Acer Verses Eric

Eric was just lying down in bed waiting for nighttime to come. That time was almost here. When that time comes he would go out and confront Acer. Most likely they will fight. Even though this fight would not come to death it would play a major role in his life moving forward.

Acer was the first person or thing that had ever escaped from his shadows. He didn't overpower the shadows, he utilized his powers to avoid from snared in them. Acer is definitely at a different level than the others. He is going to be difficult.

Eric manipulated the situation for them to fight at night. This would give him an advantage. No one has seen a shadow power before which gives him an edge in a fight. He was hoping that this case was no different.

He was sure that Acer wouldn't come alone. That's what people like him do. They never fight fair and always want victory. If he fought in the dark, he would have a better chance to deal with more than one person.

Eric tried to mediate to grow his power before the fight. But that prevailed to no end. He couldn't keep his concentration. Every time he got to the point he could see the energy of his powers his mind would be clouded with thoughts of his mother. Then it would go to all the people who treated them horribly. It didn't stop there, it would then go to his brother and sister. How they never seemed to care about Mom.

When she died they still didn't do any to show that they ever cared.

'Could people be that selfish and uncaring? Even to their own mother?' He thought.

As this thought occupied his mind anger would swell up. "Damn them!" He shouted hitting the bed, by slamming down his fist.

He would just lay there in silence until he calmed down. One thing he noticed when he tried to meditate was that his energy was acting differently than before. Even though he could only see it for a few seconds it was different.

The energy was usually swirling in his center, where his belly button would be. This time it was there, but instead of swirling, it was pulsing throughout his body. This seemed odd to him. 'Could it be reacting to my emotions?' He speculated to himself.

Throughout the day Hurst, Smith, and Vincent would ask him if he was ok. He told them he needed to be left alone. They knew something was up but respected his wish. Eric didn't tell anyone. As of right now, the only ones at the academy that knew were the instructors and himself.

Night finally arrived. As soon as everyone was asleep he decided to use his ability to leave the room so that he would disturb them. This was his problem, not anyone else's.

< -3 RP>

< 77/80>

He vanished from his bed and appeared on the other side of the room door. It was a pleasant surprise to see that while he was in the dark his power used fewer RP points. After a slight half smile, he was off. He left the barrack and traveled on foot to the place where his life changed. Where he received the system, behind the barracks.

When he arrived at the spot he saw that Acer was already there with his back up against the building with his arms crossed.

"I can't believe the piece of trash came," Acer said with a laugh under his breath.

It seemed that he was alone. Eric could see just fine in the dark. The only light Acer had to see was from a light pole that was far off in the distance. The light was so far away that it didn't affect the dark where they were. Eric couldn't see anyone.

'He might be by himself, but that doesn't mean others would come later,' Eric thought.

"What is your problem? Why are you treating me like garbage?" Eric asked.

"Hahaha. That's because you are trash," Acer said laughing even after he spoke.

"Screw you!"

With that statement, Eric could feel the temperature in the area drop. With that feeling, Eric knew that the began.

< Scan activated>

< Congratulations Scan is now level 2>

< Name - Justin Acer>

< Class - Novice Mage>

< Ability - Ice>

< Level - 5>

< HP 45/45>

< New Quest: Defeat Justin Acer for Reward>

The ability leveling up was a surprise. Receiving a quest with an unknown reward piqued Eric's curiosity. This gave him more of a reason to beat him to a pulp.

Eric started running toward Acer.

"Bring trash!" Acer yelled.

Eric jumped up pulling his arm back for a haymaker punch.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<74/80 RP>

He vanished before Acer's eyes and appeared behind him throwing his punch at the back of his head. A wall of ice instantly emerged between the both of them. His fist hit the wall cracking the ice wall, but only where his fist was, leaving a small dent.

The sturdiness of this wall was a testament to Acer's power.

"You teleporters are all the same, behind the enemy," Acer said.

Ice spikes shot out of the wall two aimed at Eric's chest and 1 for for his stomach.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<71/80 RP>

Eric wasn't expecting the spikes to come out of the wall. He has become adept at using his shadow step ability, escaping from being punctured. This might not be to the death this is going to get him closer to it than he would like if he isn't careful.

This time he appeared on the side of Acer throwing another punch aiming for the side of Acer's face. That's when he noticed that Acer had created an ice spike over his hand and was thrusting his hand across his body towards Eric's stomach. Acer must have anticipated this move of Eric's because the spike was going to hit before his punch.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<68/80 RP>

Eric reappeared in front of Acer, ten feet away. But once again, Acer already had predicted his movement. He already launched two floating ice spikes that looked like a medieval lance at Eric.

< Shadow Wall activated>

< -3 RP>

<65/80 RP>

The shadows around Eric suddenly had a purple hue and sprung up forming a wall. The Spike pierced the was showing on the other side, but the spikes stopped.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<62/80 RP>

He appeared off to the side putting Acer in his sights, but still trying to maintain the distance. Acer has proved to be dangerous when close up, but that didn't negate the fact that he was still dangerous at a distance as well.

Ice has shown to be a very versatile power. Acer has also shown that he has a lot more experience in fighting people who have powers.

< Shadow Manipulation activated>

Purple-hued shadows shot up and wrapped around Acer's arms, then started wrapping around his legs.

"Ice Armor!" Acer yelled.

Ice started to form around his body. Once it was fully formed he pulled his arm trying to break away from the shadows. There wasn't a sound but the shadow snapped and what shadow that was around his arm faded. The other end of the shadow just sunk back into the darkness.

< -3 RP>

Acer did the same thing with his other arm.

< -3 RP>

Eric decided to let him go. He could afford to waste his RP trying to hold him. Once the shadow loosened its grip on Acer, Eric moved into action.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<53/80 RP>

Eric stood in front of Acer and punched him right in the jaw. Acer's head jerked back making him stumble. Eric knew he had to keep up the momentum to beat him.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<50/80 RP>

He appeared to the side of Acer and threw a punch. Acer held up his arm blocking the attack, but this time Eric expected this. He was experienced in hand-to-hand combat due to his boxing lessons from when he was a child. He already had an uppercut ready and it landed beautifully. Acer's head went straight up and stumbled backward. He remained on his feet. Eric could tell that Acer struggled with his foot this time.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<47/80 RP>

He came behind him and threw a strike at his kidney. It landed and he could hear a groan of pain come from his enemy, bringing a sense of satisfaction.

< Shadow Step activated>

< -3 RP>

<44/80 RP>

He was now at the side that Acer leaned to after getting hit in the kidneys. He did a jab-reverse-hook combo quickly. All three punches landed. Acer couldn't keep his balance or footwork and fell.

'Yes! It's over,' Eric thought.

But with that thought ice covered his feet. He tried to move, but he wouldn't budge.

< Shadow Step Failed>

'Is this because I'm stuck?' Eric asked himself.