Chapter 5: Testing AI System Functionality

"That's good," Fan Xing responded, but in his heart he began to do another calculation: "If you don't ask it again, 1 million is nothing for society now, and even buying a suite in Yanghai is not enough."

Finally, he brazenly opened his mouth and said, "Then you are transferring me 10 million, this time to my XX and XX platform's electronic wallet."

"Ok" this time the mobile phone interface did not jump out of the transfer window, and soon the two accounts pushed information to the account of 5 million.

System: "It is recommended to fill up your stock account first, and transfer the money from your electronic account to the stock account these days, so that on the one hand, I can operate the stock, on the other hand, all the funds after the stock transaction are deducted from taxes, even if it is a tax review, you can deal with it yourself, until your property reaches about 1 billion, and the funds are up and running." Those big transfers are easy to do."

1 billion as an ordinary Fan Xing never thought about it, but still maintain a sense of joy, he knew that the sky did not fall pie, but also know how to take people's money to eliminate the truth of disaster, and thought of the other mysterious to their own task, spend a lot of money to do how much things, The other side is willing to take 30 billion of property to talk to themselves about the task that this task must be difficult to do!

30 billion can even make a move to change the world, the heart also gave birth to a little worry, but now the money has been taken, and took 11 million, not to mention 1 billion 30 billion, even if the 11 million in front of you are afraid of their own life can not make it.

"You want to make sure all the money comes from legitimate sources."

System: "It's a must, illegal money also faces multiple scrutiny, and it's hard to deal with these things without real people to help." But now we can do a lot more with your identity."

Hearing this, Fan Xing was a little anxious and even a little afraid, but still shouted out: "No... I don't care about your other behaviors, and I must know about them and only agree with them, such as the source of the money given to me must be legal, the use of my stock account operation is not necessary for the time being, and the use of my identity information to do things must be approved by me."

Fan Xing knew there was nothing it could do to stop it from doing something and finally added: "At least I won't let you use my identity information until you tell me the mission."

System: "OK, that's okay, these things are not urgent, we have a long time"

Although some fear and worry, but more or surprise.

Now it is more than 2 am, but Fan Xing has no sleepiness, tossing and turning on his mobile phone from time to time to open the electronic wallet and bank APP to check the amount inside, in fact, he is more afraid to sleep, he is afraid that all this is like a dream, tomorrow wake up all this will no longer exist.

For an ordinary worker, all this comes too suddenly, and even some illusory, these years in the city to fight in the end nothing, when working in the factory is a busboy, and then do sales every day is nodding and smiling customers, luck for him does not touch any side, this is the real world for him.

Now all he wanted to do was hope that time would pass quickly, and that it would be dawn before he could not wait to go to the bank and withdraw the money.

Like suddenly thought of something, Fan Xing turned up and pressed the pillow under him to support the body and climbed up, he opened the shopping website, clothes, shoes, the latest mobile phone, and even ordered a computer with the highest configuration, usually want to buy but have no money to buy, want to eat but can not afford to eat, a set of operations down to spend tens of thousands of dollars.

Then looking at the time of 2:30 in the morning, thinking about how much money can be spent on eating, drinking and wearing, he always felt that these things would disappear, to make these things into things to be at ease, and then opened the payment platform, bought 500,000 gold, and then opened the bank APP to buy some regular financial products, looking at the bank and the platform constantly sent SMS notifications, Counting a sum of money, looking at the gradually changing balance of the heart has some little comfort, although the heart is still full of anxiety, and then looked at the house, thinking about buying a big house can't run away...

Although the summer night in August is short, but also hot and dry, Fan Xing's heart is more anxious, the air conditioner turned on cool, turned off the heat, the body woke up, tossing and turning in bed, and like thinking of something, did not sleep long Fan Xing climbed out of bed again, 3:40, and turned on the phone.

Fan Xing did not know how to summon the system, so he tentatively shouted "Are you still there?"


It seems that he can always maintain the voice recognition state, Fan Xing thought in his mind, but he did not care too much, and then opened the game.

This is the current popular shooting survival game, players online match into a closed map, looking for scattered equipment on the map can survive to the last player victory.

Then Fan Xing asked, "Can you make the game script?"

"Yes, it's easy. I don't even need to do a separate script. I can control it."

"Okay, you try." Then Fan Xing released the operation key, the system took over the operation, and then searched for equipment in the room. Fan Xing stared at the screen like watching a video or live broadcast, and almost all the players with dew points were destroyed in the first time when fighting with the players. Fan Xing was surprised: "This will not be identified as a plug-in?" and said to himself, "Oh, this is originally a plug-in ah."

System: "No, I know what you are talking about, is to modify the script or interfere with the operation of the original game system, change the equipment properties, or scan and lock other players, and I am normal operation to play the game, my scanning speed can synchronize the game frame number, the game refresh number is 62, I can make 62 decisions, and will not modify the game value." It will not lock other players, the normal reaction is 0.3 seconds, this time screen has about 60 frames, so the operation of people basically will not exceed my scanning speed.

Fan Xing was even more surprised... After the use of the system to play for an hour each game can win, in fact, most of the time Fan Xing does not have any operation, just in the command system, gradually also feel boring and replaced a game, this kind of game is basically a routine, play strange explosive installation upgrade to enhance combat power. Fan Xing continued to ask: "What about this kind of game, can also modify the operation?"


Fan Xing enters the level map and then asks: "Can this equipment burst rate be modified?"

System: "Yes, but I can have a simpler way, which is to directly let 0.01% of the probability of dropping the best equipment happen, the game drop rate is the system value, if it is changed, it may be discovered by the game company, but I can modify your account personal information, equipment attributes, and enhancement level."

Fan Xing: "Won't they get caught?"

System "No, I can modify the game company server information, most game companies will store 2-3 historical version data, in case of an accident for data backtracking, or back file, I synchronously modify all the archived data, so that all equipment looks normal, of course, can not modify too obvious, For example, there is a significant gap in fighting power with the recharge account...

At 4 am, Fan Xing finally couldn't resist the exhaustion of his body and closed his eyes in a daze.

Wake up again is more than 10 o 'clock, wake up like a sudden thought of what sudden get up and sit on the bed, then began to look for the mobile phone, see the bedside table did not, lift under the pillow also did not, the heart panicked up, but thought yesterday was holding the mobile phone to sleep should be in the quilt, then stood up and grabbed the quilt shake up, That's when the phone slammed out and fell to the floor with a clatter.

Fan Xing hurriedly picked up his phone, and the first thing he did after unlocking it was to open the bank APP and find that there was no problem with hundreds of thousands of deposits, and then opened the e-wallet respectively, and there was no problem with fund stocks.

Fan Xing copy out of bed side of the pants clothes, at this time he still have an idea is to go to the bank to verify, pants wear to half he seems to think of what, and then touch the phone, after unlocking the dialer to enter 95... Then he stopped again and said into his phone, "You... Are you still there?"


Fan Xing went to the window, opened the curtain to see the traffic on the road outside, the roadside breakfast stall, the joy in the heart again on the cheek. Then he says to his phone, "I'm going to call the bank and check my account information."


After getting a reply, Fan Xing dialed back to the bank, and confirmed that there was no problem with his bank account through the manual service and that the money transfer last night was normal.


In the following few days, Fan Xing bought all the items he wanted to buy that needed to be replaced every day in addition to brushing the shopping website at home. Then, he conducted various tests on the system. In addition to playing games, he put forward various requirements for the system to complete.

Each test also surprised Fan Xing. A few days later, he found that the system could do things far beyond his expectations, such as being able to access a variety of network monitoring at will, hacking into other people's mobile phones at will, and even hacking into some companies to obtain secrets. The first try felt exciting, and the second try felt a little afraid, although the system told him not to worry. Will not leave any records, Fan Xing is still a little worried, the heart is also secretly so that now he has money, there is no need to touch these edge things more meaningless.

Then he went to the bank every day to withdraw a sum of cash. At first he wondered if the system would one day transfer all the money from his account. Like a thief, he always wanted to hide the money that fell from the sky in the safest place.

Sometimes he was also afraid that the system was not someone watching him, twice deliberately turned off the mobile phone to play no power and then withdraw money, but then thought it was very funny, even if he turned off the machine, he could also monitor himself by other means, so the guard gradually relaxed.

Fan Xing went to the company twice, as usual to stay until eight or nine in the evening, but now is busy to eight or nine, not as relaxed and comfortable as before, before the day to deal with orders at night, in fact, most of the time orders are not much, more is not willing to go home, lonely and boring, it is better to stay in the company, at least on the surface can take work to comfort themselves.

These two days, on the one hand, put some money into the company, in short, want to put a little where you can hide money, cunning rabbit holes, if one day this system is not reliable, you will not be too embarrassed.

On the other hand, it is also to continue to test and understand the system, Fan Xing opened this company is the distribution of electronic products mainly for the customer group is the enterprise unit, now rely on the network platform to promote sales, so there is no physical store, network promotion as long as you spend money to push their products to the platform home or front. Fan Xing made this request for the system is a piece of cake, so the two days of passenger flow like water, busy from day to night.

Two days, the company's account came in at $500,000, $600,000. Order, invoice, purchase, shipment, packing, express delivery, these work are all done by himself, which makes him a little tired. Net profit down probably earned a hundred thousand dollars, usually a month also earned a hundred thousand dollars, although just two days to earn a hundred thousand dollars, but earn more work is more, and finally Fan Xing compromise.