat, realized she couldn't outrun her pursuer. Desperate, she sought refuge in a small opening at the base of a large tree. She held her breath, her body rigid with angst as she listened to the approaching footsteps.

The footsteps stopped nearby. Kaname remained perfectly still, focusing on concealing her presence. After what seemed an eternity, the footsteps moved past her hiding spot and faded into the distance.

She waited, her lungs burning for air. Sensing that danger had passed, she cautiously exhaled, straining her ears for any sign of movement. The forest was quiet. The gentle croaking of insects and the soft rustling of leaves filled in the morning breeze.

As sunrise began to filter through the canopy, illuminating her hiding place, Kaname decided to emerge. But just as she moved to leave the trunk, a fist burst through the wood, grabbing her robe and yanking her into the open.

Kaname struggled fiercely, her hood slipping off in the process, revealing her distinctive hair. Zei lifted her into the air, pushing her mask up above her forehead. As he examined her, his eyes dilated in astonishment.

"Well, well, well…" Zei murmured, his voice a mixture of surprise and something sinister. "Aren't you a unique little thing?"

Kaname's eyes, filled with cold resistance, met Zei's. As he held Kaname aloft, examining her like a prized possession, his eyes gleamed with a disturbing blend of greed and anticipation. "Oh!! The rumors were nothing compared to the real thing. What a pleasant relief," he snickered. "I'm going to make a fortune off of you!"

His voice then dropped to a mockingly gentle tone. "Get some sleep now. I don't want my precious merchandise to get damaged." And with a swift chop to her neck, he rendered Kaname unconscious, positioning her under his arm, and making his way back towards Lee.

Lee's face warped with vexation seeing Zei approached the child, "Ah, I see you caught that annoying brat! I should punish her for what she did. It really hurt, you know," he complained, rubbing his injured hand.

Irritated by Lee's intention, Zei slapped him across the face, drawing blood to the corner of his mouth. "No one will lay a finger on this child," he growled. "Even the slightest injury will lower her value." Zei narrowed his eyes, deranged thoughts flowing into his mind. "I have high expectations for her... the money that she'll bring in… will have us set for life!"

Lee stumbled back, wiping the blood from his mouth, remaining silent to avoid further insult. Yasushi, still hidden in the trees, felt his blood run cold at Zei's words. 

Taking a step closer to Lee, Zei's gaze moved past him to scan the surrounding trees. "Hmmm, the final question is, ...what should we do with him?"

A cruel smile played on Zei's lips. "Our little observer. The one who's been watching us this whole time." His eyes locked directly on Yasushi's hiding spot. "Did you think we didn't notice you, boy?"

His heart nearly stopped. Thinking he'd properly concealed his presence, with growing horror he realized the intruder's awareness of his presence the entire time. Trapped, with no clear path of escape, Yasushi was forced to solidify his resolve.

Lee's brow crinkled, rubbing his face in confusion. "HIM...? …What do you mean hi—"

His words were cut short as a water attack struck him in the back of the head. He crumpled to the ground in agony, revealing Yasushi standing behind him, balancing himself at the edge of the tree branch with his fist raised.

Zei's reaction was instantaneous. A wave of fire erupted from his hands, forcing Yasushi to leap from the tree. He landed in the clearing, facing his opponents.

"Let... Let... Let her go now, or else!" Yasushi stuttered, his voice quivering but resolute.

Zei's lips curled into a mocking grin as he moved closer to the boy. "Or else what..." he taunted, clearly amused by Yasushi's bravado.

The sight of Kaname's unconscious form in Zei's grasp ignited a fury in Yasushi that overwhelmed his fear. Roaring in rage, he charged forward, summoning several water spheres and launching them at his opponent.

His attacks were defined and powerful, a strong representation of the Chika royalty. Zei moved fluidly and precise as he dodged Yasushi's attacks, leaping to the sides and into the air with inhuman agility. The water spheres crashed harmlessly into the trees and ground, leaving Yasushi panting with exertion and frustration.

In a blur of motion too fast for Yasushi's eyes to follow, Zei suddenly appeared beside him. Unable to react in time, a powerful fist connected with Yasushi's body, sending him sprawling to his knees on the ground, striking the earth hard, the impact knocking the wind from his lungs. 

"Holy Shit, kid!!!" Zei acknowledged with mere admiration, still holding Kaname effortlessly under one arm. "That's impressive. You got a lot of power for someone so young. HAHA... tell me your name, son."

Yasushi, still reeling from Zei's punch, struggled to rise. His vision swam, consciousness threatening to slip away. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stay awake. 

Zei squatted to Yasushi's level, eyes narrowed as he studied the boy, dissatisfied with the results. "From the way you're dressed, …you're definitely a filthy royal. His expression abruptly became cold, the realization dawning in his eyes. "I see... you're not just any royal piece of trash… You're the King's brat." A slow, malicious smile extended across his face. "Today is my lucky day!"

Sudden sounds of rustling bushes and distant shouts broke through the clearing. Lee's head snapped up, dismay clear on his face. "Boss, the sun is rising, and guards are heading this way. It's time to go."

Despite his pain, the thought of Kaname in danger kept Yasushi conscious, giving him a strength he didn't know he possessed. He felt a flicker of hope, managing to slightly push himself up, his voice shaky but resilient. "That's my father and his men… They're on the way. You won't get - !"

Zei shot his hand out, clenching the boy's throat to stop his word of defiance, slightly lifting him off the ground. Yasushi gasped, his hands clasping Zei's iron grip. "You see, your clan has a lot of enemies due to that ambitious father of yours." Pulling Yasushi closer, roughly allowing his feet to touch the sturdiness of the earth below him. "I know of several buyers willing to pay a small fortune for you... even if it's just a body part."

Terror flooded through Yasushi as the implications of Zei's words sank in. Releasing his grasp around the boy's neck, Zei tore the Chika Clan emblem from his shirt. "You're coming with us, kid."

Yasushi's defiance reignited as he glared back into Zei's eyes, catching his breath. Exhausted by his boldness, Zei balled his fist, punching Yasushi in his stomach. The impact forced the air from his lungs, blood spraying out of his mouth and onto his immediate surroundings. He fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

Zei rolled his eyes, wiping the blood splatter from his cheek as he stood up. "Oi! Pick him up, and let's go!" 

Lee quickly complied, hoisting Yasushi's limp form over his shoulder. 

As they prepared to make their escape, a voice filled with fury and desperation echoed through the air. "YASUSHI!" Haru shouted, bursting into view, leading a group of guards in a frantic charge toward them.

Zei raised two fingers, fire dancing at their tips. In a fluid motion, he traced a circle in the air, the flames leaving a burning trail that expanded into a shimmering portal. Lee entered the fiery gateway with unconscious Yasushi and Etsuyo. Zei paused for a moment, Kaname still secured under his arm. 

He turned to face the oncoming soldiers, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. With a mocking wave, he stepped backwards into the portal, closing it immediately once fully in.

Haru's anguished cry came too late. "NNNNOOOO!"

The portal winked out of existence just as he reached it, his outstretched hand grabbing at the empty air where Zei had stood moments before.

Haru wailed in frustration and grief. He fell to his knees, snatching up Yasushi's bloodied, torn shirt. His fists clenched around the fabric, knuckles white with the force of his grip.


The clearing was silent giving way to Haru's ragged breathing. Pulling himself together, he rose to his feet and turned his men. His face was set in grim determination, his voice broken with emotion still rang with authority. "They couldn't have gotten far! Find them!"

The soldiers snapped to attention, immediately spreading out. Some took to the air, their forms silhouetted against the morning sky, while others fanned out across the ground, disappearing into the forest.

"Captain?" A subordinate officer called out as he approached. "We found the Elder."

Barely able to contain his anger and anxiety, Captain Haru motioned forward. "Where is she? Take me to her!"

Following his subordinate, they traveled back into an opening in the forest, where a group of soldiers gathered in a tight circle. As they approached, Haru sensed the unease emanating from his men. They silently parted, ghastly expressions burned on their faces. 

The circle opened, permitting Haru's eyes to fall upon a sight that would haunt him for years to come. Lying on the ground was the Elder, her body motionless and bearing vicious signs of the violence she had endured. Her face was frozen in horror.

The Captain felt a shiver run through his body as he took in the Elder's appearance. The brutality of what had transpired here struck him, the wave of nausea and grief threatened to overwhelm him.

"Sir, we also found the young masters of the Kokoro and Takeshimego clan," one of the guards reported, rushing to his side.

Captain Haru's eyes widened in disbelief. "What! Where?"

"They're with the first section unit guards," the soldier replied promptly, stepping aside for the Captain to proceed.

Haru charged towards the first unit, spotting Koba and Taichi huddled against a tree as he closed in.

Recognizing the delicate nature of the situation, Haru forced himself to slow down, taking a deep breath, before engaging with the boys. Once steady, he knelt down to the boys' eye level. 

Koba, unable to meet the Captain's gaze, turned his head away. Taichi kept his head down, eyes tightly shut, his fingers clutching at his shirt as if it were a lifeline. He gently placed a hand on each boy's shoulder. A touch that broke through their defensive postures as they finally looked up at him.

Haru's voice was soft but firm. "Taichi... Koba..." His eyes desperately searched their faces. 

"Tell me everything!"

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