The News

Lieutenant Carter was once again at his desk in his plain white office doing paperwork. Being a commanding officer usually meant doing a lot of paperwork, reports and official decisions. Even more so he was placed in charge of a military academy. It seemed that the paperwork that needed to be done was coming in faster than he could finish it. That was an exaggeration, but that was how he felt. It seemed like he could never catch up.


He started straightening up the paper into piles with some sort of method. He always struggled with working in a mess. Once everything was in order, he started to get back to work.


A man walked into the room and said, "Lieutenant."


Cater looked up and saw a man in the slate-gray military uniform worn by their territory.  It was a man with slicked-back red hair. The man stood there confidently with his chest out. He had three stars for his rank patch and the name shown underneath was Whitlock.


Cater immediately stood at attention and saluted. "General Whitlock, I apologize for my delay."


The general saluted back and said, "At ease. You don't have to be so formal right now. This meeting is off record."


"Yes sir."


The general turned around and closed the door. Locking it after closing it. He turned back around and sat in one of the two chairs in front of Lieutenant Cater's desk.


"Have a seat, we need to discuss things. The future of this academy," the general said with a low tone, making sure no one could hear what he would say on the other side of the door.


"Yes sir," Carter said sitting down like a commanded dog.


"I have been reading the reports from the instructors and you. We seem to have some people with interesting powers. There seems to be great potential for powerful soldiers."


"Yes sir, that is correct. We are currently teaching them the basics and will be teaching them, this week, how to cultivate that power. We think that you will be pleased with the results in the coming weeks."


"Is that so? That's why I am here. Honestly, I'm not pleased. They think you are creating too much of a protective environment here. I need them to be toughened. Most of them have not been in real battle or have run into beasts before coming here."


Lieutenant Carter paused and was taken aback by that comment. He was known for putting his all in everything he had done and getting good results. It was foreign to him to be told he wasn't doing something right.


"Forgive me sir, but I have stated in this year's outline that we will be taking the trainees out on patrols with sergeant at their side to encounter and fight beasts," Carter said, hoping that would make him look better. 


"Yes, yes. That's all good, but we need more. I need them to become a little more savage. More bloodthirsty. They need to be pushed to their limit. As of right now, if we were attacked, they would be feckless in helping with the war or beast," the general said emotionless and with a stone-cold face.


Lieutenant Carter sat there blinking multiple times in disbelief at the general's words. "What are you implying that I should do?"


"You need to start turning a blind eye to the scuffles. Segregate the weak from the strong. Start to put time in only developing the strong. Reward the strong. Only through that will they be pushed to be better, and greater. Unlock their primal instincts. We also might get lucky and find a few diamonds in the rough."


"Uh. Yes sir."


"Only the strong survive. It's easier to weed out the trash here than on the battlefield."


"Sir, with all due respect, I don't think this will…"


Cater was cut off by General Whitlock, "Lieutenant, I think you may have forgotten your place. Do I need to remind you of your rank? Or better yet, should I remind you of why I am a General?"


Sweat started to be seen above Lieutenant Cater's brow. It was obvious that he was worried. Before he could blink the general was gone and he could feel a hand on his shoulder.


"Remember, how you got to your rank? What we all had to do to get our rank? We need to put them in the same position as we were. There is a reason why we will be the last one attacked. The value of money does not mean as much as it used to, power is becoming the new currency. Do what is right."


With the end of the words, the general was gone. The only traces of him were a small gust of wind and the door being flung open hitting the wall.


Carter turned his head to the picture frame on his desk and said in a whisper, "Does the many really outweigh the few?"



Eric only had to stay in the hospital for 24 hours. The next few days were not physically demanding at the academy. He was grateful for that. His body was still a little achy and need to rest his body. The academy's instructors the past two days have done lecture classes.


Day one they had a beast class. Going through the different beasts. Looking at their strengths and weaknesses. The quickest way of killing the beast that is known so far. They also explained what powers were most effective on the beast and which ones were least effective.


They also learned how the beasts can evolve into different levels. However, no one knows how they go through transformation or what causes it. The most common one that evolves is the chimera wolf. Right now there are two known evolutions. Each evolution makes the beast six times stronger.

On day two they were taught how to cultivate their powers. There are 2 main ways to cultivate one's powers. The first way is to fight with your powers. The more someone uses their powers the more it grows. On top of fighting if you are put into a life-and-death situation while fighting one's powers would grow.

The second way to cultivate it is through mediation. This was the safer option, but it took more time to grow this way. The trainees were instructed on how to do it. They would have to close their eyes and clear their minds. Once their minds are clear for a short period then they would see a swirling form of energy in their stomach area. They would have to focus on that.

After meditating for four hours they should start to feel a difference. The trainees were given time to practice meditating. Eric noticed that by doing this for four hours he would his radiation stat would go up by one. His RP would also go up by two points.

Eric didn't always have the chance to go out and kill razor rats to train a level-up. This would be a good alternative to continue growing. The increase in his stats has become addicting to Eric. It was a hit of dopamine he would get when his stats went up. It was because he felt so much satisfaction seeing himself improve.

The next day Eric got up and did his morning routine to get ready. Today the instructors were planning to have them continue to work on cultivation. Eric didn't mind, even though he was almost at one hundred percent, he liked the idea of another day of no major activities.

As soon as he was done getting ready, he walked out the door to go to class. Sergeant McKenny teleported in front of him.

"Good, just in time," Sergeant McKenny said.

Eric saluted him as soon as he appeared. "Sir," Eric said quickly.

Sergeant McKenny saluted back.

"Eric Carson, you are needed to report to Lieutenant Cater's office"

"Sir, yes sir."

When Eric's words were finished McKenny disappeared. It was as if he was never there. Eric started to walk over to Lieutenant Cater's office. It looked like he was power-walking. He was trying to get there as soon as possible. Cater was known for having no patience for people who were not punctual.

When Eric arrived at Lieutenant Cater's office he knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Come in."

Eric opened the door and walked in. He stepped in and saluted. "Sir."

Cater stood up and saluted back, "At ease, please have a seat. I have some news for you."

"Yes sir," Eric said, walking over and sitting down.

"I am afraid that I do not have good news. Your mother, Gale Carson, has passed away earlier this week."

Eric's eyes flickered purple. Carter noticed it and his head turned sideways wondering why that happened. Carter decided to take a mental note of that, odd things like that are good to know in this ever-changing world.

"Wa…what happened?" Eric asked.

"The reports we have received show that she suffered from a heart attack. She was found after the Lincoln family began searching for her since she did not come to do her cleaning jobs."

"What about my brother and sister, Lee and Lynn?"

"They have been notified, but we have no response. They have 30 days to respond, or we will liquidate everything and give it to you."

It was then that Eric couldn't look at Cater. Not because he was mad at him but because his emotions were out of control. He looked down at the ground. Drops could be seen falling from his eyes. Carter could not see him crying but by the tear drops falling one could conclude.

Eric's eye didn't flicker this time. They were glowing a radiating purple. Carter could see Eric's fist being balled up.

'Why did she have to Die? Why did she have to be alone in her final moments? Why didn't they come to see her? Why didn't they reach out to me?' Questions consumed his thoughts.

Sadness and anger were filling his heart at this very moment.

'I'm sorry mom. I will make this right. They will all know. By. My. Hands.' He said to himself.

Eric looked up at Cater and said, "Thank you for letting me know."

Eric's eyes were no longer glowing when he looked up. He wasn't crying either. His eyes were red and puffy, the only evidence left.

"You can have the rest of the day to yourself. Report for duty first thing tomorrow," Lieutenant Cater said to him.

"Thank you, sir."

"You are dismissed."

Eric walked out of the door and left the building. Not making any eye contact with anyone. He walked into the barracks and was heading to his room. In the hallway there was Acer.

"Hello, trash. I don't know happen last time, but your little friend won't save you."

Eric looked up from staring at the floor as he walked.

< Shadow Step activated.>

< -5 RP>

Eric appeared in front of Acer. Acer reacted with ice forming around his arm and started to move it upward.

< Shadow manipulation activated.>

The shadows from under Eric shot out and wrapped around Acer's arms. He looked directly into his eyes. His eyes flicked purple once again.

"Not now. We don't want to draw attention. Let's finally finish whatever this is between us tonight behind the barracks."

"You're on, trash," Acer said while breaking the ice on one of his arms and slipping it out of the shadow's grasp. Then raised his middle finger toward Eric, telling him off.

"Come alone. This is between us."

He let him go from his shadows and walked into his room.