Chapter 25 Ranking

Chapter 25 Ranking

Referee: "In fourth place, we have Kartikey Atri from Harappa, reaching the 16th floor!"

Kartikey raised his hand in acknowledgment, receiving applause from the spectators.

Referee: "Following in fifth place is Pranay , who also reached the 16th floor!"

Pranay gave a humble nod, grateful for the support.

Referee: "Rakshsha Angiras from Ujjain, reaching the 15th floor, secures the sixth position!"

The audience continued to applaud, showing their appreciation for Rakshsha's efforts.

Referee: "Mrityunjay reached the 13th floor "

The friends exchanged glances as all the members of Bhoj city including Mrityunjay all are in under 100, they are appreciating the journey they had undertaken together.

Referee: "These are the 100 top performers of the first phase of the competition. Congratulations to all the participants for their valiant efforts!"