Female conquering sytem

Female conquering sytem

Fantasy10 Chapters10.5K Views
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Michael has committed a huge sin, and the gods have placed a powerful curse on him as punishment.

Watch as Michael desperately tries to become stronger to reduce the effects of the curse and seek revenge against the gods for cursing him and separating him from his sister, as well as against the system for treating him like a slave.


Mission: Conquer the eleven queen

Duration: Three months

Punishments: Erectile dysfunction

Note: Elves are a prideful race and look down on humans as lowly beings. Good luck in getting the elven queen to cheat on her husband.

Rewards: ???

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Hello everyone, this is Burn the Heavens. Like any new author, I had high ambitions of making it big on Web Novel, sharing my story with millions of people, and creating a name for myself. But unfortunately, I don't think that is longer possible, and here is why. "At the age of six, I was affected by a rare eye disease. My parents and doctors at that time did everything in their power to save my eyes, but unfortunately, they failed and only managed to calm the rampaging disease down." The disease made my eyes hypersensitive to light, so sensitive that my room most of the time is dimly lit. When I'm walking during a bright sunny day, I have to wear sunglasses to prevent it from irritating my eyes. This has been my life, and over time, I got used to it and became very normal. Until I decided to write a novel, and that’s when all hell broke loose. And here is why. "Writing a novel is messy because our minds don't think in a linear way, so when you write, oftentimes your writing is chaotic and doesn't make sense, and this is when you as an author have to read your work, remove trash, rewrite what you think makes sense, and store away what you feel is too far ahead until its use is needed." And this process of calming chaos and mixing together different fragments so they make sense is called editing. Now, the problem with editing is that it takes a very long time to do. For me, it takes a full day to edit 2k words, from morning to midnight. Now, here is the problem. Spending so much time on screen has irritated my sensitive eyes to no end. As we speak, they are burning, puffy, and swollen, and I have to use ice every minute to cool them down. This irritation was caused by this novel. As much as I love this novel, and as much as I want to continue with it, I think my health is more important than it, because if I don't stop writing it, the irritation will get worse and worse. And who knows, I might even go blind. So yes, I'll be spending most of my time writing it in the background since I'm a slave to its ideas, but I will not be posting the story here since that will require editing. And for those who loved the story and supported it, thank you very much. I know you hate hearing this, but I'm powerless in this. I'll try to push for a few chapters, but after that, I'll drop it. This book will not go premium...

a day ago