Chapter 44 Panchabhuta Rakshasa Part-I

Chapter 44 Panchabhuta Rakshasa Part-I

Satisfied with his choice of campsite, Karn nimbly began setting up for the night ahead. He affixed strong lengths of vine between several branches, interweaving them into a snug, suspended hammock.

From his pack, he retrieved a tightly furled tarpaulin canopy that could be erected overhead to provide shelter from rain or falling debris.

Karn "this will be good to rest"

With his personal camp area secured, Karn turned his focus outwards, scanning the forest floor for any signs of movement.

Though the hunting grounds were teeming with constructed beasts, he knew real predators could have wandered in from the surrounding wilderness, drawn by the chaos and scent of battle.

Karn remained vigilant throughout the night, periodically rotating positions to monitor all directions. He allowed himself a few hours of light meditation to restore his aura reserves, but never fully relaxed his guard.