Chapter 18: Caged





The rhythmic sound of water droplets slowly penetrated Yasushi's consciousness. A groan escaped his lips as awareness gradually returned, bringing with it a wave of pain and confusion.

What is that cool sensation? It... feels nice, but my stomach...Ughh... It hurts.

Fragments of memory suddenly rushed through his mind – the lagoon, Kaname, the attack. 

Kana! Where is she?

"Kana!" Yasushi cried, but his voice came out as a hoarse whisper, his throat dry, sending a fresh wave of pain through his chest.

Struggling against the fog of unconsciousness, Yasushi forced his eyes open. The world around him, was a blur of shadows and indistinct shapes. With his vision becoming clear, he found himself crouched on a hard surface, surrounded by piles of garbage. The cool sensation he'd felt was coming from above – water dripping steadily from a leaking pipe onto his forehead.

Instinctively, Yasushi attempted to wipe the moisture from his face, but a chilling revelation became present – he couldn't move his arms. Panic rose in his chest upon realizing both his hands and feet were tightly bound.

Shit! Shit! SHIT! I CAN'T MOVE!

What is this? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO? 

His thoughts spiraled, fear suffocating him. His eyes darted around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. 

The dimly lit room had shadows lurking in every corner. The air was dense with the smell of rust and decay. Piles of discarded objects loomed around him, their shapes unfamiliar and threatening in the low light.

Yasushi anxiously strained against his bonds, but they held fast, cutting into his skin with every movement. The more he struggled, the tighter they became. As his breathing became short, panic slowly devouring his thoughts, Yasushi's mind suddenly pulled him into a vivid memory...

He was back in his room, frantically searching for his training sword on the day of the annual swordsman contest. The room was in chaos - clothes strewn everywhere, furniture overturned. Time was running out. 


 Yasushi collapsed to the floor in despair unable to find it, his hands clutching at his hair in utter appall, as he hyperventilated.


Too absorbed in his panic, the gentle knock at the door went unheard. "Dear, are you ready to go? The contest will be starting soon." Not hearing a response, Airi, entered the room, her eyes widening at the sight of the disaster before her, Yasushi seating on the floor in distress.

Kneeling beside him, her voice concerned, "What's wrong, Yasushi?"

He looked up into his mother's comforting eyes, fighting back the tears of shame. "I... I can't find it, Mother! My sword, it's gone!" His voice cracked with emotion. "I looked everywhere… but!!.. If I can't find it… I'll lose! I'll be an embarrassment to our clan."

Airi exhaled softly, gently patting him on the head. "Calm down, Yasushi." She stood up, the morning sunlight gracefully illuminating her face as she surveyed the room. Her eyes landed on a heap of discarded clothes and items. With a knowing smile, she reached into the pile and pulled out Yasushi's sword, handing it to him.

As the memory faded, his mother's words breached his mind: "Always stay calm and observe your surroundings. Panic is a deadly adversary, and the moment you allow it to take you, is the second you've lost your battle..."

Snapping back to confront his current situation, bound and surrounded by garbage in the dim, dank room, Yasushi took a deep breath. His mother's wisdom extinguishing his panic.

Calm down Yasushi! Observe. Think. I am the heir to the Chika clan, I won't be broken by fear. I'll find a way out. I'll find her.

Drawing on Haru's training, Yasushi opened his eyes once more, this time with purpose. He carefully scanned his environment, seeking both an exit and insights into his location. As his eyes adjusted to the gloom, details emerged from the shadows.

The leaking pipe, once a source of torment, now a potential source of information. The steady drip suggested some kind of structure, possibly underground given the dampness and lack of natural light. And directly in front of him, iron bars. 

Crap! I'm in a cage! A fucking cage! I gotta get out of here! 

The thought threatened to reignite his panic, but Yasushi forced himself to continue his survey.

To his left, he observed several crates nailed shut within cages similar to his own. The sight was puzzling and ominous.

Yasushi quickly shifted his attention to his right. Though his view was partially obstructed by piles of garbage, he managed to make out the outline of a door. Light seeped through revealing signs of movement. 

The sight of it sparked a desperate hope and need within him to make his presence known, clouding his judgment. 





Tossing his body from side to side to generate more noise, he continued to shout and struggle against his bonds.

The door promptly flew open with a bang. Brilliant light flooded the room, blinding Yasushi; forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut and turn away.

"Ahh! I see the little prince has finally woken up," mocked a familiar voice. Yasushi's mouth went dry, a sharp pain shot through his stomach recognizing it.

Yasushi's eyes flew open, turning towards the source of the voice. Rage and fear battled within him. "Where is she, you Bastard?! What have you done with my Kana?!"

Footsteps approached, stopping in front of Yasushi's cage. Zei knelt down, his face coming into view as he stared into Yasushi's eyes filled with a tempest of emotions - fear, aggression, and desperation all swirling together.

Impressed by Yasushi's resolve, he smirked."Let's formally introduce ourselves." His tone deceitfully polite. "You're Yasushi, heir to the Chika clan, and I'm Zei of the Bloody Flames. Nice to meet you."

Yasushi's heart skipped a beat as he processed Zei's words. 

Zei of the Bloody Flames? Where have I heard that name before? 

A creeping anxiety showered into Yasushi's eyes coming to terms with the familiar yet terrifying moniker.

Zei watched with growing excitement as realization dawned on Yasushi's face. The fear that the boy couldn't hide delighted him, his smirk widening into a predatory grin.

"Ah, I see you've heard of me," Zei whispered, his voice low and taunting. "Good. That'll make things a hell of a lot easier."

Yasushi struggled to maintain his composure, his father's training warring with the primal fear consuming him. 

The name Zei of the Bloody Flames - whispered in hushed tones among the adults, a boogeyman of the underworld, known for his cruelty and cunning.

"What do you want?" Yasushi managed to ask, his voice shaky but determined. "Where's Kana?"

Zei's eyes glittered with malicious amusement. "All in good time, little prince. All in good time. For now, let's just say that both you and your precious Kana are going to be very... valuable to me."

Yasushi pulled against his bonds, ignoring the pain as they cut deeper into his skin. "If you hurt her, I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?" Zei interrupted, his voice immediately hard. "You're in no position to make threats, boy. Your life, Kana's life - they belong to me now. The sooner you understand that, the easier things will be for you."

Yasushi fell silent as Zei stood up, looming over the cage. "Now... kid. I like you, but I can't have you hollering like a madman like that. You're disturbing your neighbors." His lips twisted into a sneer. "I thought you royal types learned manners and proper etiquette. But, I shouldn't expect much from that greedy shit you call a Father."

Despite his fear, Yasushi felt a surge of anger at the insult to his father. "Watch your mouth," he retorted, his voice trembling but defiant. "My father is an honorable man. If you let us go, he'll show you mercy for the crimes you've committed."

Zei's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing, glaring at Yasushi with an intense frown. Then, unexpectedly, Zei's demeanor shifted. He looked down at his chest, reaching into his kimono, and pulling out a bent cigarette. With deliberate slowness, he placed it between his lips, his eyes never leaving Yasushi. A slight grin cast across his face as he raised his hand.

With a casual snap of his fingers, a small flame ignited on the tip of Zei's index finger. Yasushi's eyes widened at this casual display of power. 

Taking a deep drag, Zei removed the cigarette from his mouth. He leaned in close to the cage, his face mere inches from Yasushi's, and blew a thick cloud of smoke directly into the boy's face.

The acrid smoke burned Yasushi's eyes and throat triggering him to cough. Yasushi attempted to turn away, but the confines of the cage left him nowhere to escape the noxious cloud.

"Mercy?" Zei chuckled, the laughter devoid of any warmth. "Your father knows nothing of mercy, boy. And neither do I."

As Yasushi's coughing subsided, he glared at Zei through watering eyes. "You're wrong about my father," his voice hoarse from the smoke. "He'll find us, and when he does-"

"When he does, what?" Zei playfully intervened, taking another drag from his cigarette, the ember casting eerie shadows across his face. "Do you think your precious father can touch me?"

His eyes glinted in amusement as he regarded Yasushi chuckling. "You got a lot of spunk, kid. It's clear you take after your mother."

"What does someone like you know about my mother!" Yasushi snapped back, caught off guard at the mention of his mother. 

Zei's lips parted, seemingly ready to reveal more, when a loud crash shot from beyond the door. The unexpected noise startled Yasushi, but Zei merely sighed, a look of annoyance crossing his face. "I gotta go deal with those idiots, kid." 

Agitation swelled through Yasushi at the thought of being left alone again, with so many questions unanswered. "No!" he shouted, pulling against his bonds. "Answer my questions! Tell me where Kana is! Tell me what you've done with her!"

Zei paused at the door, turning to look at Yasushi from the corner of his eye. A teasing grin crossed his lips as he waved his hand in a mocking goodbye. "Don't worry, you'll see soon enough."

"WAIT!" Yasushi pleaded, the door closing behind Zei. "What does that mean?!! Tell me!


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