Charlotte and Alice

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the rustling trees, where the melodic songs of birds filled the air. It was midday in the forest, and an enchanting atmosphere enveloped the scene. Towering majestically was "Never Rest," a mountain that rose like a pillar toward the heavens. Ancient and steadfast, it had withstood the sands of time.

At the top of this mountain stood a graceful figure: a woman draped in flowing robes that danced with the wind. The fabric clung to her form, accentuating her curvaceous silhouette, as if she had been sculpted with divine intent. Her black hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, while two delicate black horns crowned her head, adding to her charm. Her deep black eyes held the mysteries of forgotten stars, and her skin, smooth and pale as morning mist, radiated an allure both captivating and unrestrained.

In her hand, she clutched an intricately carved staff, its surface glimmering with ancient runes. As she began to speak, syllables of a long-lost incantation flowed from her lips, weaving an invisible spell. The air crackled with energy, and the powerful words lingered, slipping through minds like grains of sand. A shiver coursed through her, as a reminder of her waning soul energy, even as the magic surged around her, vibrant and alive.

In an instant, she completed the incantation.

"Tier 4 Super Spell: Star Piercer."

A colossal magic circle materialized, spanning the radius of the city, shimmering in the air. It began to devour mana like a ravenous beast.

In a heartbeat, it was ready.

Countless spears, as sharp as needles and radiating a brilliant blue hue, materialized from its surface, channeling the very might of the heavens.

Then, they rained down upon the land.




In a heartbeat, spears plunged into the ground, striking like raindrops, sending clouds of dust soaring towards the heavens. The earth quaked, mountains shuddered, and trees were uprooted as deep craters formed where the weapons fell. As the dust began to settle, a figure emerged—dazzling and radiant, her expression unwaveringly serious, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just erupted.

This was Charlotte, known widely as the Blood Queen of the Beast Forest.

Charlotte surveyed the chaos around her, disappointment flickering in her deep, dark eyes as she shook her head.

"It's been four months, and I still haven't mastered the spell Mother left me. Am I really that untalented? Am I truly that weak?" She swallowed hard, her voice trembling.

"At my age, Mother could conjure twenty thousand spears with this spell. And yet, here I am, struggling to manage even five thousand." Another heavy sigh escaped her cherry red lips.

Charlotte's mother, Lady Catarina, was a prodigy hailing from a powerful ancient clan known for producing gods in the void. Such clans were rare, with only a handful remaining in this generation. At fifteen, Catarina awakened her ancient bloodline, transforming into a dazzling star. However, her brilliance sparked envy and jealousy among her siblings.

Consumed by their resentment, they schemed to kill her. Outside the clan, she faced attackers and barely escaped with her life. That battle tested her limits, forcing her to use many forbidden spells, which severely injured her soul and drained her lifespan.

When she finally arrived in the Dragon God Continent, Catarina was like a spent candle. To her despair, she discovered she was pregnant. Drawing on every ounce of her remaining strength, she gave birth to Charlotte. Tragically, the two only had ten years together before Catarina passed away. On her deathbed, she revealed the truth of her past to Charlotte, ensuring that her daughter would understand the legacy she inherited.

"On my mother's deathbed, I vowed to repay her kindness. I felt a burning hatred for those who inflicted pain on her; I wanted them to suffer. I swore to seek revenge on all who had tortured her. But now, forty years later, I'm still not strong enough. I still haven't awakened my bloodline. I'm still just that useless little girl."

Tears streamed down Charlotte's cheeks as memories of the past flooded back. The blood queen, whose name instilled fear, cried like a little girl. She clenched her fists, frustrated by her own weakness. Taking a deep breath, she began her slow, graceful descent down the mountain, wiping away her tears along the way.

She had to keep a strong front, not just for herself, but for Alice as well. Unlike most humans, Charlotte possessed a unique bloodline—so dense that small horns had begun to sprout from her head. Because of this, others regarded her with confusion and fear. They often questioned whether she was human or something else entirely, leading to years of teasing and isolation. There were moments when she herself wondered: Was she really human, or merely a beast in human skin?

During this confusing time, her mother had been her only support. She reassured Charlotte that she was indeed human, explaining that those with powerful ancient bloodlines sometimes developed unique characteristics. "Don't hide or feel ashamed of what makes you different," she would say. "You are beautiful, and you should embrace that."

Her mother's words filled Charlotte with warmth and a sense of belonging, even as she faced the judgment and fear of others.


The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the rugged terrain at the base of the mountain. The air was rich with the scent of damp earth and the whisper of rustling leaves. Towering pines stood sentinel, their ancient limbs reaching upward as if yearning to touch the heavens.

Beneath the imposing mountain, an enchanting elven girl stood poised, captivating every gaze that fell upon her. Her long silver hair tumbled down her back in cascading waves, framing a delicate, ethereal face. Her piercing emerald eyes sparkled with a blend of mischief and ancient wisdom, inviting both wonder and intrigue.

Clad in exquisite armor—a harmonious fusion of shimmering metal and supple leather—she presented a striking silhouette. Each piece accentuated her graceful form, allowing for agile movement while enhancing her innate beauty.

At her waist hung a magnificent sword. Its blade shimmered with an otherworldly glow, runes etched along its length pulsating softly, hinting at the powerful magic contained within. More than just a weapon, it was an artifact of unparalleled might. This radiant warrior was Alice, a devoted servant and cherished friend to Charlotte.

A playful smile bloomed on her face as she saw Charlotte silhouette get closer and closer. When she was close enough, she began clapping and singing praises.

"My lady, your might is as magnificent as the heavens," she said in a fanatical, almost worshipful voice

"This little girl always exaggerates things," Charlotte thought, shaking her head

"It's nothing special; I still have a long way to go," Charlotte said modestly.

"There's no need to be humble, my lady. You are the youngest Tier 4 advanced mage on the entire continent! Even the ancient sorcerers from the palace didn't achieve that rank at your age. Your talent knows no bounds; it is as high as the heavens," Alice said, eager to uplift her mistress's spirits.

A smile bloomed on Charlotte's face, her cheeks flushing a shade of red. She felt proud of her progress, but a nagging thought lingered—was it fast enough to satisfy her ambitions?

"You're overpraising me," Charlotte said, blushing slightly.

"It's the truth, my lady; this servant has merely revealed what was already there." Alice smiled gently.

Charlotte paused, cleared her throat, and spoke, her voice weighty and serious.

"Alice, I've struggled to awaken my bloodline through conventional means. At forty, I still feel young, but time is running out. Have you found suitable candidates for the task?"

Alice frowned, and a look of frustration and hesitation flickered in her eyes.

"My lady, do you truly need to do this? Is there no other way? The thought of those fifty humans enjoying your tender flesh makes me feel... disgusted," Alice said, her fist clenched in frustration. There's one thing she hates more than anything, and that is humans.

Alice was born in the elven high kingdom on the Silver Elf continent. As a young noble, she lived a life of privilege, but her family's fortunes changed when a conflict erupted among the nobility. After losing the struggle for power, Alice and her family were forced to flee for their lives.

Their journey was fraught with peril, as they faced many dangerous beasts that claimed most of their soldiers' lives. By the time they reached the human continent, the nearest haven to the elven lands, only three soldiers remained to protect them.

When they arrived, their magnificent beauty drew the greed of many. They were hunted by humans, captured, and sold into slavery. Alice was taken by a young noble who forced her into the most humiliating acts, violating her repeatedly. At just fifteen, Alice suffered immensely, her hatred for humans growing like a relentless storm. Yet, what could she do? She was a fragile girl.

Her fate took a darker turn when her master brought her and others to the battlefield of the Beast Invasion. There, humans fought to conquer the beast-infested forest. Her master forced her to strip in public, commanding her to crawl on the ground while she satisfied him. He took pleasure in the cheers of the soldiers as he violated her. For Alice, though, the moment was filled only with despair and deep humiliation.

As the war reached its climax, Charlotte, the witch of the forest, made her fearsome appearance. From the depths of the shadows, a legion of beasts emerged, each one a creature she had tamed over the years while living among the trees.

Each beast ranked three or above radiated a savage aura, their eyes gleaming with a primal hunger for blood. Together, they formed a mighty force, but it was Charlotte who spread terror in their wake.

With a mere wave of her staff, thousands of soldiers were struck down, their lives extinguished in an instant, and blood rained. In just a few hours, millions lay dead, their screams echoing in the air as she sowed havoc among the remaining humans.The few survivors scattered in every direction, but there was no escaping the relentless hunt of her beasts.

Amidst the chaos, Alice lay helpless, awaiting her own demise. When Charlotte approached her, she extended a hand. "Pitiful thing," she said softly. "You have suffered greatly. Come and be my servant. I promise to treat you well."

From that day forward, Alice became Charlotte's loyal servant. She vowed to protect her mistress and trained tirelessly to grow strong, driven by the determination to one day defend her against any threat.

Charlotte shook her head, her expression torn.

"Alice, I don't want to do this either, but it's the only way. During the full moon, I need to sleep with a male virgin who hasn't reached the age of twenty to awaken my bloodline."

"But my lady, this is dangerous. How can we be sure it will work? What if you can't awaken your bloodline after sacrificing yourself?" Alice urged, her voice trembling with panic.

"If I fail, then it was meant to be," Charlotte said, her voice heavy with emotion.

"Okay, my lady, I'll try harder. The problem is, I haven't found any strong men worthy of you. Most of the ones I've encountered are just commoners with no talent or future," Alice grimaced.

"It doesn't matter, Alice. Commoners will do just fine. We don't have time. I need to reach tier 5 quickly so I can enter the Void and search for my mother's clan." A savage aura, filled with killing intent, blossomed around her.

"I'll make sure they regret the day they schemed against her."

Alice broke into a cold sweat. Charlotte was kind, but anything related to her mother's clan—and the source of her bloodline—turned her into a lioness ready to pounce.

"I understand, my lady. I'll find you the strongest and most talented commoner available."

As they were talking, a brilliant beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, slicing through the heavens. A colossal crack tore open the fabric of space, and the radiant light landed in the northern part of the forest.

Charlotte and Alice stood frozen, their eyes wide and mouths agape in astonishment.