Chapter 6: Interstellar express delivery

Fan Xing thought in his heart: "These two days tired into a dog, although I earned a hundred thousand, but it is better to go to the bank every day to take money out of the system."

Think about it in a different position, if you want to do five or six hundred thousand orders, the light platform promotion costs also have to spend ten or twenty thousand, fuck capitalists lying on my money, in the end or a worker, in thinking about these years of working life, their life in this city is suffering, obviously every day in the effort, but in the end or nothing.

They live every day to have just three meals a day, even if the loan to buy a house is not their own, until the loan house became their own when they were 60 or 70 years old, this life to the bank and real estate agents to work shit. Now it's a pie in the sky, I can lie flat, why do I have to live so tired, I not only lie flat, even if the head is bleeding, I still have to steadily catch this pie."

Thinking of these Fan Xing let the system cancel the promotion, he decided to accept all this for the time being, although the real life of nearly 30 years told him that there is no something in the world for nothing, get what you have to pay the corresponding value, he also knew that one day he would have to pay for it, but he could not control so much. Even if it is illegal, he has spent so much money in the past few days, even if one day someone asks him to pay off his debt, he can't pay it.

Moreover, there are so many people in this world who were born rich and prosperous, and those capital families even if they do not do anything every day, their benefits are difficult for ordinary people to get a lifetime, and those bad people who illegally obtain benefits, there is always impunity. He doesn't care if it's a pie or a trap, he's in it and he doesn't struggle, he accepts it.

Fan Xing says into his phone: "I accept"


Fan Xing: "No matter what kind of cause and effect I will suffer in the future, I will accept the task"

Then he lay down on the bed and fell asleep. The system responded with a smiley face on the phone, but there was no sound, and Fan Xing did not see it.

The next morning the phone rang a few voices of news, perhaps these two days too tired Fan Xing did not wake up.

The system did not get a response from Fan Xing, so the bell rang, Fan Xing was woken up, picked up the phone to see only the bell, no phone came in, think of that night, he knew that the system was calling himself.

But these days, except for that night, it is he who orders the system to do things, never take the initiative to call him, which means that the system needs him to do things.

But counting the time today is only 8 days, and there are still 2 days left from the said mission execution time, what will it be?

Nervously, Fan Xing picked up his phone and asked, "Is that you?"

System: "Yes"

"Is it mission related?"

"Yes, it's the Courier."

"Express? What delivery, the stuff I bought?"

I bought so many things online before, and I did receive a lot of express delivery these days, but the system did not notify me specifically, Fan Xing wondered. No, No, No! Express delivery? ! How can a system send a package?! Then someone sent it to himself. Isn't he the system? Someone's behind it? Since it is express that time also must be able to find the shipper, or do not say these questions.

System: "No. Is the express of the activation permission."

"I thought it would take 10 days."

"Arrived tomorrow afternoon, a day early."

"What's in the delivery?"

"One host"

"host?" What host? What host is the system running on? This is not surprising, dispelled the doubt Fan Xing continued to say "Do you have the tracking number, or let me know when you arrive?"

"You need to pick it up yourself, the express is currently in the East domestic Sea area, I have planned the route, tomorrow afternoon you can go according to the route I give you."

"By sea? If it is shipped by sea, it has to go through customs. Is it to the dock? Isn't delivery supposed to be door-to-door?" Fan Xing fired off a series of questions with some misgivings.

"It's not customs, it's not express in the ordinary sense that you think, you'll find out when you get it,"

Hear this Fan Xing also did not ask, anyway, a host just, nothing at the time to take is. The important thing is to notice or track down the sender.

In spite of this, Fan Xing still had some pain in his heart, and finally at 5 p.m. the next day, the mobile phone prompt sounded again: "I have received the host's positioning information, and the route has been planned for you," and then the map popped up, marking the location in the sea.

Yanghai is a first-tier coastal city, and he has been here for nearly 10 years since he went to school, so he is very familiar with this city. He can see the location marked on the map at a glance, which is already a suburb on the edge of the city. If he looked closely, there are no villages around it, and only a coastal road leads to another city.

But the punctuation isn't on the road, it's in the sea.

"The sea? Is that right?" How can someone send the express to there, is it really smuggling, impossible, it said before, and here is the inland sea how can someone dare to smuggle here, even the East Sea Fleet in Yanghai City, said that there is smuggling in other places can also say the past, if there is smuggling here is impossible to kill, think of here Fan Xing edge did not care.

"Yes, it is estimated that the 56 km drive is about 1 hour, and the main engine is expected to reach the shore in 2 hours, and it is just right to start now."

"Okay, I'll drive over... But do you need anything else? Just take it and come back?"

"Yes, you can get back, the basic information of the host: size 90cm*30cm * 20cm, weight 60kg, you can see what you need to prepare according to the host information."

Fan Xing estimates that the size of the host, 60 kilograms, is about his own weight, and the specific gravity is a little heavier than water.

Then the voice on the phone continued: "I have planned the most hidden route, but you should try to hide the host when you get it back, and it is best not to let others see."

Hearing this, Fan Xing's face looked like he had eaten a fly. There is an implicit curse in the heart: fuck, just a host? How does it sound like something to be ashamed of? Fan Xing did not say it, or plan to go step by step.

About an hour out of the city car, gradually no high-rise buildings, buildings are small farm buildings here is not like a village, more like a resort for rich people. Although Fan Xing has lived in Yanghai City for many years, he only does activities in the downtown area, and goes out to play in the beach and seaside park in the south of the city, which is the first time that he has come to such a far suburban area. Fan Xing thinks that Yanghai City is a first-line coastal tourism economy city. Even the suburbs are far better off than their rural hometowns. So it doesn't look like a rural part of a big city at all.

In a few moments the car came to Beach Road. This is a coastal highway from northeast to southwest. The sun was setting and a golden light was shining through the car window. The sea is also glittering, a few fishing boats leisurely floating in the sea. "When I get rich, I'll come here and buy a little yard. In the purchase of a boat, do not have to be too big, do not have to professional fishing, catch fish and shrimp every day enough to eat on the line, the surplus to neighbors. Ptooey. Wouldn't I be rich now? It's just... Hey! Life will inevitably difficult to smooth ah! It is difficult to calm down!"

The sound of navigation changing lanes interrupted Fan Xing's thoughts. Fan Xing lamented that "the sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk".

The system replied, "Tang Dynasty poet, Li Shangyin's poems are written in the Yuan."

Fan Xing did not reply but smiled ruefully.

Fan Xing then followed the directions off the main highway and turned onto a village road. Still driving along the seaside path in front of the village, I saw a supermarket fishing gear as I was about to pull out of the village. Fan Xing seemed to think of something, and then pulled over at the door of the store.

"Destination not yet" is displayed.

"I am ready for a moment" then picked up the mobile phone to get off and walked to the supermarket, Fan Xing walked into the supermarket and turned around to the goods area of the backpack, and found that the students' schoolbags were not enough to hold 90cm items, and carrying the schoolbag was also a little awkward.

The shopkeeper asked, "What do you want to find? I can find it for you."

Fan Xing just wanted to say to find a bag, but felt wrong. For a stranger to come to the village and tell the shopkeeper to buy a backpack that is one meter long, it is a bit inappropriate, it always feels like you are doing something secretly. Then a glance saw the fishing gear next to it said: "fishing rod fishing gear"

Fishing gear but violent products ah, the owner can come to the spirit, then smile to meet: "Fishing gear on this side, what do you want, how long rod?" Want a sea pole?" .

Fan Xing think this thing must be a profiteering product, otherwise the owner will not be so attentive, then went to the corner of the fishing rod merchandise area. "5 meters of sea pole, there is no set of a package of that".

"Yes, yes," the owner then pulled out a long bag from the shelf, and then opened the zipper to introduce the things inside "5 meters fishing rod, main line, fishing hook, fish guard..."

Fan Xing looked at the fishing gear bag, thinking that the length was enough but still a little small, so he asked: "Is there a 6.5 meters and then pack a larger, more convenient storage, or messy things will make the car very dirty?"

"Some" shopkeeper and tiptoe from the shelf above pulled down a larger bag, still open to introduce the contents here.

Fan Xing listened patiently and then asked, "How much?"

"450 and two packets of bait for you."

"Cheaper point" Fan Xing pretended to bargain, casually said, in fact, the price for him has no matter.

"Minimum 430"

Fan Xing did not immediately respond, do a full set of drama to do, "Is there a small miscellaneous fish or shrimp what?"

"Yes, there is some left over from yesterday's fishing, frozen in the refrigerator, I will bring you some later."

Fan Xing was polite to the shopkeeper for a while, then paid the money, took the things and continued on his way. After leaving the village, the road was bumpy and continued to drive for about ten minutes, and finally reached the destination indicated on the phone.

Fan Xing saw a vacant lot next to the concrete road, and there were wheel prints on the ground. There should have been fishing people here from time to time. Fan Xing parked his car in the open space on the side of the road, at this time, the sunset on the sea is about to dip into the sea, which also indicates that it is about to fall into the night.

Fan Xing got off the bus and emptied the bag of fishing gear he had just bought. Fishing gear was thrown into the trunk. Then he pretended to pick up a fishing rod and walked to the shore. From the road to the sea is a rocky beach. Fan Xing faces the sea, and looking further away, there are people fishing in the distance of four or five kilometers on the right, but the distance is basically like a match man. The beaches on both sides of him are also reefs, extending two or three kilometers to the left and right, and with the undulation of the waves, you can see the reefs in the water. Maybe it's not a good fishing place, so there's not a lot of people.

Fan Xing looked at several fishing boats and small boats in the distance, but they were too far away from him. By this time, the sun had completely set, and the red glow left in the west illuminated the sea, but it could not suppress the darkness coming from the east. Fan Xing felt that the time was almost up, but still did not see the delivery ship coming, so he asked into his mobile phone: "Has it arrived? Why no ship is coming?"

"Soon, it is expected to be 12 minutes, it is not a boat, it is in the water" Then a red dot is displayed on the map of the mobile phone, and carefully look slowly towards the location of Fan Xing, showing that there are 625 meters.

Fan Xing is a little surprised. In the water? Someone delivering from the water? A diver? Or an unmanned submersible? See soon Fan Xing also did not ask.

When the mobile phone shows 31 meters, Fan Xing can vaguely see what objects swim in the water, there is no splash, this scene is like watching the torpedo in the war movie or something, watching this scene and thinking about the shape of the host immediately feel some uncomfortable.